Ninja tools

Ninja tools can be purchased or made by any who have the materials and ability to do so. Below is the list of benefits that one gets for their items as well as how quickly they can be used. Main actions get full benefits, bonus actions lose 1 die, reactions lose 2 die. Healing items are typically a damage die higher than damaging supplies and items.   E: Base. 5 die, (4, 6) 1 effect. 15ft radius.   D: 6 die, (6, 8.) 1 effect. 25ft radius.   C: 8 die, (8, 10) 2 effects. 50ft radius.   B: 10 die, (10, 12) 2 effects. 75ft radius.   A: 5d20 +20, 2 effects. 125ft radius.   S: 1d100+50, 3 effects. 200ft radius   Rank: ???. Effect: ???. Radius: ???. Action: ???. Save: ???. Cost: ???.   E-Rank   Antidote: An antidote for simple poisons. Rank: E. Effect: If a target with the poison effect is given an antidote they make their next con save against poison with advantage. Radius: Touch. Action: Bonus. Save: Advantage on con saves vs poison. Cost: 25 ryo.   Bandage: A simple bandage or patch. Rank: E. Effect: User or target has 1 level of the bleeding status effect removed. Radius: Touch. Action: Bonus. Cost: 10 ryo.   Barrier tags: Tags sold in packs of 2, these tags contain barrier techniques and will construct a barrier between the 2 or more tags that were used. Rank: E. Effect: Barriers are erected between any tags and can withstand a limited amount of damage before breaking. Radius: Straight line between all used tags, each tag adds +25 health. Action: Main. Save: Barriers can withstand 50 points of damage. Cost: 25 ryo.   Binding cloth: A cloth made for restricting the movements of enemies. Rank: E. Effect: Cloth can be used to grapple targets from a distance of 50ft. It can also be soaked with water to try to block incoming fire style techniques or it can be combined with seals to enhance the restrictive abilities it normally possesses. Foes that are entirely covered or restrained with this cloth and have a seal used on them are sealed away and can not escape unless the tag is removed.Radius: 50ft line. Action: Main. Save: +4, grapple check. Cost: 20 ryo.   Black powder: An explosive powder that is primarily used in explosive devices. Rank: E. Effect: Fire style or explosive techniques and items you use have their range increased by 1 level. Radius: +1 range level. Action: Reaction. Cost: 30 ryo for 1 bottle.   Bolas: A series of heavy spheres attached to a length of string, rope or chains that are meant to wrap around the ankles of a ranged target. Rank: E. Effect: A hit target must make a grapple check to stay standing, a failed save means the target falls prone and has their speed reduced to 0. Radius: 50ft line. Action: Main. Save: +4, grapple check. Cost: 15 ryo.   Bomb ball: A ball packed with black powder and other materials that detonates as a small explosion when thrown. 3d4 explosive damage. Rank: E. Radius: 15ft sphere. Action: Main. Cost: 20 ryo.   Burn ointment: An ointment made to heal burns. Rank: E. Effect: Targets with a burn effect that uses this ointment or has it used on them has 1 level of burns removed. Radius: Touch. Action: Bonus. Cost: 20 ryo.   Burst kunai: A bag set to release a flurry of kunai in a cone towards a target, can be activated as a bonus action. Rank: E. Effect: Targets within range have several kunai sent flying in their direction from where this was used. Radius: 25ft cone. Action: Main. Save: 4, dex vs 3d4 piercing. Half on save. Cost: 30 ryo.   Caltrops/makabishi spikes: 1d4 piercing damage over a 20ft cube. Every time a target moves in the affected area they take damage. Rank: E. Effect: Targets take 1d4 piercing damage for every 5ft of movement used. Radius: 20ft cube. Action: Bonus. Cost: 20 ryo.   Chakra pills: A small pill that can be taken to restore chakra when low. Bonus action. Rank: E. Effect: Can be used to restore 5d10+con chakra. Radius: Touch. Action: Bonus. Cost: 50 ryo.   Chakra receivers: Special rods made to absorb chakra, these rods can receive chakra from large distances and make for useful battle items. Rank: E. Effect: Can recieve chakra over long distances, can be used as the starting or centerpoint for a technique. Radius: 100ft from user. Action: Main. Cost: 40 ryo.   Chakra suppression seals: Can be used to suppress a target or area of any chakra. Rank: E. Effect: Targets that fail the DC lose 3d4 chakra per turn they are within its radius. Radius: 15ft radius. Action: Main. Save: Base DC 4 + chakra control. Cost: 25 ryo.   Flash bomb: A bomb ball that releases a bright flash of light that can stun or blind targets. Rank: E. Effect: Explodes in a 15ft radius blinding targets within range. Radius: 15ft. Action: Main. Save: DC 12 con. Cost: 25 ryo.   Food pills: A small pill that heals the user and counts as a full meal. Rank: E. Effect: Counts as consuming a full meal and heals 3d10 +proficiency bonus +con Temp HP. Radius: Touch. Action: Bonus. Cost: 25 ryo.   Oil: A bottle of flammable oil that can be used to ignite a weapon, item or piece of equipment. Rank: E. Effect: Those covered in oil have a -5 penalty on saves vs the burn effect. Items covered in it deal 1d8 fire damage on contact for 1 minute. Radius: 15ft radius when thrown or emptied over an area. Action: Minor. Cost: 75 ryo.   Paper bomb: Explosive tags that deal 3d4 fire damage a piece within range. Rank: E. Effect: 3d4 fire damage. Radius: 15ft. Action: Main. Cost: 20 ryo.   Poison Bombs: A ball or canister of poison gas that harms all in radius. Rank: E. Effect: All in range must make a con save vs poison and take 2d4 toxic damage. Radius: 15ft. Action: Main. Save: base of 10 or 4 + crafting/medicine. Cost: 50 ryo.   Poison tags: Tags imbued with a poison that can be used to infect a target. 15 ryo. Rank: E. Effect: Targets must make a con save vs poison. Radius: Touch. Action: Minor. Save: Base 10, or crafting calculation, con vs poisoned. Cost: 30 ryo.   Poison vial: Can be used in a trap, put on an item or weapon or used to poison food or drink. Rank: E. Effect: Adds 2d4 toxic damage to your next attack and targets must make a con save vs poison. Radius: Touch. Action: Reaction. Save: 4 + medicine/crafting if you make it or a base DC of 10 when purchased. Cost: 20 ryo.   Rope Kunai: A kunai with a length of rope attached to it, this can be used as a means of catching yourself or travelling across large distances. Rank: E. Effect: Can be used as a grappling hook and used repeatedly to travel far distances. Radius: 100ft line. Action: Reaction. Cost: 20 ryo.   Scrolls: Scrolls can be used for storing items or techniques for future use. Empty scrolls are 10 ryo a piece and increase based off the technique sealed inside them. Rank: E. Effect: Scrolls can be used as an action if they are stored on your person but chakra is still required for releasing each technique. Radius: Based on technique. Action: Main. Cost: 20 if empty, 50 with an E rank technique, 100 for D, 250 or C, 500 for B, 2,000 for A or 5,000 for S rank techniques.   Sealing tags: Tags that are imbued or used to enhance Fuinjutsu techniques. Rank: E. Effect: The technique stored determines its DC but can also be based off the average for a certain rank. Radius: Touch. Action: Main. Save: based off technique, average of 10 for E rank. Cost: 25 ryo.   Smoke bomb: A bomb ball that detonates into a large cloud of smoke, great for diversions as the user makes a quick escape. Rank: E. Effect: Creates a thick layer of smoke around a small area. Radius: 15ft. Action: Minor. Cost: 20 ryo.   Steel String: A length of wire that can be bought in 100ft bundles, this string is very durable and can be used for a variety of uses. Rank: E. [ Radius: 100ft line. Action: Minor. Cost: 20 ryo.   D-Rank   Net: A net can be used to capture a foe. Rank: D. Effect: Targets must pass a grapple check, a foe grappled by a net can be restrained as a bonus action if within 5ft of a player. Radius: 50ft cone. Action: Main. Save: +6 grapple check. Cost: 15 ryo.   Ointment: A simple restorative ointment that will provide a small level of recovery. Rank: D. Effect: Heals a target for 6d10 + 15 HP. Radius: Touch. Action: Main. Cost: 50 ryo.   C-Rank   Med kits: A pack filled with medical equipment. 25 ryo. Action. Rank: C. Effect: Heals 10d10+proficiency bonus + con mod, hp and removes 1 negative effect. Radius: Touch. Action: Main. Cost: 250 ryo.   B-Rank   A-Rank   S-Rank   Unranked:


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