Saori Akiko

Age: 25. Clan: Akiko. XP: 6,500. Rank: D-4. Village: Kusagakure. Bounty: ???.
  Chakra nature: Crystal, earth, lightning. Combat style: Close range. Background: Merchant Child. Saving throws: pow, dex. Skill Proficiencies: Chakra control, crafting, Deception, grapple, history, insight, intimidation, medicine, religion, sleight of hand, survival. Ryo: 38,000.
  Weapon proficiencies: Swords. Armor proficiencies: Medium. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ???
  Hit die: 7d12 Chakra capacity: 99. Chakra die: 7d6. AC: 21. (27.) Max HP: 124. Speed: 80ft. (100ft without armor) Proficiency bonus: +3.
  Initiative: +6. Inspiration: ???. Factions: ???. Death Save DC: 10.
  Equipment: ???. Head: E, medium armor, +3 AC, -10ft speed. Body: E, Medium armor, +3 AC, -10ft speed. Left arm: -E- Claymore, 10ft reach, +9, 2d10+14. Right arm: 2 handed weapon. Accessory 1: ???. Accessory 2: ??? Accessory 3: ???
  Backpack: ???
  Stats & Skills:
  Power: 23, +7, +9.
  Grapple: +9.
  Will: +7.
  Dexterity: 17, +4, +6.
  Sleight of hand: +6.
  Stealth: +4.
  Wisdom: 18, +4.
  Animal handling: +4.
  Chakra Control: +6.
  Insight: +6.
  Perception: +4.
  Sensory: +4.
  Survival: +6.
  Intelligence: 15, +3.
  Crafting: +5.
  History: +5.
  Investigation: +3.
  Medicine: +5.
  Religion: +5.
  Tracking: +3.
  Charisma: 13, +2.
  Deception: +4.
  Diplomacy: +2.
  Intimidation: +4.
  Performance: +2.
  Persuasion: +2.
  Combat abilities: 20.
  Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Kinjutsu: 0. Magic: 6. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 7. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Sexjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 7.
  (Attacks can be used in place of 1 main action)
  Attacks: 2. Main actions: 1. Minor actions: 1. Reactions: 1.
  Feats: 1 +1.
  Barbarian Rage: The user may activate this ability up to twice per day, for the next hour the user gains advantage on intimidation checks. They gain a temporary +2 to AC, and gain +3 on melee atks made by the user for the duration. Afterwards, they take 1 lvl of exhaustion.
  Proficiency in survival, crafting, history, medicine & religion.
  The user may add their wisdom mod in place of their power or dex mod when making an attack against an enemy.
  The user can craft E rank supplies and materials.
  You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.
  You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.
  Gain advantage on hit die rolls.
  The user may add their chakra control score to their total damage for any magic they use.
  Gain advantage on chakra die rolls.
  Resistance to one damage type of your choice (Acid, Atomic, Cold, Crushing, Explosive, Fire, Mental, Necrotic, Slicing, Sonic, Spiritual, Suffocation, Thunder, Toxic, True.)
  Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 +pow/dex mod + proficiency bonus damage.
  Gain +5 initiative.
  Supreme Healer: When restoring HP to a target, always heal for the maximum amount you can currently heal with all relevant modifiers and hit die.
  Techniques known: 41.
  E: 14. Accio, Break, Butt Bash, Crotch Kick, Crystal Shuriken Technique, Crystal weapon creation., Diamond Wall of Protection, Drain, Dynamite Kick, Eldritch Blast, Float, Growing Crystal Impalement, Hold, Mind sliver, Sensual Gaze, Sexy Eye Poke, Shatter, Speed, Star Flash, Teleport,
  D: 11. 5 hit combo, Bare-Handed Blade block, Collier Shot, Epaule Shoot, Love smack, Low Kick, Paleron, Pimp slap jutsu, Quake, Raioken, Rolling Hercule Punch, Scissor Kick, Seismic Toss, Sleep, Veau Shot, Triple Kick, Power Tackle, Scissor Kick, Star Headbutt, Exhausted kick, Cloud strike combo
  Techniques available: 16.
  Mission Record:


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