Lakshi Hatake

Age: 28. Clan: Hatake. XP: ???. Rank: B-4. Village: Yukigakure.   Chakra nature: Lightning, +2. Combat style: Close Combat. Background: Branch clan. Saving throws: Dex, wis. Proficiencies: Crafting, Decpetion, Grapple, History, Tracking, Ryo: ???.   Hit die: 17d12. Chakra capacity: 266. Chakra die: 19d6 AC: 19. Max HP: 306. Speed: 105ft. Proficiency bonus: +5   Intiative: +15. Inspiration: 15. Factions: Team 12 (Snow)   Equipment: ???.   Stats & Skills:   Power: 12, +1.   Grapple: +6.   Endurance: 17, +4.   Willpower: +4.   Dexterity: 19, +5, +10.   Sleight of hand: +10.   Stealth: +5.   Wisdom: 21, +6, +11.   Animal handling: +6.   Chakra Control: +11.   Insight: +6.   Perception: +6.   Sensory: +6.   Survival: +6.   Intelligence: 8, -1.   Crafting: +4.   History: +4.   Investigation: -1.   Medicine: -1.   Religion: -1.   Tracking: +4.   Charisma: 8, -1.   Deception: +4.   Diplomacy: -1.   Intimidation: -1.   Performance: -1.   Persuasion: -1.   Seduction: -1.   Combat abilities: 40.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 15. Kinjutsu: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 15. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 10.   Feats: 4.   You have two uses per day on compelled duel, you can compel an enemy to duel you, those in compelled duels focus only on attacking you and vice versa. In a compelled duel each competitor makes only melee weapon attacks or other weapon based abilities/techniques. While in a compelled duel you gain resistance to piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage from normal weapons. This can be used on two targets at once or one target at two separate times. If someone from outside interferes in your compelled duel, the duel and all benefits from it disappear.   Extra attack x3   Add +2 to your rolls when attacking with a melee weapon.   You can dual wield two one-handed weapons of your choice.   Critical hits on melee attacks inflict the bleeding effect.   Once per day if you hit 0hp you can choose to drop to 1hp instead, you can then take a -5 penalty on your next weapon attack but deliver max damage.   You can create C rank weapons & equipment.   You can wield a number of weapons equal to your proficiency modifier.   Extra action x3   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.   Gain advantage on chakra die rolls.   Resistance to cold damage.   Increase your chakra die by 2.   Gain advantage on insight checks on how techniques work.   When hit with a ninjutsu you can negate up to two die of damage if you know the technique.   You can teach others techniques you know, so long as they can use the proper chakra nature.   If you successfully make an unarmed attack against a target you can make another strike as a minor action.   Gain advantage on hit die rolls.   Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 +pow/dex mod + proficiency bonus damage.   If a target makes a melee attack against you, you can use your reaction to block 1d6+endurance mod damage.   If you use your reaction to block an attack you make your next melee attack against that target with advantage.   Techniques known: 60.   E: 15, 3 hit combo, Ball of light technique, Body Flicker Technique, Covert Cut, Dynamic action, Electric Jolt Technique, Electric Shock Needles, Escape Jutsu, Front Slice, Reverse Slash, Static Transfer Technique, Substitution Jutsu, Tearing Blade Drop, Thunder Trap Jutsu, Transformation Jutsu   D: 17, 5 hit combo, Air Lightning Strike, bare handed blade block, Booby Trap Technique, Chakra Punch, Chakra Weapon Enhancement, Crescent Moon Slice, Deception Slice, eletromagnetic murder, Lightning transfer, Senbon Shot, Shadow Clone Jutsu, Substitution Strike, Surface walking technique, Thunder Bullet Jutsu, Thunder Rays Technique, Tired knee,   C: 16, 10 hit combo, Aftershock Technique, Amputation Punishment, Brute Force, Bullet punch, Chain Lightning Bolt, Crushing knee, Hazy Moonlight, Intersection method, Lightning Net Technique, Needle Jizo, Pressure grip, Sickle Dance Plunging Blade, Slobberknocker, Substitution Flurry, Water Walking Technique,   B: 12, Blade Manipulation Jutsu, Brutal Slash, Chakra Blade Slice, chakra disguise, Chakra Weapon Infusion, Feast of Lightning, Flying swallow, Lightning Beast Running Jutsu, Mental Resistance Technique, Shuriken Shadow Clone, Silent Killing Technique, Thunder Panther Technique,   A:   S:   Techniques available: 60,   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B:   A:   S:


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