Lotus Puppet

Rank: D. Size: Medium. Shape: sphere/beastial. Material: Wood. AC: 17+3. HP: 52 Parts: 8. Pieces: 3. Specialty: ???. Cost: ???.   Part #1: Head. Piece #1: Motion-activated Camera: A motion activated camera that can be activated by any movement within its sight, this will snap several quick pictures as a reaction. Those within range are captured in medium quality, those beyond that are caught in low quality. Rank: D. Range: 50ft cone. Uses: 10 pictures per camera roll. Piece #2: Razor wire: Rank: D. Range: 50ft cone. Damage: 2d8 slashing. Save: 6, con vs bleeding Uses: 2 per short rest. Piece #3: D, air compressor, +5, 50ft cone, 1d8+7 force. 6 pow vs being knocked prone. 2 uses.   Part #2: Body. Piece #1: Poison distributor: A system that flows through the different mechanisms in a puppet to distribute any poison or liquid into every piece, coating all weapons in the substance. Rank: D. Range: Self. Uses: 2 per poison dosage. Piece #2: Magnet: The puppet is equipped with a powerful magnet, melee or ranged attacks made with any form of metal has disadvantage as it is drawn towards the reinforced exterior of the magnet. This deals no damage to the puppet if the weapon is taken. Rank: D. Range: 25ft radius centered on puppet. Save: 6, str vs weapon being taken by the magnet. Piece #3: Storage/prison compartment: An area for personal storage, hiding in, or holding prisoners. Can be used to store 2 human sized creature. Rank: D. Range: Touch. Save: +6 grapple.   Part #3: Right claw. Piece #1: Net launcher: Launches a net at the intended target. Rank: D. Range: 50ft cone. Save: +6 grapple check. Uses: 2 per short rest. Piece #2: Integrated weapon: Any kind of built in or hidden weapon, stats are taken from the most similar weapon available or can be customized if preferable. Attacks with these weapons get +2 to hit and damage. Rank: D. Range: Self. Piece #3: Vacuum tube: A tube or other opening in the puppet is outfitted with a powerful vacuum that can pull objects or targets towards the puppet. Rank: D. Range: 75ft line. Save: 6, str vs being pulled to the puppet 40ft. Uses: 2 per short rest. Part #4: Left claw. Piece #1: Water tank: A tank of water the puppet has access too, can be used for access to water style techniques from your puppet or used to put out small fires. Rank: D. Range: 75ft line. Uses: 2 per tank. Piece #2: Stun Rod: A solid rod of metal that can discharge a powerful electric shock to stun enemies on impact. Rank: D. Range: Melee. Damage: 1d8+5 thunder. Save: 6, pow vs stun. Uses: 2 per short rest. Piece #3: Integrated weapon: Any kind of built in or hidden weapon, stats are taken from the most similar weapon available or can be customized if preferable. Attacks with these weapons get +2 to hit and damage. Rank: D. Range: Self.   Part #5: Left leg. Piece #1: Chakra Shield: A small shield of chakra can be formed to protect the user. Rank: D. Range: Self. Save: +3 AC. Piece #2: Medical equipment: The puppet is equipped with medical equipment, as an action this puppet can make a check to remove 2 effects from an allied target or heal a target within range a small amount. Rank: D. Range: Touch. Damage: 3d6+medicine HP restored per turn. Save: 6+medicine. Piece #3: Sealing tags: Tags that can be imbued with any seal or used for any form of fuinjutsu. Must be replaced after each use. Can only use tags of the appropriate rank. Rank: D. Save: 10, wis. Uses: 1.   Part #6: Right leg. Piece #1: Sealing tags: Tags that can be imbued with any seal or used for any form of fuinjutsu. Must be replaced after each use. Can only use tags of the appropriate rank. Rank: D. Save: 10. Uses: 1. Piece #2: Shuriken launcher: A shuriken based projectile system. Can store 10 shuriken, can be used until empty. Rank: D. Range: 50ft cone. Damage: 2d6+5 slashing. Save: 6, dex for half damage. Piece #3: Chakra cannon: Small cannons that can be placed anywhere but are typically placed in palms or mouths, these cannons are made to send chakra through them and can be used as points for most ninjutsu. Rank: D. Range: 75ft line. Damage: 1d8+5. Save: 6. Uses: 2 per short rest.   Part #7: Tail. Piece #1: ???. Piece #2: ???. Piece #3: ???.   Part #8: Wings. Piece #1: ???. Piece #2: ???. Piece #3: ???.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged


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