Laril Roshi

Age: 15. Clan: Jishaku. XP: 2,500. Rank: D-5. Village: Sunagakure.   Chakra nature: Magnet-mercury, fire. Combat style: Mid-range. Background: Main clan. Saving throws: con, wis. Proficiencies: Persuasion, Intimidation, *chakra control, *Perception, Insight, sleight of hand. Ryo: 400.   Hit die: 6d8. Chakra capacity: 102. Chakra die: 6d10. AC: 22. Max HP: 75. Speed: 70ft. Proficiency bonus: +3.   Initiative: +3. Inspiration: +3. Factions: SU team 2.   Death Save DC: 11.   Equipment: ???. Head: (D) Ninja headband, +3 AC, +1 wis. Body: (D) Light armor, +3 AC, +2 int. Left arm: ??? Right arm: ???. Accessory 1: (D) Flame charm, resistance to fire damage. Accessory 2: (D) Explosive charm, resistance to explosive damage. Accessory 3: (D) explosive charm, resistance to explosive damage.   Backpack: ???   Stats & Skills:   Power: 12, +1.   Grapple: +1.   Endurance: 17, +4, +7.   Willpower: +4.   Dexterity: 18, +4, +7.   Sleight of hand: +7.   Stealth: +4.   Wisdom: 21, +6.   Animal handling: +6.   Chakra Control: +12.   Insight: +9.   Perception: +12.   Sensory: +6.   Survival: +6.   Intelligence: 19, +5.   Crafting: +5.   History: +5.   Investigation: +5.   Medicine: +5.   Religion: +5.   Tracking: +5.   Charisma: 15, +3.   Deception: +3.   Diplomacy: +3.   Intimidation: +6.   Persuasion: +6.   Seduction: +3.   Combat abilities: 18.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 5. Genjutsu: 6. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Kinjutsu: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 7. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Feats: 2.   Poisoner: When you make a damage roll that deals toxic damage, it ignores resistance to poison damage. You can apply poison to a weapon or piece of equipment as a minor action.   Genjutsu master: Gain a +2 to your genjutsu skill modifier. Genjutsu that affect an area can have their range doubled.   You can use scrolls as a minor action.   Gain advantage on all future chakra die rolls*.   Seals you place can be camouflaged into items.   Genjutsu applies confused condition to targets that fail their saves.   Genjutsu cast on an unaware opponent gains +2 to its save DC.   Gain +2 to breaking out of genjutsu you know.   You can target one extra person within range with each genjutsu you use.   Ninjutsu can add chakra control skill modifiers to total damage.   When hit with a ninjutsu you can add your chakra control modifier to any save you may make.   Resistance to fire damage.   Techniques known: 18.   E: 5.   Clone Jutsu: The user makes multiple illusionary clones of themselves that can deal no damage but appear to be exact replicas of yourself. Rank: E. Style: Genjutsu. Chakra cost: 5 per clone. Minor Action   Concealed sand sensing: By floating sand or other material through the air you can detect the movement and presence of anything within your range such as invisible or hidden enemies. Every round this is used you can double its radius. Though it allows you to detect them, you see little more than a vague outline and as such can make out very few details. Rank: E. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 5 per round. Range: 25ft radius. minor Action   Restraining Sand Technique: The user sends a wave of sand that pins a target to the wall, making it impossible for the target to move. Rank: E. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 10. Range: 25ft line. Save: 4, grapple. Damage: 3d6 bludgeoning Action   Sand levitation Jutsu: You control a 5x5 cloud of sand and use it to allow you to fly, ignore difficult terrain and ground based traps. These clouds are remotely controlled and additional clouds can be created for allies. Rank: E. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 5 per turn. Reaction   Sand weapon creation: The user creates weapons from their sand and can control them remotely. These weapons deal normal damage. Rank: E. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 10. Range: 50ft reach. Minor Action   D: 13.   Butterfly needle fire: The user makes an illusion where paper bombs are disguised as butterflies, or any alternatives, surround the target area and detonate. Rank: D. Style: Genjutsu. Chakra cost: 25. Range: 25ft radius. Save: 6, wisdom for half damage. Damage: 6d8 explosive. Action   Chakra absorption seal: The user places a special formula that absorbs any nearby chakra from targets within range. All targets within range lose 10 chakra per round. Rank: D. Style: Fuinjutsu. Chakra cost: 20. Range: 50ft radius. Save: 6, con for half chakra loss. Damage: 20 chakra per round. Action   Genjutsu Break: The user releases a great burst of chakra to help break themselves or an ally they can touch from a genjutsu. Rank: D. Style: Genjutsu. Chakra cost: 25. Range: Touch. Save: +6 to the next genjutsu save the target makes. minor Action   Halo Dance: The user covers their weapon in flames before sending a wave of fire at their target. Rank: D. Style: Kenjutsu. Chakra cost: 25. Range: 25ft cone. Save: 6, con vs burn. Damage: 5d8 fire. Action   Hiding in Ash and Fire Technique: You gain temporary immunity to fire and are able to traverse through flames or smoke with no damage or difficulty. You can see with no difficulty and are indectable so long as you remain hidden. Rank: D. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 15 per turn. minor Action   Magnetic attraction mark: You can place a mark on a target of your choice that magnetically attracts your sand to the target, granting disadvantage on saves they make against your techniques and advantage on any attacks you make using the magnet release. Rank: D. Style: Fuinjutsu. Chakra cost: 25. Range: Touch. Minor Action   Phoenix Flower Jutsu: The user sends a flurry of small fireballs over an area dealing damage to any in its path. These fireballs can be filled with shuriken for an added die of piercing damage. Rank: D. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 25. Range: 50ft radius. Damage: 4d8 fire. Action   Protective Armor: You coat your body with a thin layer of material you can manipulate. Your AC is raised by +3. Rank: D. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 10 per turn. Range: Self. Minor Action   Repeated sand shots: The user fires several small sand bullets at a target pushing them backwards. Rank: D. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 25. Range: 25ft cone. Save: 6, str vs being pushed 25ft backwards. Damage: 5d8 piercing Action   Sand clone jutsu: The user creates a clone of sand or other material, when defeated this clone dissolves into a small pool of whatever material was used for its creation. This clone has 1/4th your current HP and chakra capacity. Rank: D. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 25 per clone. Minor Action   Sand Coffin: The user wraps the target's body in a thick layer of sand, restraining them while you are able to freely move them. Rank: D. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 15. Range: 50ft line. Save: 6, str vs grapple. Minor Action   Self Cursing Seal: A seal that when placed on the target restricts their movements and grows tighter if the target tries to move. Rank: D. Style: Fuinjutsu. Chakra cost: 15. Range: Touch. Save: 6, str vs grapple. Damage: 2d8 crushing every time the target attempts to move or take an action. Action   Touch of death technique: By touching a target you quickly begin siphoning all the moisture from their body. Rank: D. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 20 per turn. Range: Touch. Save: 6, grapple check. Damage: 5d8 necrotic per turn. Action C:   B:   A:   S:   Techniques available: 18.


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