Sleeper Agent Technique

Sleeper Agent Technique: The user seals away the target's memories by burying an extremely small needle into the brain's memory center. The memories can be restored by cancelling the technique, thereby destroying the needle. If a subordinate had this operation performed on their brains and has infiltrated in enemy camp, they can safely perform spy activity over a long period of time with no memory of being a sleeper agent. This could help enhance them in their act as they will fully believe their loyalty lies with the ones they are spying upon. If the user cancels the technique, the target will once again remember their mission as sleeper agent. Rank: A. Style: Medical. Chakra cost: 100. Range: touch. Save: 16, Int vs effect. b]Damage: 12d20 mental on each attempt to act against the user or disarm the technique. Focus: No. Requirements: None. Enhancement: +2 damage die. Action.


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