Land of fire

Name of Country: ???. National wealth level: ???. Civilian population: ???. Empowered Population: ???.   Geography and Landscape: ???.   Ruling Party: ???.   National Politcal Belief: ???.   Primary National Religion: ???.   Current Leader: ???.   Former Leaders: ???.   Major Cities and Settlements: ???.   Minor Cities and Settlements: ???.   Enemies: ???.   Neutral Nations: ???.   Allies: ???.   Imports: ???.   Exports: ???.   Technology Level: ???.   Known Skills and Abilities: ???.   Factions: ???.   Major Clans: ???.   Minor Clans: ???.   National Artifacts: ???.   National Great Beasts: ???.   Known Rogues and Criminals: ???.   National Animal: ???.   National Plant: ???.   National Bird: ???.   National Fish: ???.   Animals found in the area: ???.   Plants found in the area: ???.   Fish found in the area: ???.   Birds in the area: ???.   Local Phenomena: ???.   Myths and Rumors: ???.   National History: ???.


Mostly forested, this land is very bountiful and green with no lack of herbs, wood and various goods this land is considered beautiful by most and though relatively safe in villages there are many hidden dangers in the woods including large beasts and man eating plants.
Included Organizations
Ruling/Owning Rank


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