Project Shinobi United

The shinobi Alliance was initiated by a project known as Project Shinobi United. The plan was for each nation to send units of various rank, age and ability to form a military force that acts for the best interest of the world, to promote unity between nations and to put an end to any international threats. This project was led by 4th Hokage Kaito Hyuga, and heavily supported by 1st Otokage Ryochi Kazetana, Nadeshiko village's leader Tamiko Mazashi, and the bear sage. It was opposed by The hidden grass, mist, stone and cloud villages. Neutral parties were Sand, Snow, Whirlpool, Rain and the land of iron.   When it was deemed that the project would pass the Sound, Leaf, and Rain village's had agreed to supply genin graduates under the watch of volunteer from the Sand village Aki Hiro. It is the duty of shinobi working for the alliance to swear off allegiance from any village, to give up any claim they have to clan leadership while working for the alliance, and to always act in the interest of the world rather than any single nations benefit. Missions can be given to specific teams, but are generally are available for any team to take. The available missions are selected by the Allied Council for which there is a representative from each nation. Requests are accepted by all, but the council chooses if the request is passed through as a mission.



The members of the Shinobi Alliance teams, though many work as security and aids only the direct team members are given missions by the council. This is currently comprised of 2 teams. Team 1, and team 2.   Team 1 is led by Akihiro Jishaku of the hidden sand village and is currently made up of 4 chunin, Ijiri of the mooon, Sabishi Uchiha of the leaf, Kiyoko Akemi of the sound and Saiyuri Shima of the Rain, as well as 2 genin, Hanzo Rigeki of the mist and Yoro Hatake of the snow.   Team 2 is led by Inozuna Yamanaka of the rain, and is made of 5 genin.


Leaf, Rain, Waterfall, Whirlpool, Iron, Snow


Stone, Sand, Nadeshiko, Sound


Mist, Grass, Cloud
Plot type
Overall Plot Line.
Related Organizations


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