Meiko Roshi

Name: Meiko Roshi. Gender: F. Sexual Orientation: ???. Body Type: toned. Appearance: ???.   Age: 24. Clan: Roshi. XP: 8,500. Rank: B-2. Village: Tsuchigakure.   Chakra nature: Magma, Fire, Earth, +2. Combat style: Long Ranged Specialist. Background: Shinobi Family. Saving throws: Dex., Int., Death. Proficiencies: Stealth, Chakra Control, Sleight of Hand, Medicine*, Survival*, Crafting, History. Ryo: 10,075.   Hit die: 19d10. Chakra capacity: 234. Chakra die. 21d8 AC: 15. Max HP: 244. Speed: 45 ft. Proficiency bonus: +5   Intiative: 7. Inspiration: ???. Factions: ???.   Equipment: ???.   Power: 14 (+2). Endurance: 17 (+4). Dexterity: 13 (+2). Wisdom 15 (+3). Intelligence: 16 (+3). Charisma: 15 (+3).   Combat abilities: 44.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Medical: 22. Ninjutsu: 22. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Feats: 4.   Resistance to fire damage, poison damage, necrotic damage.   +1 Main Action.   Gain advantage on every hit dice you roll.   You can heal yourself as a reaction for 1 hit die + medicine + con modifier.   You can craft B rank medical supplies and equipment.   Status effects you cause deal double damage.   Unarmed strikes now deal 1d4+proficiency bonus + wis/dex modifier.   You can use healing supplies as a bonus action.   If you heal an ally from the dying state they can be restored to 3 hit die.   You have learned how to exchange chakra for health, you can trade either resource for the other.   When healing an ally from the dying state you also heal any Diseases they had and remove any status they previously had.   Once per day you can choose to succeed a save you would have failed if the save was for resisting a status effect.   If you heal an ally this turn gain advantage on your next attack.   You have gained access to a reserve of healing energy that can be used to heal yourself or any other you make physical contact with. Whenever you heal an ally you can count add half of the total HP healed towards your reserve. Once per day you can revive a corpse that has been dead for less than a day, you must expend equal to half their total hit die in life force, this can be from your health, your allies or your healing reserve.   Ninjutsu can add chakra control skill modifiers to total damage.   When hit with a ninjutsu you can add your chakra control modifier to any save you may make.   Gain advantage on your chakra die rolls.   Gain 5 techniques.   Gain advantage in insight against enemy ninjutsu.   When hit with a ninjutsu you can negate up to two die of damage if you know the technique.   You can teach others techniques you know, so long as they can use the proper chakra nature.   You can imbue your chakra into weapons or items you possess.   Ninjutsu can increase their range by one level.   Gain advantage on chakra clashes you start.   If you use a ninjutsu this round, you can use another jutsu as a bonus action this turn.   If you participate in a ninjutsu clash you gain +5 to your roll.   You can combine multiple chakra natures to create new elements from any chakra natures you possess.   Techniques known:   E:       D:       C:       B:       A:       S:   Techniques available: 75.


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