Unranked technique practice guide

This guide to ranking techniques is meant to help all newcomers to the system. Ranking techniques is a very easy process where one simply names a technique, describes it and then paste the technique format below behind the description. After that its as simple as filling in the question marks.
  Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action
  Total: 0.
  If a technique requires a main action, it should deal as much damage as possible, since it will be one of the primary actions taken in the round, an easy way to remember this is Main action = full damage
  If a technique requires a minor action to use, it should deal less damage than if it required a Main Action, this does not mean the techniques are useless in combat however, many minor action techniques are used buff the user or their allies, debuff enemies or dish out effects or extra damage with the right techniques, though it may not deal as much damage as a main action it can prove vital in combat. Minor action techniques typically take -2 damage die modifier or have their damage die cut in half.
  Reactions are the fastest, and often rarest of all types of techniques. They deal very little damage and are often used for last second effects, attacks or quick escapesor defenses. Reaction techniques typically take a -4 damage die modifier or have the damage die total cut by 1/4th.
  If a technique is meant to be held over multiple round or focused on you must cut the damage per round in half from the standard damage, but also cut the chakra cost by half as well. This will give you a safe standard to work with on Focus based techniques, an easy way to remember this is Damage per round = 1/2 chakra cost for half damage. Damage over time = focus.
  At any point while ranking techniques its good to remember that 1 damage die can be sacrificed to make a change from the standard stats for the technique, such as increasing its range. This also works in reverse to a degree, if the user of a technique must make physical contact or the range is set to Melee or touch, the technique can deal an extra damage die. Melee = +1 damage die.
  If a technique would impose a condition, status or holds an effect the technique must lose something in turn as well, which is most often damage. This is typically a -2 damage die modifier. If a technique would have no effect or condition that the target must make a saving throw from, the save is instead made for half damage. All saving throws against techniques automatically cuts the damage in half, status effects and conditions are considered an addition to the Half Damage save.
  Below are the base save modifiers applied to techniques, the user of a technique will add their proficiency bonus and the applicable stat modifier to this save to determine the DC the target must pass, but for the purpose of technique creation only the base DC is needed. For those curious how to get the total for your technique DC it is as simple as Rank DC+Stat+proficency.
  Rank DC: E = 8, D = 10, C = 12, B = 14, A = 16, S = 18, SS =20, Y = 22, Z = 24, ZZ = 26
  Damage types These are each of the damage types present in the game system. If a technique deals damage you must also assign what kind of damage it does.
  Acid, Atomic, bludgeoning, Chakra, Cold, Explosive, Fire, Force, Mental, Necrotic, Piercing, Slashing, Sonic, Spirit, Suffocation, Thunder, Toxic,
  Its important to keep in mind that many techniques and abilities may be similar but as long as they deal different damage types, effects or go into seperate subsections or styles of techniques theres nothing wrong with similarities.
  Status effects These are the various current status effects that a technique may impose on targets. When techniques reach B rank the status effects often evolve to B-rank, though this is a guideline, not a hard rule.
  Stage 1: 18. Bleeding, Blind, Burned, Buzzed, Charmed, Chilled, Choking, Confused, Crazy, Deaf, Dependant, Exhausted, Fear, Grappled, Hexed, Poisoned, Sleeping, Stunned.
  Stage 2: 13. Addicted, Badly poisoned, Cursed, Frozen, Heavy bleeding, Insanity, Intoxicated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Restrained, Rotting, severe burns, suffocating, withdrawl.
  Below is the guideline for how strong each rank of each technique is as well as how much chakra they consume and their various ranges. When ranking techniques use the information give above and apply them to these base stats. E rank is the lowest rank for the weakest of techniques and S rank is the strongest with the most powerful effects. Simply check the guide for each rank as you prepare to build your techniques.
  E: These techniques are the most basic abilities within their class, they are not as powerful as other techniques, they are low cost techniques that still yield high results in combat.
  Average damage dice: 4d6+5/3/1. Base save/score bonus: 8. Max range: 50ft line, 25ft cone, 15ft radius. Chakra cost: 10. Damage: Ave 12. Max 24. Barriers: 25 points. Stat improvements: +2. Healing: 1 Hit Die as a reaction, 3 as a minor, 5 max. Number of techniques: 0.
  D: These are genin level abilities with greater results than E rank, these low level abilities typically take more chakra and can quickly exhaust weak chakra reserves.
  Average damage dice: 6d8+10/8/5. Base save/score bonus: 10. Max range: 75ft line, 50ft cone, 25ft radius. Chakra cost: 25. Damage: Ave 20. Max 40. Barriers: 50 points. Stat improvements: +3. Healing: 3 Hit Die as a reaction, 5 as a minor, 8 max. Number of techniques: 0.
  C: The most common level of technique, these abilities take considerable chakra but can be highly effective in battle.
  Base save/score bonus: 12. Max range: 100ft line, 75ft cone, 50ft radius. Chakra cost: 50. Average damage dice: 8d10+25/15/10 Damage: Ave 44. Max 80. Barriers: 100 points. Stat improvements: +4. Healing: 5 Hit Die as a reaction, 7 as a minor, 10 max. Number of techniques: 0.
  B: These jonin level techniques are typically the highest that most ninja can perform effectively.
  Average damage dice: 10d12+50/40/25. Base save/score bonus: 14. Max range: 150ft line, 100ft cone, 75ft radius. Chakra cost: 75. Damage: Ave 65. Max 120.Barriers: 150 points. Stat improvements: +5. Healing: 8 Hit Die as a reaction, 10 as a minor, 12 max.Number of techniques: 0.
  A: These techniques are beyond the reach of the average shinobi and the ability to use one is sure to impress.
  Average damage dice: 12d20+75/60/50. Base save/score bonus: 16. Max range: 200ft line, 150ft cone, 100ft radius. Chakra cost: 100. Damage: Ave 120. Max 240. Barriers: 250 points. Stat improvements: +6. Healing: 10 Hit Die as a reaction, 12 as a minor, 15 max.Number of techniques: 0.
  S: The greatest level of techniques, this is near impossible to escape from.
  Average damage dice: 5d100+100/85/75. Base save/score bonus: 18. Max range: 500ft line, 250ft cone, 175ft radius. Chakra cost: 150. Damage: Ave 250. Max 500. Barriers: 500 points. Stat improvements: +8. Healing: 12 Hit Die as a reaction, 15 as a minor, 20 max. Number of techniques: 0.
  SS: The greatest level of techniques, this is near impossible to escape from.
  Average damage dice: 8d100+200/150/100. Base save/score bonus: 20. Max range: 600ft line, 300ft cone, 200ft radius. Chakra cost: 250. Damage: Ave 500. Max 1,000. Barriers: 1,000 points. Stat improvements: +10. Healing: 15 Hit Die as a reaction, 18 as a minor, 25 max. Number of techniques: 0.
  Y: The greatest level of techniques, this is near impossible to escape from.
  Average damage dice: 10d100+500/350/200. Base save/score bonus: 22. Max range: 700ft line, 400ft cone, 250ft radius. Chakra cost: 400. Damage: Ave 1,000. Max 1,500. Barriers: 2,000 points. Stat improvements: +12. Healing: 20 Hit Die as a reaction, 25 as a minor, 30 max. Number of techniques: 0.
  Z: The greatest level of techniques, this is near impossible to escape from.
  Average damage dice: 15d100+750/650/500. Base save/score bonus: 24. Max range: 800ft line, 500ft cone, 300ft radius. Chakra cost: 500. Damage: Ave 1,500. Max 2,250. Barriers: 2,500 points. Stat improvements: +14. Healing: 25 Hit Die as a reaction, 30 as a minor, 35 max. Number of techniques: 0.
  ZZ: The greatest level of techniques, this is near impossible to escape from.
  Average damage dice: 20d100+1,000/850/750. Base save/score bonus: 26. Max range: 1,000ft line, 750ft cone, 500ft radius. Chakra cost: 750. Damage: Ave 2,000. Max 3,000. Barriers: 5,000 points. Stat improvements: +20. Healing: 30 Hit Die as a reaction, 40 as a minor, 50 max. Number of techniques: 0.
  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles: There are many types of styles for techniques. As follows they are
  Animal Combat: The primary fighting style of beasts and those that work alongside them, if it involves honing into animal like powers or commanding a beast to work with the user it belongs in this style.
  Fuinjutsu: The sealing arts and barriers, if it involves placing a seal, using a scroll, sealing a target or creating a barrier, its fuinjutsu.
  Genjutsu: The art of illusions and trickery, deception and even control. Genjutsu is the style of illusions and mind games.
  Insect Use: The use of insects in combat, if it involves bugs or insect like beings it belongs here.
  Jinchurikki: The jinchurikki class requires gaining chakra from an outside being, whether they're sealed inside you or not does not matter. Warlocks and paladins, saints and religious followers could all use abilities from the jinchurikki class.
  Kekkei Genkai: A special style of technique that is typically only found in certain bloodlines or those with great skill. Those that devote themselves to combining natures can sometimes learn kekkei genkai.
  Kenjutsu: The combat class of weaponry, if it involves using a weapon it falls into kenjutsu.
  Kinjutsu: Forbidden techniques, a very versatile class that is composed of techniques that are outlawed, lost to history, unknown to the modern world or does not fall into one of the other technique categories.
  Magic: The mystic arts, this style is primarily meant for more mystical or wonderous abilities not typically found in the ninja world.
  Medical: The art of healing, biology and the knowledge of the physical form. Primarily a support class its known that medical ninja can also be some of the most difficult combatants.
  Ninjutsu: The primary class used for elemental or supernatural abilities in the ninja world. Considered one of the 5 primary classes in the world.
  Puppetry: The art of manipulating objects, weapons and even living beings against their will.
  Senjutsu: Senjutsu is the ability to intake and use energy from the planet or universe around them. Though this intake can be regulated and used as a positive tool for the sages and others with training it often leads to others intaking unbalanced or corrupted nature energy and becoming monsters. This is often found in nature when beasts have naturally taken in nature energy.
  Sexjutsu: The art of seduction, arousal and temptation. This class is heavily reliant on charisma and has a heavy focus on more adult forms of combat. If its sexual, seductive or specifically targets genitals it likely winds up here, you sick fucks.
  Space-Time: The usage of altering space or time to the users liking, an incredibly versatile ability that requires incredible training and mental capacity.
  Taijutsu: The unarmed combat style, from punching people in the face, body slams, wicked combos and any other form of unarmed attacks you can think of it belongs here, anime logic applies.
  Below will be a free space for random techniques and practicing your hand at ranking styles, feel free to make additions and suggestions for any techniques here as well.
  Practice kick: The user practices a kick at a target. Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action
  Practice punch: ???. Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action
  Practice blast: ???.
  Practice armor:
  Practice beam:
  Practice golem:


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