Nori Akiko

Nori Akiko

  Age: 18. Clan: Akiko. XP: 20,000 Rank: C-5. Village: Tsuchigakure.   Chakra nature: Crystal, earth, lightning. Combat style: ???. Background: Criminal. Saving throws: Dex, Int. Proficiencies: *Chakra control, Crafting, Intimidation, medicine, *Sleight of hand, Survival. Ryo: ???.   Hit die: 11d12. Chakra capacity: 158. Chakra die: 13d6. AC: 16. Max HP: 187. Speed: 50ft. Proficiency bonus: +4.   Intiative: +8. Inspiration: ???. Factions: ???.   Equipment: ???.   Stats & Skills:   Power: 13, +2.   Grapple: +2.   Endurance: 18, +4.   Willpower: +3.   Dexterity: 18, +4, +8.   Sleight of hand: +12.   Stealth: +4.   Wisdom: 21, +6.   Animal handling: +6.   Chakra Control: +14.   Insight: +6.   Perception: +6.   Sensory: +6.   Survival: +14.   Intelligence: 14, +2.   Crafting: +6.   History: +2.   Investigation: +2.   Medicine: +6.   Religion: +2.   Tracking: +2.   Charisma: 11, +1.   Deception: +1.   Diplomacy: +1.   Intimidation: +1.   Performance: +1.   Persuasion: +1.   Seduction: +1.   Combat abilities: 28.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Kinjutsu: 0. Medical: 10. Ninjutsu: 18. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Feats: 3.   Fanatic: +1 int. The user obsesses over knowledge and can accurately recall anything they have read or experienced within the last month.   Lucky: Twice per day you can get advantage on any roll you make.   Psychotic: When the user makes a melee attack and miss they can make a second attack as a reaction, on a success this attack deals max damage.   Gain resistance to necrotic, Spiritual, toxic damage.   Gain advantage on hit die rolls.   You can heal yourself as a reaction for 1 hit die + medicine HP.   You can craft E-rank supplies and equipment.   Status effects you cause deal maximum damage.   Unarmed strikes now deal 1d4+proficiency bonus + wis/dex modifier.   Extra minor action.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.   Gain advantage on chakra die rolls.   Extra action   Increase your chakra die by 2.   Gain advantage on insight checks on how techniques work.   When hit with a ninjutsu you can negate up to two die of damage if you know the technique.   You can teach others techniques you know, so long as they can use the proper chakra nature.   You can imbue your chakra into weapons or items you possess.   Ninjutsu can increase their range by one level.   Gain advantage on chakra clashes you start.   Techniques known: 30.   E: 11. Crystal weapon creation., Crystal Shuriken Technique, Diamond Wall of Protection, Growing Crystal Impalement, Substitution Jutsu, Jade Crystal Blade Strike, Transformation Jutsu, Mud shot Technique, Stone Spear Jutsu, Mud River Jutsu, Lorentz Gun   D: 10. Amethyst Stockade Creation, Crimson Apple Crystal Barrier, Crystal Wheel, Crystal Dome Technique, Crystal Senbon Shot, Crystal Fist Jutsu, Multi-Diamond Wall Jutsu, Sapphire Ring , Earthquake Slam, Lorentz Gun Double Layer, Thunderbolt Technique   C: 5. Amethyst Clone, Chaos Emerald, Crystal Armor Jutsu, Crushing Amethyst Burial, Crystal Needle Storm   B: 4. Crystal dust imprisonment, Crystal Disembowelment, Encasement of Healing, The King's Shrine   A:   S:   Techniques available: 24.   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B:   A:   S:

Mental characteristics



Personality Characteristics


Trying to find investigate her parents death.

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Will of Stone


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