The Core Program

The official designation for the secret service that the stone village uses. This foundation primarily serves the hidden stone village and serves as their black market assassins and uses them for targets that the village can not reach for political reasons. Though many have learned of the core program over the years it took several years for any to learn of its creation and its ability to create powerful, perfect spies for the nation. To this day they are among the finest assassins alive, rivaling many anbu blacks ops and similar organizations.   The program is run by the White widow, one of the Tsuchikage's greatest allies, this is a black market organization for slave trade, sex trafficking, prostitution, spying and assassination. Targets of all age, gender and nationality are brought in and trained to be obedient and follow the rules of the organization. Those who are disobedient are often tortured cruelly until they learn obedience or get executed. Those within this foundation are trained equally in the arts of pleasure, seduction, combat and interrogation, targets often die while in great pleasure having never realized they were being killed.   Children are kept and trained primarily with combat and self defense, defending themselves against the many pervs they would encounter before being taught the naughtier side of the business once age of consent has been reached. While the workers specialize in assassination and intel gathering they are incredibly powerful in battles due to their particular fighting style. Its know that despite the high risks of the job those who have been purchased or brought up in the organization are free to leave once they have repaid the widow, something that many do within their first decade of work. They are unable to disclose much information and many of those raised here have chosen to stay long past paying their debts.   Notable Members of this program include Juro Kadeshi, Katsu Tatsuno,
Government, Secret Service


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