Tailed beasts

1 tail Porcupine: Chakra nature: Lightning style, Location: Kumogakure: Rank: S-5. Size: Gargantuan. Description: One of the tailed beasts known in the world. This creature has one tail. Type: Abomination. XP: 100,000. AC: 28.
  Max HP: 1,575. Average damage: 130. Max chakra capacity: 1,200. Speed: 100 ft. Initiative: 8 + dex mod.
  Actions: 5 Major, 3 minor, 3 reaction.
  Power: 18 (+4). Endurance 18 (+4). Dexterity: 20 (+5). Charisma: 14 (+2). Wisdom: 16 (+3). Intelligence: 17 (+4).
  Fighting style: Crowd Control. Save DC: 10 + stat modifier.
  Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Slashing, Piercing, Fire. Immunities: Thunder Damage, Bludgeoning. Weaknesses: Cold Damage. Special abilities: The beast recovers 3d12+30 HP and chakra at the start of every round.
  Intimidating presence: DC 25 charisma save, targets that fail make attacks at disadvantage and suffer a -10 penalty on techniques they use against the user.
  Techniques known: 44/52.
  E: 10. Electric Shock Needles, Thunder Trap Jutsu, Electric Jolt Technique, Chakra Suppression Technique, Tunneling Fang, Beast Needle Flurry, Chakra Needle, Object Extraction Technique, Substitution Jutsu, Hidden Mole Jutsu.
  D: 10. Thunderbolt Technique, Thunder Rays Technique, Lightning Transfer Jutsu, Earth Dome Technique, Earthquake Slam, Ground Shaking Technique, Shotput Technique, Stalactite Drills Technique, Weighted Boulder Jutsu, Stone Bullet Jutsu.
  C: 6. False Darkness, Chain Lightning Bolt, Flying Nail Barrage, Sinkhole Jutsu, Needle Jizo, Lightning Rod Technique.
  B: 5. Lightning Beast Running Jutsu, Rampart of Soil, Regenerating Earth Dome, Rockfall Technique, Feast of Lightning.
  A: 6. Chidori Senbon, Four Pillar Thunder Trap, Hair Needle Senbon, Earth Dome Prison, Sticky Mud Fall Technique, Terra Shield.
  S: 7. Twin Lightning Beast, 16 Pillar Lightning Trap, Great Terra Shield, Rising Spikes Technique, Ground Splitting Technique, Earth Eruption Technique, Rock Breaker.
  Attacks: Charge: 4d12+12 Bludgeoning dmg, Bite: 5d10+15 Piercing dmg, Scratch: 4d12+12 Slashing dmg, Tail Slam: 4d10+12 Bludgeoning dmg.
  2 tailed alligator, Magma style, Tsuchigakure, Rank: S-2. Size: Gargantuan. Description: ???. Type: Abomination. XP: 200,000. AC: 31.
  Max HP: 1,800. Average damage: 130. Max chakra capacity: 1,425. Speed: 80 ft. Initiative: 5.
  Actions: 6 Major, 4 minor, 4 reactions.
  Power: 22 (+6). Endurance 22 (+6). Dexterity: 16 (+3). Charisma: 16 (+3). Wisdom: 15 (+3). Intelligence: 14 (+2).
  Fighting style: Tank. Save DC: 10 + stat modifier.
  Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Cold, Slashing, Bludgeoning. Immunities: Fire, Piercing. Weaknesses: Psychic Damage, Sonic Damage. Special abilities: The beast recovers 3d12+30 HP and chakra at the start of every round.
  Intimidating presence: DC 25 charisma save, targets that fail make attacks at disadvantage and suffer a -10 penalty on techniques they use against the user.
  Techniques known: 27/55.
  E: 6. Hidden Mole Jutsu, Mudshot Technique, Mud River Jutsu, Burning Embers Technique, Fireball Jutsu, Substitution Jutsu.
  D: 8. Earth Dome Technique, Earthquake Slam, Great Mud River Jutsu, Shotput Technique, Weighted Boulder Jutsu, Flame Pillar Jutsu, Fox Fire Jutsu, Pheonix Flower Jutsu.
  C: 5. Bottomless Swamp Technique, Rising Rocks Technique, Subterranean Voyage Technique, Dragon Flame Bomb, Great Fireball Jutsu.
  B: 3. Fissure Jutsu, Blast Wave Wild Dance, Burning Ash Technique.
  A: 2. Ultra Weighted Boulder, Misty Flames Technique.
  S: 3. Earth Eruption Technique, Swamp of The Underworld, Great Fire Annihilation Jutsu.
  Attacks: Bite: 5d10+15 piercing dmg, Tail Whip: 4d10+12 bludgeoning dmg, Tail Slam: 5d10+15 bludgeoning dmg, Charge: 4d10+12 bludgeoning dmg.
  3 tailed Bat, wind style, Sunagakure Rank: S-4. Size: Gargantuan. Description: The Tailed Beast of Sunagakure, known for having 3 tails and being one of the tailed beasts in world. Type: Abomination. XP: 125,000. AC: 29.
  Max HP: 1,650. Average damage: 130. Max chakra capacity: 1,275. Speed: 50+dex mod. Initiative: 2 + dex mod.
  Actions: 6 Major, 4 minor, 3 reactions.
  Power: 17 (+4). Endurance 18 (+4). Dexterity: 20 (+5). Charisma: 16 (+3). Wisdom: 17 (+4). Intelligence: 18 (+4).
  Fighting style: Long Ranged, Defensive. Save DC: 10 + stat modifier.
  Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Lightning, Genjutsu. Immunities: Wind, Psychic. Weaknesses: Piercing, Slashing, Bludegeoning. Special abilities: The beast recovers 3d12+30 HP and chakra at the start of every round.
  Intimidating presence: DC 25 charisma save, targets that fail make attacks at disadvantage and suffer a -10 penalty on techniques they use against the user.
  Techniques known:38/53.
  E: 8. Body Flicker, Substitution Jutsu, Blade of Wind, Fan Dance Air Slice, Protective Wind Wall, Pressure Damage Jutsu, Floating Sound Waves, Ventriloquism Technique.
  D: 7. Afterimage Clone, Concussive Sound Wave, Blade of Wind Barrage, Fan Wind Roaring Wall Technique, Vacuum Cannon Blast, Thunderbolt Technique, Thunder Rays Technique.
  C: 5. Haze Clone Jutsu, Air Current Slash Jutsu, Breakthrough Stream, Bursting Compressed Air Technique, Divine Wind Technique.
  B: 6. Resonating Echo Drills, Sound Wave Jutsu, Decapitating Air Waves, Great Slashing Tornado Technique, Great Vacuum Cannon, Thunder Clone Technique.
  A: 6. Focused Sound Wave, Phantom Sound Waves, Drilling Sky Fan Dance, Great Breakthrough Stream, Great Wind Violent Wall, Four Pillar Thunder Trap.
  S: 5. Divine Mountain Wind Jutsu, Raging Gale Wall, Tornado Rising Technique, Wind Cutter Technique, 16 Pillar Lightning Trap, Kirin.
  Attacks: Scratch: 4d12+10 slashing dmg, Bite: 5d10+15 piercing dmg., Tail Slam: 4d12+10 bludgeoning dmg.
  4 tailed Boar, steam style, Kusagakure Rank: S-3. Size: Gargantuan. Description: One of the tailed beasts in world. This creature with four tails resides withing Kusagakure. Type: Abomination. XP: 150,000. AC: 30.
  Max HP: Rank x3. Average damage: 130. Max chakra capacity: rank x3. Speed: ???. Initiative: 2 + dex mod.
  Actions: 5 Major, 3 minor, 3 reactions.
  34 stat points at S-5, +2 for every level after.
  Power: 15. Endurance 15. Dexterity: 10. Charisma: 10. Wisdom: 10. Intelligence: 10.
  Fighting style: ???. Save DC: 10 + stat modifier.
  Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: ???. Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: The beast recovers 3d12+30 HP and chakra at the start of every round.
  Intimidating presence: DC 25 charisma save, targets that fail make attacks at disadvantage and suffer a -10 penalty on techniques they use against the user.
  Techniques known: ???.
  E: ???.
  D: ???.
  C: ???.
  B: ???.
  A: ???.
  S: ???.
  5 tailed griffin, scorch style, Konohagakure.
  6 Tailed Mole, earth style Takigakure
  7 tailed Jellyfish, storm style, Kirigakure.
by vivi

  8 tailed Rhino, raw power, Nadeshiko Village sealed inside leader.
  9 tailed Wolf, ice style, alliance headquarters


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