Meeting the Team

General Summary

The party members arrived in the land of Rivers where they found Shinobi United headquarters, once led in, searched for weapons and a series of identity verification and paperwork was finished, they were allowed to relaxed.
  With a massive building that could comfortably fit a full army, several locations and seperate living areas for all individuals along with a mass of training areas HQ came with everything a ninja could desire. The party was urged to rest and told they would meet their leader in the morning.
  The next morning as the three young graduates ate their breakfast they were escorted to a training area where a tall man with short, dark red hair stood before them. He introduced himself as the leader of the team and that his name was Aki. He came from the hidden sand village but spoke little of it, instead focusing his efforts on explaining the dangers of the path of a shinobi.
  Once the children accepted their roles he disappeared and three human-like cloth puppets appeared infront of the students wielding weapons. They were forced into battle with the students. Each student was able to show great ability, with Kiyoko taking two of the puppets down herself with her bo staff, saving Saiyuri from an oncoming attack in the process. Sabishi was also able to take down a puppet with his water style ninjutsu.
  Accomplishing this meant that the group passed and Aki congratulated his students and praised them.
Report Date
11 Jul 2022


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