Super weighted boulder strike

Super Weighted Boulder Strike: The user coats their weapon with a layer of chakra that quadruples the weight of anything hit with it. This imposes a -5 penalty to power or dex or at the user's choice on each strike so long as the target continues to hold, use or wear the item that was hit, be it armor, a weapon or even flesh. Weapons deal +3 damage die on each attack. Rank: B. Style: Kenjutsu. Chakra cost: 40 per round. Range: Self. Damage: -5 penalty to hit target's power or dex at the users choice, on each strike made. when target reaches 0 power they can no longer attack or use techniques, when they reach 0 dex they can no longer move.Focus: Yes. Requirements: Earth style. Enhancement: +3 damage die on each strike. Minor Action
  Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Action


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