Masked beasts

Seiryu: Emerges from a ring bearing the kanji for "Azure."Rank: S-5. Size: Gargantuan. Description: a dragon that resembles a seahorse. Type: Abomination. XP: 100,000. AC: 28.
  Max HP: 1,575. Average damage: 130. Max chakra capacity: 1,200. Speed: 70ft. Initiative: +10.
  Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Fire, toxic, piercing. Immunities: Cold, suffocation.
  Special abilities: The beast recovers 3d12+30 HP and chakra at the start of every round.
  Intimidating presence: DC 25 charisma save, targets that fail make attacks at disadvantage and suffer a -10 penalty on techniques they use against the user.
  Actions: 5 Major, 3 minor, 3 reaction.
  Power: 25, +8. Endurance 25, +8. Dexterity: 14, +2. Charisma: 10. Wisdom: 20, +5. Intelligence: 10.
  Fighting style: Crowd control. Save DC: 10 + stat modifier.
  Techniques known: 52.
  E: 12, Binding smoke chains, Chakra enhancing music, Chakra Pulse, Drizzle Technique, Fang enhancement technique, Genjutsu Haze, Smoke bullets, smoke cloud technique, Smoke shuriken technique, Water Gun Jutsu, Water Pillar Thrust, Water shuriken technique,
  D: 10, Beast needle flurry, Binding smoke rings, Body oxidation technique, Bubble bomb jutsu, Genjutsu Break, Hiding in smoke technique, Smoker's cough, smoke wall jutsu, Water Bullet Jutsu, Water Stream Jutsu,
  C: 10, 100 Foot Punch, Cannonball strike, Cat genjutsu, Clouded Mind Technique, Cloudy eyes jutsu, Flash of light genjutsu, Paralysis Genjutsu, Partial Body Oxidation, Smoke coffin jutsu, Smoke Prison jutsu,
  B: 6, Chains of Fantasia, Coral Palm, Eternal Drowning, Protective beast aura, Smoke dragon jutsu, Smoke suffocation technique,
  A: 6, 1000 foot punch, Beast confrontation chant, Caged heat arson prison, Dragon Fire Bullet Jutsu, Genjutsu Reversal, Misty Flames Technique, .
  S: 7, Demon Bomb, Great fire annihilation, Great Mirage, Majestic Fire Destruction, Severing Wave Jutsu, Smoke dragon trifecta, Super exploding Water Shockwave Jutsu
  Attacks: Slam: +15, 4d12+15 bludgeoning. Bite: +15, 5d10+15 piercing.
  Byakko: Emerges from a ring bearing the kanji for "White." Rank: S-4. Size: Gargantuan. Description: a lean and slender white tiger. Type: Abomination. XP: 125,000. AC: 29.
  Resists: Slashing, thunder, fire. Immunities: Force, toxic. Weaknesses: Cold. Special abilities: The beast recovers 3d12+30 HP and chakra at the start of every round.
  Intimidating presence: DC 25 charisma save, targets that fail make attacks at disadvantage and suffer a -10 penalty on techniques they use against the user.
  Max HP: 1,650. Average damage: 140. Max chakra capacity: 1,275. Speed: 230ft. Initiative: +16.
  Actions: 5 Major, 3 minor, 3 reaction.
  Power: 15, +3. Endurance 25, +8. Dexterity: 26, +8. Charisma: 6, -2. Wisdom: 10. Intelligence: 20, +5.
  Fighting style: Hit and run. Save DC: 10 + stat modifier.
  Techniques known: 53.
  E: 8, Beast fury strikes, Claw enhancement, Deceptive Cat Scratch, Hurricane Uprising, Poison bullet jutsu, Pressure Damage Jutsu, Shoulder charge, Wind Gust Jutsu,
  D: 8, Air Bullet Jutsu, Beast needle flurry, Beast Wave Palm, Dance of the Dust Cloud, Dynamic marking, Poison bullet barrage, Vacuum Cannon Blast Technique Violent Whirlwind Jutsu,
  C: 12, Activation fist, Air Current Slash Jutsu, Armor Eater Technique, Bear claw strike, Cat genjutsu, Claw Blitz, Darkness Wave, Divine Wind Technique, Flying claw, Great poison bullet, Wind Scythe jutsu, Wind Step Jutsu,
  B: 8, Beast Wave Gale Palm, Cyclone Scythe Jutsu, Decapitating Airwaves, Flaming cat roar jutsu, Internal devastation jutsu, Paralysis Jutsu, Poison fog jutsu, Protective beast aura,
  A: 7, Bottomless mud hole, Devouring Earth Jutsu, Mudslide Jutsu, Mud Wave Jutsu, Nervous system rupture, Piercing Air Bullet Jutsu, Sticky Mud Fall Technique,
  S: 10, Cat fire bowl, Death grip, Demon Bomb, Divine Mountain Wind Jutsu, Ground Splitting Technique, Paralysis Link, Rising Spikes Technique, Rock Breaker Jutsu, Swamp of The Underworld, Wind Cutter Technique,
  Attacks: Claw: +15, 4d10+15, slashing. Bite: +15, 5d10+15, piercing.
  Suzaku: Vermillion bird, a bird with elegant and dramatic plumage. Emerges from a ring bearing the kanji for "vermilion" Rank: ???. Size: Gargantuan. Description: ???. Type: Abomination. XP: ???. AC: ???.
  Max HP: Rank x3. Average damage: 130. Max chakra capacity: rank x3. Speed: ???. Initiative: 2 + dex mod.
  Actions: 5 Major, 3 minor, 3 reactions.
  34 stat points at S-5, +2 for every level after.
  Power: 15. Endurance 15. Dexterity: 10. Charisma: 10. Wisdom: 10. Intelligence: 10.
  Fighting style: ???. Save DC: 10 + stat modifier.
  Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: ???. Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: The beast recovers 3d12+30 HP and chakra at the start of every round.
  Intimidating presence: DC 25 charisma save, targets that fail make attacks at disadvantage and suffer a -10 penalty on techniques they use against the user.
  Techniques known: ???.
  E: ???.
  D: ???.
  C: ???.
  B: ???.
  A: ???.
  S: ???.
  Genbu: Black Tortoise, a tortoise with a shell made of overlapping plates. Emerges from a ring bearing the kanji for "black".
  Kinja: Golden Snake, a massive serpent with golden scales. It can bind opponents by wrapping its body around them. Emerges from a ring bearing the kanji for "sky").
  Tennyo: Celestial Maiden, an angelic priestess with flowing robes. It uses translucent ribbons to whip at opponents. Like the Kinja, it can also bind opponents. Emerges from a ring bearing the kanji "jewel").
  Shinigami: Death God, a priest that resembles a skeleton and carries a scythe. A swing of this scythe unleashes sickle-like energy waves which drain targets of their chakra once they have passed through them. The waves can bypass barriers set up by Hokuto Sennin and Nanto Sennin. Emerges from the ring bearing the kanji "three").
  Hokuto Sennin: Northern Sage, a priest with a fox staff. In unison with the Nanto Sennin, it can trap opponents in purple cylindrical barriers. Emerges from the ring bearing the kanji, "north").
  Nanto Sennin: Southern Sage, the matching counterpart of Hokuto Sennin. In unison with the Hokuto Sennin, it can trap opponents in purple cylindrical barriers. Emerges from the ring bearing the kanji "south").


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