Organ Transplant Technique

Organ Transplant Technique: The user safely transplants the organs from one creature to another, though limited in utility it is widely used in combat when comrades are injured to save one another. The 1st target that has had an organ removed is often heavily injured though the target gaining the organ is healed in return. 1st target takes 8d10 true damage, 2nd target regains equal HP, and gains advantage on death saving throws if they were making any. Rank: C. Style: Medical. Chakra cost: 50. Range: Both targets must be within 100ft of one another. Save: 12, pow for half damage if 1st target is resisting. Damage: 8d10 true, 2nd target restored equal damage. Focus: No. Requirements: None. Enhancement: 2nd target immediately passes all death saves. Reaction


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