Underboss Vida Renko

Name: Vida Renko. Known Aliases: Underboss Vida, Underboss V. Rank: B-3. Bounty: 15,000 ryo. XP: 10,000.   Wanted by: Kusagakure. Crime: ???. Specialty: Crowd control. Nationality: Kusagkure. Last seen: Kusagkure.   Description: An older woman in her mid 50's, very professional in appearance with typical ninja gear and accessories.   Companions: ???.   Known Allies: Nezu Mafia.   Known Enemies: Yakuza, Kusagakure.   Weapons: B, tanto, melee, +21, 4d6+21 slashing. Armor: B, light armor, +5 AC. Equipment: ???.   Known Abilities: Ninjutsu, medical, fuinjutsu. Chakra nature: Fire, wind, water. AC: 28. (23.)   Max HP: 319. (433.) Hit die: 19d12+205. Chakra die: 18d6+205. Max chakra capacity: 259. (313.) Speed: 50ft. Initiative: 2 + dex mod.   Actions: 4 Major, 4 minor, 4 reaction, 5 attack.   4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 38.   Power: 10. Dexterity: 25, +8. Charisma: 14, +2. Wisdom: 16, +3. Intelligence: 23, +7.   Fighting style: Aggressive. Save DC: 14 + stat modifier.   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Fire, thunder, cold. Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: 3.   Regen: At the start of initiative, each round, the user regains 1/10th of their max HP.   Shocking Shield: The user stores a small amount of lightning chakra within their body, any who make a melee attack against the user takes a 1d6 Thunder damage.   Twin Cast: When using a technique that targets a single foe or uses a line range the user can select a second target that is also hit.   Techniques known: 38.   E: 6. Burning Embers Technique, Fire Ball Jutsu, Flame Needles, Hurricane Uprising, Poison bullet jutsu, Wind Gust Jutsu,   D: 9. Air Bullet Jutsu, Dragon Flame Jutsu, Exploding Flame Trap Technique, Explosive Clone, Flame Pillar Jutsu, Great Wind Wall Jutsu, Minor healing jutsu, Poison bullet barrage, Violent Whirlwind Jutsu   C: 11. Acid Armor Technique, Air Current Slash Jutsu, Burning Chains Jutsu, Divine Wind Technique, Dragon Flame Bomb Jutsu, Engulfing Poison Technique, Flame Whirlwind Jutsu, Flint Yagura Jutsu, Great poison bullet, Searing Migraine Jutsu, Whirlwind Drop Jutsu,   B: 12. Airless World, Blast Wave Wild Dance, Body Elimination Technique, Burning Ash Technique, Decapitating Airwaves, Flaming Meteors Jutsu, Great Vacuum Cannon Jutsu , Heal Block, Internal devastation jutsu, Majestic Flame Jutsu, Major healing jutsu, Rotating Shuriken Jutsu,   A: ???.   S: ???.


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