Mitotic regeneration

Mitotic regeneration: One of the most powerful medical techniques that allows the user to regenerate from nearly any damage done to them, even normally fatal fatal moves are healed in moments. User heals 12 hit die+50 HP per turn. If the user is healed to their max HP, the remaining amount is gained as Temp HP. If the user hits 0HP but has remaining chakra, their chakra can be used as remaining HP. If the user is reduced to 0hp and Chakra capacity while this technique is active, a chakra clash is initiated, if the user fails they immediately begin making death saves at disadvantage. Skilled users can even apply these benefits to targets they can touch. Rank: S. Style: Medical. Chakra cost: 80 per turn. Range: self/Touch. Save: 18, chakra clash. Damage: 12 hit die +50hp. Focus: Yes. Requirements: None Enhancement: +2 AC to user. Minor Action


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