
Rank: Great Beast. Size: Gigantic. Description: ???. Type: Great Beast. Region: ???. XP: 100,000,000. AC: 50. Chakra Nature: ???.   Max HP: ???. (???.) Hit die: 50d???+1,000. Average damage: ???. Chakra die: 50d??? +1,000. Max chakra capacity: ???. (???.) Speed: 50ft. Initiative: 10 + dex mod.   Actions: 5 Major, 5 minor, 5 reaction, 5 attack.   Power: 30, +10. Dexterity: 30, +10. Charisma: 30, +10. Wisdom: 30, +10. Intelligence: 30, +10.   Fighting style: ???. Save DC: 20 + stat modifier.   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: 10. Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: 8.   Carnivore: While targets are grappled by the user they take double damage from bite attacks and user's heal for up to half of the damage they dealt.   Durable: When you would be knocked unconscious instead make a power saving throw (DC equivalent to damage left after reaching 0 HP) to remain conscious.   Intimidating Presence: The user can make an intimidation check as an action to activate this ability, all within a 50ft radius must make a DC 10 + intimidation, wisdom or charisma save. On a fail all targets are afflicted with either the fear or taunt effect of the user's choice.       Attacks:   Bite: melee, +30, 4d6+30 piercing, DC 30 grapple. Charge: 50ft line, +30, 4d8+30 bludgeoning, DC 30 pow vs prone.   Crush: melee, +30, 4d10+30 bludgeoning. Slash: 30ft reach, +30, 5d10+30 slashing. Tail smash: 30ft reach, +30, 5d12+30 bludgeoning.   Techniques known: 200.   E: ???.   D: ???.   C: ???.   B: ???.   A: ???.   S: ???.


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