Tosuke Yushiro

Age: 14. Clan: Yushiro. XP: 7,500. Rank: D-3. Village: Yukigakure.   Chakra nature: Water, Lightning. Combat style: Mid-Range. Background: Shinobi Family. Saving throws: Intelligence, Endurance. Proficiencies: Stealth, Chakra Control*, Perception, Sleight of Hand*, Sensory. Ryo: 55.   Hit die: 8d6. Chakra capacity: 88. Chakra die: 8d12. AC: 13. Max HP: 48. Speed: 90ft. Proficiency bonus: +3     Intiative: +5. Inspiration: 3. Factions: Team 12 (Yuki).   Equipment: ???.   Stats & Skills:   Power: 15 (+3).   Grapple: (+2)   Endurance: 18 (+4).   Willpower: (+3)   Dexterity: 14 (+2).   Sleight of hand: (+8)   Stealth: (+5)   Wisdom: 12 (+1).   Animal handling: 0.   Chakra Control: (+6)   Insight: 0.   Perception: (+3)   Sensory: (+3)   Survival: 0.   Intelligence: 14 (+2).   Crafting: (+2)   History: (+2)   Investigation: (+2)   Medicine: (+2)   Religion: (+2)   Tracking: (+2)   Charisma: 12 (+1).   Deception: (+1)   Diplomacy: (+1)   Intimidation: (+1)   Performance: (+1)   Persuasion: (+1)   Seduction: (+1)   Combat abilities: 24.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 12. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Kinjutsu: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 10. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 2.   Feats: 2.   Barrier expert: Your barriers gain an extra 50 points of damage negation.   Lucky: Twice per day you can get advantage on any roll you make.   You can use scrolls as a minor action.   Gain advantage on all future chakra die rolls.   Seals you place can be camouflaged into items.   Seals placed on willing targets double their duration.   Barriers made by you can further their range by 1 level.   +2 Extra Actions   gain advantage on checking for traps and barriers.   Barriers and seals can now be imbued with other techniques to protect or amplify them.   Barriers gain an extra 25% total damage negation.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.   Gain access to your first natural chakra nature, Water.   Gain advantage on chakra die rolls.   Resistance to Cold damage.   Techniques known: 29   E: 14. Substitution Jutsu, Barrier shield technique, Chakra draining seal, Confinement barrier, Sealing jutsu, Hidden Mist Jutsu, Instant Water Technique, Water-Pillar Thrust, Lightning-Flash Jutsu, Electric Shock Needles, 1st breath, 3 hit combo, Burning slap of youth, Leaf Broadminded Blow.   D: 8. Lightning Thunder Rays, Surface Walking Technique, Regeneration seal, Protection seal, Jutsu Absorption, Enclosing Technique, Binding Syrup Chains, Black Rain Technique.   C: 6. Chidori, Armor Eater Technique, Barrier Release Technique, Chakra siphon seal, Jutsu reflection seal, Dustless Bewildering Cover, .   B: A: S:   Techniques available: 0.   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B:   A:   S:


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