Unranked techniques

This guide to ranking techniques is meant to help all newcomers to the system. Ranking techniques is a very easy process where one simply names a technique, describes it and then paste the technique format below behind the description. After that its as simple as filling in the question marks.   Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Total: 0.   If a technique requires a main action, it should deal as much damage as possible, since it will be one of the primary actions taken in the round, an easy way to remember this is Main action = full damage   If a technique requires a minor action to use, it should deal less damage than if it required a Main Action, this does not mean the techniques are useless in combat however, many minor action techniques are used buff the user or their allies, debuff enemies or dish out effects or extra damage with the right techniques, though it may not deal as much damage as a main action it can prove vital in combat. Minor action techniques typically take -2 damage die modifier or have their damage die cut in half.   Reactions are the fastest, and often rarest of all types of techniques. They deal very little damage and are often used for last second effects, attacks or quick escapesor defenses. Reaction techniques typically take a -4 damage die modifier or have the damage die total cut by 1/4th.   If a technique is meant to be held over multiple round or focused on you must cut the damage per round in half from the standard damage, but also cut the chakra cost by half as well. This will give you a safe standard to work with on Focus based techniques, an easy way to remember this is Damage per round = 1/2 chakra cost for half damage. Damage over time = focus.   At any point while ranking techniques its good to remember that 1 damage die can be sacrificed to make a change from the standard stats for the technique, such as increasing its range. This also works in reverse to a degree, if the user of a technique must make physical contact or the range is set to Melee or touch, the technique can deal an extra damage die. Melee = +1 damage die.   If a technique would impose a condition, status or holds an effect the technique must lose something in turn as well, which is most often damage. This is typically a -2 damage die modifier. If a technique would have no effect or condition that the target must make a saving throw from, the save is instead made for half damage. All saving throws against techniques automatically cuts the damage in half, status effects and conditions are considered an addition to the Half Damage save.   Below are the base save modifiers applied to techniques, the user of a technique will add their proficiency bonus and the applicable stat modifier to this save to determine the DC the target must pass, but for the purpose of technique creation only the base DC is needed. For those curious how to get the total for your technique DC it is as simple as Rank DC+Stat+proficency.   Rank DC: E = 8, D = 10, C = 12, B = 14, A = 16, S = 18, SS =20, Y = 22, Z = 24, ZZ = 26   Damage types These are each of the damage types present in the game system. If a technique deals damage you must also assign what kind of damage it does.   Acid, Atomic, bludgeoning, Chakra, Cold, Explosive, Fire, Force, Mental, Necrotic, Piercing, Slashing, Sonic, Spirit, Suffocation, Thunder, Toxic,   Its important to keep in mind that many techniques and abilities may be similar but as long as they deal different damage types, effects or go into seperate subsections or styles of techniques theres nothing wrong with similarities.   Status effects These are the various current status effects that a technique may impose on targets. When techniques reach B rank the status effects often evolve to B-rank, though this is a guideline, not a hard rule.   Stage 1: 18. Bleeding, Blind, Burned, Buzzed, Charmed, Chilled, Choking, Confused, Crazy, Deaf, Dependant, Exhausted, Fear, Grappled, Hexed, Poisoned, Sleeping, Stunned.   Stage 2: 13. Addicted, Badly poisoned, Cursed, Frozen, Heavy bleeding, Insanity, Intoxicated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Restrained, Rotting, severe burns, suffocating, withdrawl.   -------------------------------------------------   Below is the guideline for how strong each rank of each technique is as well as how much chakra they consume and their various ranges. When ranking techniques use the information give above and apply them to these base stats. E rank is the lowest rank for the weakest of techniques and S rank is the strongest with the most powerful effects. Simply check the guide for each rank as you prepare to build your techniques.     E: These techniques are the most basic abilities within their class, they are not as powerful as other techniques, they are low cost techniques that still yield high results in combat.   Average damage dice: 4d6+5/3/1. Base save/score bonus: 8. Max range: 50ft line, 25ft cone, 15ft radius. Chakra cost: 10. Damage: Ave 12. Max 24. Barriers: 25 points. Stat improvements: +2. Healing: 1 Hit Die as a reaction, 3 as a minor, 5 max. Number of techniques: 0.   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   D: These are genin level abilities with greater results than E rank, these low level abilities typically take more chakra and can quickly exhaust weak chakra reserves.   Average damage dice: 6d8+10/8/5. Base save/score bonus: 10. Max range: 75ft line, 50ft cone, 25ft radius. Chakra cost: 25. Damage: Ave 20. Max 40. Barriers: 50 points. Stat improvements: +3. Healing: 3 Hit Die as a reaction, 5 as a minor, 8 max. Number of techniques: 0.   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   C: The most common level of technique, these abilities take considerable chakra but can be highly effective in battle.   Base save/score bonus: 12. Max range: 100ft line, 75ft cone, 50ft radius. Chakra cost: 50. Average damage dice: 8d10+25/15/10 Damage: Ave 44. Max 80. Barriers: 100 points. Stat improvements: +4. Healing: 5 Hit Die as a reaction, 7 as a minor, 10 max. Number of techniques: 0.   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   B: These jonin level techniques are typically the highest that most ninja can perform effectively.   Average damage dice: 10d12+50/40/25. Base save/score bonus: 14. Max range: 150ft line, 100ft cone, 75ft radius. Chakra cost: 75. Damage: Ave 65. Max 120.Barriers: 150 points. Stat improvements: +5. Healing: 8 Hit Die as a reaction, 10 as a minor, 12 max.Number of techniques: 0.   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   A: These techniques are beyond the reach of the average shinobi and the ability to use one is sure to impress.   Average damage dice: 12d20+75/60/50. Base save/score bonus: 16. Max range: 200ft line, 150ft cone, 100ft radius. Chakra cost: 100. Damage: Ave 120. Max 240. Barriers: 250 points. Stat improvements: +6. Healing: 10 Hit Die as a reaction, 12 as a minor, 15 max.Number of techniques: 0.   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   S: The greatest level of techniques, this is near impossible to escape from.   Average damage dice: 5d100+100/85/75. Base save/score bonus: 18. Max range: 500ft line, 250ft cone, 175ft radius. Chakra cost: 150. Damage: Ave 250. Max 500. Barriers: 500 points. Stat improvements: +8. Healing: 12 Hit Die as a reaction, 15 as a minor, 20 max. Number of techniques: 0.   SS: The greatest level of techniques, this is near impossible to escape from.   Average damage dice: 8d100+200/150/100. Base save/score bonus: 20. Max range: 600ft line, 300ft cone, 200ft radius. Chakra cost: 250. Damage: Ave 500. Max 1,000. Barriers: 1,000 points. Stat improvements: +10. Healing: 15 Hit Die as a reaction, 18 as a minor, 25 max. Number of techniques: 0.   ---------------------------------------------------------------   Y: The greatest level of techniques, this is near impossible to escape from.   Average damage dice: 10d100+500/350/200. Base save/score bonus: 22. Max range: 700ft line, 400ft cone, 250ft radius. Chakra cost: 400. Damage: Ave 1,000. Max 1,500. Barriers: 2,000 points. Stat improvements: +12. Healing: 20 Hit Die as a reaction, 25 as a minor, 30 max. Number of techniques: 0.   -------------------------------------------------------------------   Z: The greatest level of techniques, this is near impossible to escape from.   Average damage dice: 15d100+750/650/500. Base save/score bonus: 24. Max range: 800ft line, 500ft cone, 300ft radius. Chakra cost: 500. Damage: Ave 1,500. Max 2,250. Barriers: 2,500 points. Stat improvements: +14. Healing: 25 Hit Die as a reaction, 30 as a minor, 35 max. Number of techniques: 0.   --------------------------------------------------------   ZZ: The greatest level of techniques, this is near impossible to escape from.   Average damage dice: 20d100+1,000/850/750. Base save/score bonus: 26. Max range: 1,000ft line, 750ft cone, 500ft radius. Chakra cost: 750. Damage: Ave 2,000. Max 3,000. Barriers: 5,000 points. Stat improvements: +20. Healing: 30 Hit Die as a reaction, 40 as a minor, 50 max. Number of techniques: 0.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles: There are many types of styles for techniques. As follows they are   Animal Combat: The primary fighting style of beasts and those that work alongside them, if it involves honing into animal like powers or commanding a beast to work with the user it belongs in this style.   Fuinjutsu: The sealing arts and barriers, if it involves placing a seal, using a scroll, sealing a target or creating a barrier, its fuinjutsu.   Genjutsu: The art of illusions and trickery, deception and even control. Genjutsu is the style of illusions and mind games.   Insect Use: The use of insects in combat, if it involves bugs or insect like beings it belongs here.   Jinchurikki: The jinchurikki class requires gaining chakra from an outside being, whether they're sealed inside you or not does not matter. Warlocks and paladins, saints and religious followers could all use abilities from the jinchurikki class.   Kekkei Genkai: A special style of technique that is typically only found in certain bloodlines or those with great skill. Those that devote themselves to combining natures can sometimes learn kekkei genkai.   Kenjutsu: The combat class of weaponry, if it involves using a weapon it falls into kenjutsu.   Kinjutsu: Forbidden techniques, a very versatile class that is composed of techniques that are outlawed, lost to history, unknown to the modern world or does not fall into one of the other technique categories.   Magic: The mystic arts, this style is primarily meant for more mystical or wonderous abilities not typically found in the ninja world.   Medical: The art of healing, biology and the knowledge of the physical form. Primarily a support class its known that medical ninja can also be some of the most difficult combatants.   Ninjutsu: The primary class used for elemental or supernatural abilities in the ninja world. Considered one of the 5 primary classes in the world.   Puppetry: The art of manipulating objects, weapons and even living beings against their will.   Senjutsu: Senjutsu is the ability to intake and use energy from the planet or universe around them. Though this intake can be regulated and used as a positive tool for the sages and others with training it often leads to others intaking unbalanced or corrupted nature energy and becoming monsters. This is often found in nature when beasts have naturally taken in nature energy.   Sexjutsu: The art of seduction, arousal and temptation. This class is heavily reliant on charisma and has a heavy focus on more adult forms of combat. If its sexual, seductive or specifically targets genitals it likely winds up here, you sick fucks.   Space-Time: The usage of altering space or time to the users liking, an incredibly versatile ability that requires incredible training and mental capacity.   Taijutsu: The unarmed combat style, from punching people in the face, body slams, wicked combos and any other form of unarmed attacks you can think of it belongs here, anime logic applies.   Below will be a free space for random techniques and practicing your hand at ranking styles, feel free to make additions and suggestions for any techniques here as well.     Unranked:   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astral constriction technique: the user bends the fabric of space over a wide radius that grapples targets within range and attempts to tear the targets body away from their spirit. Deals 20d100+500 spiritual damage to all targets within a 300ft cube, all targets must make a DC 24 dex save or be grappled   Eternal Intoxication Seal: The target is imbued with a seal that will keep them intoxicated for as long as the seal remains regardless of any attempts to become sober. If one attempts to dispell this technique and fails 2d100+150 mental damage to both target and the one attempting to dispell the effect. This effect can be triggered by the user at any time. The target has their sense of pain dulled, the target has disadvantage on saves against genjutsu, The target is easily convinced to do things normally out of character, cha, int and wis checks all take a -3 penalty.Rank: S. Style: Fuinjutsu. Chakra cost: 150. Range: Touch. Save: 18, wis vs intoxicated. Damage: 2d100+150 mental when triggered. Focus: No. Requirements: . Enhancement: ???. Minor Action   Eternal Intoxication barrier:   Heaven's embrace   Organ displacement technique:   Biological shift technique:   Biological resistance technique:   Biological immunity technique:   Biological weakness technique:   Biological vulnerability technique:   Mass Biological Shift:   Cardiac Pulse technique:   Great Cardiac Pulse:   Mass cardiac Pulse:   Cardiac Pulse control:   Lung Collapse Technique:   Brain Hemorrage technique:   Hemorrhaggic Fever Induction:   Digestive Rupture:   Digestive Reversal:   Nerve Seizure technique:   Nerve Seize Strike:   Nerve Seize Barrage:   Nerve Seize Control:   Kidney Failure Induction:   Kidney Puncture technique:   Blood coagulation technique:   Blood coagulation control:   Adrenal Overload:   Mass adrenal overload:   Static Aura Ilusion: The user casts a genjutsu on themselves that makes it seem as if they are emitting lightning around themselves to give any who strike them the electrified effect. Rank: E. Style: Genjutsu. Chakra cost: 10. Range: Self. Save: 6, int vs electrified. Damage: No direct damage. Focus: No. Requirements: Lightning chakra nature, two free hands. Enhancement: Disadvantage on saves. Reaction   Abyssal Rift: The user summons a portal within range, as long as the portal remains up it will continue to spew corrosive elements while pulling targets towards it, targets that are within 10ft, or touching the rift take double damage. Rank: Y. Style: Space-time. Chakra cost: 150 per round Range: 350ft cone. Save: 22, pow vs being pulled 150ft towards the rift. Damage: 3d100+100 Acid per round. Focus: Yes. Requirements: One free hand. Enhancement: Doubled range. Minor Action   Anti-life rift:   Phantom force protection: The user creates a short barrier around themselves that turns the user invisible and repels any who attempt to touch, attack or interact with the user. This barrier can withstand 75 points of damage before breaking and will remain active until the user dismisses it, focus is broken or the barrier is destroyed. Rank: C. Style: Fuinjutsu. Chakra cost: 50. Range: Self, 20ft radius. Save: 10, pow vs being pushed back 20ft. Damage: 2d10+5 force. Focus: Yes. Requirements: Two free hands. Enhancement: Targets pushed twice as far. Reaction   Advanced Phantom force Protection: The user creates a large barrier around themselves that turns the user invisible and repels any who attempt to touch, attack or interact with the user. This barrier can withstand 100 points of damage before breaking and will remain active until the user dismisses it, focus is broken or the barrier is destroyed. Rank: B. Style: Fuinjutsu. Chakra cost: 75. Range: Self, 30ft radius. Save: 12, pow vs being pushed back 40ft. Damage: 3d12+10 force. Focus: Yes. Requirements: Two free hands. Enhancement: Targets pushed twice as far. Reaction   Phantom Force Seal: The user places a seal on a target, that target feels as if they are constantly being pushed and shoved by unseen targets, the user may pick the direction the target is pushed.   Phantom Force Protection Projection: The user selects a target of their choosing, that target becomes invisible and has a barrier placed around them. That barrier repels anything near the target and pushes them backwards 80ft, it can withstand 250 points of damage.   Phantom Force barrier: The user creates a barrier that cannot be noticed by those outside of it. Within the barrier all targets are hit with a constant stream of force that presses against them, those within this barrier are consindered invisible and must make a save against being pushed back every round. If one from outside the barrier attempts to touch the barrier or otherwise interact with it they must also mke a save against being pushed backwards. Rank: Y. Style: Fuinjutsu. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Main action   Phantom Force dome:   Phantom Force Barrier Seal:   Thorn of the Void: The user creates a series of dark spikes that rupture through the ground and pierce through targets from below, piercing them and filling them with fear as they are feeling the bitter emptiness of the void reaching through their wounds. The stage 2 evolution of frightened, target cannot attack the creature they are terrified of, they must flee at their maximum distance and makes all saves at disadvantage while fleeing. Rank: Z. Style: Kinjutsu. Chakra cost: 250 per round. Range: 250ft radius. Save: 22, wis vs terrified. Damage: 4d100+150 per round piercing. Focus: Yes. Requirements: two free hands. Enhancement: Doubled radius. Minor Action   Frostbite infliction Technique: The user sends a pulse of chakra into a targets bloodstream that chills the target and nearly freezesthe blood in their veins. Targets are dealt cold damage and feel weakened from the technique in a state similar to frostbite. Rank: D. Style: Medical. Chakra cost: 25 or 15 per round. Range: Touch. Save: 8, dex vs weakened. Damage: 6d8+10 cold per round. Focus: No. Requirements: Two free hands. Enhancement: +2 damage die. Main Action   Mental Torment Hex: The user can activate this technique to swiftly send a burst of magic towards a target that will fill their mind with screams, shouts, cries and taunts of various natures while slowly damaging the target's spirit. Rank: C. Style: Magic. Chakra cost: 50. Range: 100ft line. Save: 10, vs int vs hexed. Damage: 2d10+10 Mental. Focus: No. Requirements: One free hand. Enhancement: Can select a second target within range. Reaction   Temporal Inspiration: The user glimpses through the timestream to give their allies a buff by telling them or reminding them of their greatest victtories inspires a number of targets equal to their proficiency bonus, targets may add a +5 instead of a +1 for all attacks and rolls they make for the next hour and targets gain temp HP equal to twice the user's proficiency bonus.Rank: Y. Style: Space-time. Chakra cost: 300 or 150 per round. Range: 400ft line. Save: none Damage: None. Focus: No. Requirements: One free hand. Enhancement: Targets gain an extra +1 mod. Minor Action   Mad Man's Toxic Shot: The user injects the target with a shot of Mad Man's toxin which will melt through most materials while also driving the target mad so that they will run around aimlessly rather than getting assistance. Rank: Z. Style: Medical. Chakra cost: 500. Range: 450ft line. Save: 22, dex vs crazed. Damage: 16d100+400 Acid. Focus: No. Requirements: Two free hands. Enhancement: The user can select an extra target within range. Main Action   Echo slash: The user performs a melodic slash attack with their weapon, the user feints with their weapon attack to instead send a wave of sonic energy towards the target from afar. Rank: C. Style: Kenjutsu. Chakra cost: 50. Range: 100ft line. Save: 12, wis vs stun. Damage: 4d10+15 sonic. Focus: No. Requirements: Must be wielding a weapon. Enhancement: The user can select a second target within range. Minor Action   Repeating echo slash:   Echo slash combo   Echoing slash technique:   Echoing Slash Series:   Aura of serene frost: The user emits an aura of frosty cold energy while channeling their purity, the user inflicts cold damage to all within range of the user and they gain the regen effect. While this technique is active the user becomes resistant to illusions and sexjutsu techniques. Charm effects have disadvantage against the user. Rank: Z. Style: Zenjutsu. Chakra cost: 250 per round. Range: 250ft radius centered on user. Save: 24, cha for half damage. Damage: 4d100+150 cold per round. Focus: Yes. Requirements: One free hand. Enhancement: Doubled range. Minor Action   Plague Detonation: The user releases a cloud of explosive chakra that is infused with a disease of the user's choosing, when activated the cloud can detonate dealing explosive damage to all nearby. Rank: C. Style: Medical. Chakra cost: 30 per round. Range: 60ft cube+20ft per round. Save: 12, pow vs disease. Damage: 4d10+13 explosive per round. Focus: Yes. Requirements: Two free hands. Enhancement: Doubled radius. Action   Nature Beam: The user summons nature energy into an overwhelming force that strikes the target from below, erupting upwards in a powerful beam. Rank: SS. Style: Senjutsu. Chakra cost: 100 per round. Range: 175ft radius, +25ft per round. Save: 20, pow vs broken bone. The target takes a -4 penalty to either their power or dex and their attack damage is reduced by 5 points. Damage: 4d100+80 Radiant per round. Focus: Yes. Requirements: Two free hands. Enhancement: Doubled radius. Action   Nature beam barrage:   Nature Beam Blast:   Nature Beam Blitz:   Blessed Blade intervention: The user tosses their blade in response to an attack being made or a technique being activated, the user targets an ally that is being targetted for an attack, the user triggers a clash against that attack and on a save the ally being targeted is granted the blessed condition, on fail they take full damage from the attack they were originally the target for. Rank: D. Style: Kenjutsu. Chakra cost: 25. Range: 75ft line. Save: 10, clash vs blessed. Damage: 1d8+3 force to enemy target on attacks. Focus: No. Requirements: Must have weapon equipped. Enhancement: The user can select an extra target. Reaction   Patron's Thunder brand: The user releases a burst of lightning from their patron that inflicts great pain and marks the target with the patron's symbol and leaves them vulnerable to attacks from the patron or thunder damage. If a target is killed while they have this brand they have their energy taken and given to user's patron. Rank: ZZ. Style: Jinchurikki. Chakra cost: 750. Range: 450ft cone. Save: 26, wis vs marked. Damage: 20d100+500 thunder. Focus: No. Requirements: Two free hands. Enhancement: Doubled range. Action   Stormbound seal:   Slumbering claw strike: When being targeted for an attack the user counter attacks and slashes at their attacker with their claws coated in a neurotoxin that will lull a target to sleep for the next 1d8 rounds, upon being attacked the target will immediatly awaken. Rank: B. Style: Animal combat. Chakra cost: 75. Range: Touch. Save: 14, wis vs sleep for 1d8 rounds. Damage: 3d12+25 slashing. Focus: No. Requirements: One free hand. Enhancement: +1 damage die. Reaction   Burning Blade Whirlwind: The user ignites their weapon and rotates it violently with great speed creating a radius of nonstop attacks nearby that will cut through a target with ease and leave them with terrible burns. Rank: S. Style: Kenjutsu. Chakra cost: 80 per round. Range: 150ft radius centered on user +30ft per round. Save: 18, pow vs severe burns Damage: 2d100+50 slashing per round. Focus: Yes. Requirements: Must have weapon equipped. Enhancement: Doubled range. Minor Action   Evil Detonation Brand: The user sends out an explosive wave of dark energy that inflicts a mark on each target hit with it, this mark can be activated as an action to give all wearing this mark a signal that activates this technique, causing another detonation and marking all near this user with the sigil. When a target wearing this sigil reaches 0hp and dies the sigil is activated before fading. Rank: ZZ. Style: Kinjutsu. Chakra cost: 750. Range: 450ft cone, global mark. Save: 26, wis for half damage & marked condition. Damage: 20d100+500 explosive. Focus: No. Requirements: Two free hands. Enhancement: Doubled range. Action   Detonation brand: Explosive style   Infinite detonation seal:   Silken Bind: The user wraps a target in a specially woven piece of silk or other materials that render the target unable to use their chakra. Rank: D. Style: Sexjutsu. Chakra cost: 15 per round. Range: 75ft line. Save: 10, wis vs Suppressed. Damage: 2d8+6 suffocation per round. Focus: Yes. Requirements: One free hand. Enhancement: Can select an extra target. Minor Action   Mind flaying genjutsu: The user places a target in a genjutsu that makes the target take double damage from all other genjutsu they are targeted with for the round. Rank: Y. Style: Genjutsu. Chakra cost: 150 per round. Range: 400ft line. Save: 22, int vs vulnerable Damage: 3d100+100 mental per round . Focus: Yes. Requirements: One free hand. Enhancement: The usercan select an extra target within range. Minor Action   Celestial Grip: When the user or an ally within range is attacked the user can activate this technique to grab the attacker with divine energy and stop their attack. Rank: E. Style: Shinjutsu. Chakra cost: 10. Range: 50ft line. Save: 8, wis vs grapple. Damage: 1d6+1 force. Focus: No. Requirements: One free hand. Enhancement: The user can select an extra target within range. Reaction   Time God's Trade: the user trades their time to slow the timeline of a creature within range that creature is slowed for the next hour. Rank: Z. Style: Alchemy. Chakra cost: 500. Range: 450ft line. Save: 24, int vs greatly slowed. Damage: 3d100+200 mental. Focus: No. Requirements: One free hand. Enhancement: The user can select an extra target within range. Reaction   Slaughtering Storm Barrage: Rank: SS. Style: Kinjutsu. Chakra cost: 200 or or 100 per round. Range: ???. Save: 20, ??? vs stat mod. Damage: 4d100+100 or 2d100+60 piercing per round. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Minor Action   Blood hail:   Blood hail barrage:   Blood hex:   Crimson rain:   Cloud of daggers:   Swirling Senbon Slaughter:   Evil thorn Vortex:   Evil Storm Shot:   Whispers of desire: The user utters a quick whisper and all targets near them hear a number of sweet nothings, temptations and impulsie thoughts encouraging them to do whatever they or the user wants. The target will take mental damage each round and will suffer a headache as a result and are typically unaware that the whispers have hexed them. Rank: E. Style: Sexjutsu. Chakra cost: 5 per round. Range: 50ft cone. Save: 8, int vs hexed. Damage: 1d6+2 mental per round. Focus: Yes. Requirements: One free hand. Enhancement: Doubled range. Minor Action   Stunning Shock Illusion:   Static Shock Genjutsu:   Thunderous Torment illusion:Rank: SS. Style: Genjutsu. Chakra cost: 200 or 100 per round. Range: ???. Save: 20, ??? vs paralyzed. Damage: 4d100+100 or 2d100+60 thunder per round. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Minor Action   Luminous Chains: The user casts a spell that seeks out a target and attaches itself to them bringing with it a large amount of weight. These chains glow with a bright energy that burns the targets and makes it impossible for them to escape or hide. The user can select an extra target each round. Rank: C. Style: Magic. Chakra cost: 30 per target per round. Range: 150ft line. Save: 12, pow vs encumbered. Damage: 4d10+13 radiant per round. Focus: Yes. Requirements: One free hand. Enhancement: Can select an extra target each round. Action   The cursed seal of malice:   Seal of eternal rot:   Dead man's seal:   Seal of endless hatred:   Seal of purity:   Seal of constant joy:   Seal of inner peace:   Rank: S. Style: Fuinjutsu.. Chakra cost: 150 or 80 per round. Range: ???. Save: 18, ??? vs taunt. Damage: 5d100+100 or 3d100+60 necrotic per round. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Seal of Ruination:   Seal of Ruinination, Shield: When being attacked the user can use this variant of the Seal of Ruination. The user creates a seal around themselves and any near them, any who strike this shield are dealt a massive amount of damage as any organic material that touches the seal from the outside is destroyed at the atomic level and left weak to all forms of damage for 1 full round. Rank: SS. Style: Fuinjutsu. Chakra cost: 200. Range: Self/50ft radius centered on self. Save: 20, pow for half damage. Damage: 1d100+75 atomic. Focus: No. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Reaction   Rank: A. Style: Kinjutsu. Chakra cost: 100 or 60 per round. Range: ???. Save: 16, ??? vs AC mod Damage: 12d20+75 or 7d20+40 toxic per round. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Main Action                     -------------------------------------- Animal Combat -------------------------------------   Aquatic beast techniques       ---------------------------------------- Basic beast techniques   wyrm strike:   Tiger Roar: A vicious shout towards the enemy that disorients and confuses the mind.   --------------------------- Bird Techniques       -------------------------------------------------- Kinjutsu requirement       ----------------------------------------------------- Reptile Techniques         --------------------------------------------------- Fuinjutsu --------------------------- Barriers       ----------------------------------- Seals       ----------------------------------- Kinjutsu Requirement       ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genjutsu ----------------------------------- Combat genjutsu       -------------------------------------------- Support Genjutsu       --------------------------------------------------- Insect Use   Wing Powder Genjutsu:   Wing Powder Technique:   Butterfly Haze:   Moth Dust Technique:   Feast of Flies:   Insects swarm around a target, covering their entire body while vibrating rapidly and exuding intense heat from their own bodies to boil a target alive.   ------------------ Combat Insect techniques       ----------------------- Support Insect Techniques       -------------------------------------------------------- Jinchurikki -------------------- Combat Jinchurikki Techniques       ------------------------------------------- Support Jinchurikki Techniques       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kenjutsu: ---------------------- 3 sword style techniques       ---------------------------------- 2 sword style techniques       ----------------------------------------- 1 sword style techniques       ------------------------------------- Battle-dance techniques         ------------------------------------------- Basic weapon techniques   Sword Circle: The user spins their blade in a circle marking an area as they do, everything in that area is cut.       --------------------------------------------------------- Ninja Arts       ----------------------------------------- Samurai arts       ------------------------------------ Trap specialty       ---------------------------------------------- Viking Arts     ------------------------------------------------------ Kinjutsu       ------------------------------------ Combat Kinjutsu       -------------------------------------------- Support Kinjutsu       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic   Magic Fog: The user creates a magical fog around a widespread area which temporarily blinds enemies.   Cloud Fog:   Shade:   Raze:   Dancing Dagger:   Condem:   Flash:   Time slip:   Doomclaw:   Dark Spark:   Magic hammer:   White Wind:   Mass Mute:   Gravity:   Graviga:   Gravija:   Quicken:   Banish:   Banishment:   Bane:   Dimension door:   Sparks:   Flames:   Frostbite:   Fire rune:   Thunder rune:   Frost rune:   Magic Meltdown:   Flood:   Valor: Next attack hits harder.   Vanish: Brief invisibility.   Invisibility:   Magic bolt:   Magic bolts:   Mage Bolt:   Witch bolt:   Chaos bolt:   Hell bolt:   Future vision:   Soul search:   Comet Crash:   Demi: Gravity blast.   Demira:   Demiga:   Despell:   Debarrier:   Resistance:   Mending:   Acid Spray:   Shocking grasp:   Magic blade:   Magic shield:   Freeze:   Freezaga:   Freezara:   Mage wall:   Full cure:   Full regen:   Full restore:   Healing ward:   Apocalypse:   Catastrophe:   Doomsday:   Bio sword:   Blizzard sword:   Blizzaga sword:   Blizzara Sword:   Fire sword:   Fira sword:   Firaga sword:   Doomsday sword:   Flare sword:   Thunder sword:   Thundara sword:   Thundaga sword:   Water:   Watera:   Wateraga:   Auto-life:   Nulblaze:   Nulshock:   Nulfrost:   Magic blast:   Magic ray:   Magic beam:   Meteor Strike:   Hellfire:   Aerospark:   Diamond dust:   Impulse:   Megaflare:   Oblivion:   Icen:   Protective Light:   Rend:   Heatra:   Healing Light:   Weak ward:   Ward of defense:   Ward of protection:   Hyper Blast:   Gaia's wrath:   Thorn whip:   Judgement Bolt:   Whisperwind:   Radiant Breath:   Tsunami:   Flames of Rebirth:   Ruby Light:   Thunderstorm spell:   Tornado Zone:   Holy judgement:   1,000 needles:   Eternal Breath:   Diamond light:   Emerald Light:   Eternal Darkness:   Pearl Light:   Terra Homing:   Anemohelix: A DOT Wind spell.   Noctohelix: Dark spell.   Pyrohelix:   Hydrohelix:   Ionhelix:   Acrid stream:   Ice break:   Wingardium Leviosa: The user makes an object levitate.   Alohamora: The user unlocks a locked chest or door.   Lumos: The user creates a ball of light.   Avada Kedavra:   Crucio: Torture curse, DOT.   Aberto: Unlocks doors.   Aquamenti:   Aqua Eructo:   Alarte Ascendare: The target is launched into the air.   Anapneo: A spell to clear ones airway, they become resistant to suffocation damage and the choking effect.   Dolohov's Curse:   Aparecium: A spell to reveal hidden messages.   23. ------------------------------------------------------- Medical       --------------------------------- Combat medical       --------------------------------- Support Medical       ----------------------------------------------------------- Puppetry       --------------------------- Combat Puppetry       ------------------------ Support Puppetry       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Senjutsu 0.       --------------------- General senjutsu       --------------------------- Kinjutsu requirement       -------------------------------------------------------- Sexjutsu       ------------------------------------------ Space-Time:     ------------------------------------------- Taijutsu 22 done     ____________________________________________________________________________________ Ninjutsu   --------------------------------------------- General Ninjutsu       ---------------------------------------- Wind style       ----------------------------------------------------------- Earth style     -------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Style       --------------------------------------------------- Water style       ------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning style       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kekkei Genkai ------------------------------------------------------------------ Blood style     --------------------------------------------------------- Body expansion   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone style     -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Style   Gem shine:   Crystal Flash:   Gem strike:   Gem polish:   Diamond storm:   -------------------------------------------- Explosive style   Little flower: the user causes an explosion in their palm damaging anything nearby.   Hidden bomb: the user can place a hidden bomb made of energy that those nearby, or those who have these bombs placed on them are typically unaware of their placement. These deal a large amount of damage to targets within range.   Countdown: Any bombs or explosives the user targets that possess their chakra or energy begin counting down, upon the countdown concluding the bombs will detonate at max damage. Rules for the countdown can be set by the user, such as the countdown being linked to time, heartbeats, footsteps, trying to disarm the explosives or otherwise not following the orders of the user.   Explosive monster jutsu:   Exploding dragon jutsu:   Bomb Clone:   Bomb Blast Dance:   Clay Coffin technique:   Bomb Blast Roar:   Sonic Bomb:   Sonic Boom:   Sonic Detonation:   Electro-magnetic impulse:   EMP Shot:   EMP Blast:   Sonic Shock wave:   Sonic Collapse:   Napalm Shot:   Napalm Wave:   Napalm Burst:   Napalm Blast:   Napalm Wall:   Napalm Flame Tornado:   Napalm Nuke:   Bio-toxin bomb:   Bio-bomb shot:   Bio-bomb blast:   Bio-bomb wave:   Carpet bombing technique:   Napalm Carpet bombing:   Bio carpet bombing:   Chemical bomb shot:   Chemical bomb technique:   Chem bomb blast:   Chem bomb wave:   Missile shot:   Napalm missile shot:   Bio missile shot:   Chem missile shot:   Missile Barrage:   Nitro bomb shot:   Nitro missile:   Nitro carpet bombing:   Nitro nuke:   Hallucigenic bomb:   Napalm dragon jutsu:   Nuclear dragon jutsu:   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glass style   Reflective shine:   Mirror Flash:   Blinding Mirror:   Mirror coat:   Mirror Trap:   Glass Shard shot:   Glass Shard volley:   Glass Shard Barrage:   Glass Hailstorm:   Glass prison jutsu:   Mirror prison jutsu:   Glass Shield jutsu:   Mirror Shield Jutsu:   Shattered Mirror Storm:   Glass Clone Jutsu:   Mirror Clone Jutsu:   Glass Golem Jutsu:   Mirror Golem Jutsu:   Glass dragon jutsu:   Mirror dragon jutsu:   Mirror Creation technique:   Mass Mirror Creation technique:   Mirror travel jutsu:   Mirror Self Reflection:   Mirror Reflection Illusion:   Mirror travel strike:   Mirror Travel Barrage:   Mirror travel trap:   Mirror seal jutsu:   Mirror Dimension Seal:   Magic Mirror jutsu:   Scrying Mirror technique:   Glass Flurry Storm:   Mirror Shatter:   Glass Rain:   Glass spikes:   Glass bullet jutsu:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Style   Snow shine:   Ice flash:   Reflective ice glimmer:   Ice beam: The user sends a beam of ice that freezes those that it comes in contact with.   Frost beam:   Ray of frost:   Absolute Zero: Coldest Tempereature possible   Hail barrage:   Blizzard:   Blizzard barrage:   Aurora beam:   Borealis Genjutsu:   Arctic blitz:   Arctic Wave:   Icy wind:   Icy wave:   Ice ball:   Sheer cold:   Icicle spear:   Icicle spear barrage:   Avalanche:   Ice Shard:   Ice fang:   Frost breath:   Glaciate:   Freeze Shock:   Icy-hot:   Freezer burn:   Cold burn:   Icicle Crash:   Freeze Dry:   Sub-zero:   Sub-zero Slam:   Aura Veil:   Mountain Gale:   Snowscape:   Chilly Reception:   Icicle Birds: The user sends several ice shards at a target that take on the shape of small birds.   Ice Dragon Tail: Swinging their sword in a linear direction, the user creates overflowing ice from their blade in the form of a crescent.   Chill breath:   Frost breath:   Ice Bullet:   Snow Bullet:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light Style   Heavenly Illumination technique: The user holds their hand out in a peace sign before a bright flash of light illuninates everything facing the user, blinding the targets and allowing the user to flee or attack their enemies. The user ignores opprotunity attacks from targets that have been blinded and attacks they make for the next round have advantage. Rank: B. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 75. Range: 100ft cone. Save: 12, wis vs blinded. Damage: 2d12 mental. Focus: No. Requirements: Light style. Enhancement: Doubled range. Reaction     Lightspeed punch:   Lightspeed kick:   Kick of light:   Punch of light:   Light golem creation:   Armor of light technique:   Light speed dash:   Light ray:   Light beam:   Light reflection technique:   Hidden light technique:   Ama no Murakumo Sword: Sword made of light.   Yasakani String of Jewels: A rapid fire swarm of light bullets that spread over a large area dealing a massive amount of damage.   Light dragon jutsu:   Light ray trifecta:   Light wave technique:   Blast of light:   Solar Flash:   Global Illumination technique:   Light Eradication technique:   Light of the sun:   Shining Star:   Bright Beam:   Darklight Jutsu:   Light of Justice:   Eradicating Light:   Light of the underworld:   Light bullet:   Light clone:   Solar Light:   Cleansing Light:   Devil's light:   Cursed Light:   Rapid fire light bullets:   Great light bullets:   Multi-light clone:   Regulus: The user coats their body in light, keeping them partially protected while also allowing them to deal extra damage on melee or ranged weapon attacks.   Lion's Brilliance: The user lets out a large amount of light from their body, covering a wide radius around them. This bright light can be used to momentarily blind opponents, forcing them to lower their guard, dropping their AC while dealing a moderate amount of damage to the targets.   Regulus Impact: The user performs this technique by gathering light in their open right palm and then clenching their fist to punch the target. When this punch connects, a large lion's face materializes from light and strikes the target, blasting it away with great force.   Regulus Gatling Impact: The user gathers light in their hands before rapidly striking the target, sending them flying backwards.   Light Pulse:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lava Style   Blinding magma fumes:   Blinding magma flash:   Flower fruit mountain: The user creates a volcano which then explodes violently, sending molten rock flying up in all directions the effects of which resemble a giant flower.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Eruption:   Volcanic Blast:   Magma bullet:   Volcanic bullet:   Magma fist:   Lava dragon jutsu:   Lava plume:   Magma Storm:   Magma Spit:   Lava fang:   Magma prison:   Magma dragon jutsu:   Magma wall jutsu:   Lava trap jutsu:   Magma Spikes:   Volcanic Golem:   --------------------------------------------------------------- Magnet Style   Carbon storm:   Carbon trap:   Carbon bullet:   Carbon wall:   Mercury vapor:   Mercury drowning:   Mercury rain:   Mercury wave:   Mercury Crash:   Mercury seal:   Mercury Bomb blast:   Mercury Gas:   Silver dragon jutsu:   Silver shuriken shot:   Silver suffocation technique:   Silver Crater:   Silver Valley:   Silver Clone:   Magnetic Illusion technique:   Coal Burning Shot:   Coal Incineration technique:   Coal Prison jutsu:   Coal Dragon Jutsu:   Coal hellstorm:   Coal Wave:   Coal Crash:   Coal Burst:   Coal Dome technique:   ------------------------------------------------------ Mind Transfer   Mental blinding technique: The user hits the target with a burst of chakra that allows them to slip into the targets mind and remove their visual processors, rendering the target blind.   Eye mind reading: The user infiltrates a targets mind with their chakra in an attempt to read their mind.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Telekinetic push:   Mind destruction jutsu: The user sends their chakra into a target's nervous system, giving them full control over the target's body. Because only their bodies are being controlled, targets remain aware of what their body is doing, though they won't understand why.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Mind transmission jutsu: The user is able to telepathically communicate over a wide radius with any target they can sense, allies near the user can make physical contact with the user to speak to any the user is communicating with this way.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Mind's eye of the Kagura: A highly advanced sensory jutsu that lets the target read and recognize chakra signatures as well as who they may belong to based off chakra readings. Users can tell the exact location of the target in relation to them. Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Object manipulation technique: This technique allows the user to telekinetically control objects after marking them with a seal on their hand.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Psybeam:   Mind break:   Mind crush:   Psychic blast:   Dream Eater:   Psywave:   Psyshock:   Psystrike:   Shattered Psyche:   Psyblade:   Mind reading Technique:   Hive Mind Technique:   Mental Connetion Web:     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One for all   Eye Smash:   Oklahoma smash:   Detroit smash:   Texas smash:   United states of smash:   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Particle style   Particle seperation technique: The user begins dissassembling their own body to make them near impossible to hit, though this allows the user to phase through objects they cannot charge chakra, make attacks or use other techniques until they reform their body. If they run out of chakra while inside an object or space occupied by an inanimate object, the user will become ingrained with the object often resulting in dismemberment, injury, or death.   Particle clone jutsu: The user makes clones of themselves that are detonate over a wide radius when defeated.   Beelzebub: The user seperates their body at the cellular level, with each piece heading out and scanning the area as the user is reduced in size but given true sight in a large radius centered on an area of their choosing.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rinnegan   Soul Tear:   Soul Yank:   Spirit Yoink:   Spirit blinding:   Blinding glare:   Arm cannon:   Missile arm blast:       ------------------------------------------------------------------- Scorch Style   Heat vision:   Sun Shine:   Blinding Rays:   Fire-storm rasengan: The user creates a Rasengan then breathes a Fireball into it. They then slam the flame-covered Rasengan into the opponent which erupts into a fiery blast.   Blaze kick:   Scorching ray:   Flame vortex:   Overheat:   Scorch beam:   Blaze bullet:   Flare Blitz:   Incineration:   Heat Crash:   Searing Shot:   Fusion Flare:   Mystical Fire:   Inferno Overdrive:   Max Flare:   Pyro Ball:   Torch Song:   Scorching Hell: Running down the length of the cutting edge of the blade into the ground, a spark of liquid fire branches off in intricate circle pattern formations and creates several immense pillars of flame, which surround the area. The intent of this technique is to trap the opponent in the growing inferno, which develops from the pillars joining one another, and destroy everything within it.   Eternal blaze:   Armor of the sun:   Scorch Golem:   Sun Bullet:   Sun ray:   Sun Golem:   -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow style   Shadow knuckle: The user makes a their shadow turn into a fist that strikes the target from afar.   Shadow knuckle Barrage:   Shadow knuckle Combo:   Mass Shadow Knuckle:   Mass shadow knuckle barrage:   Orochi Shadow: The user make a large multi-headed snake out of shadows that strikes all those within range of it every round.   shadow guard:   shadow shield:   shade barrier:   Shadow blinding technique:   Shadow eyes:   Shadow Stealing technique:   Shadow Absorption:   Shadow Imbuing:   Shadow punch:   Shadow Claw:   Shadow Sneak:   Shadow step:   Dark Hole:   Dark Void:   Shadow leap:   Shadow force:   Black Hole Eclipse:   Shadow Blitz:   Shadow Rush:   Shadow Break:   Shadow End:   Shadow wave:   Shadow Shot:   Shadow storm:   Shadow Bolt:   Shade Chill:   Shadow Blast:   Shadow snatch: The user covers a target area in their shadow and pulls all in that area into the darkness, they are then able to release those trapped within their shadow at will.   Shadow golem jutsu:   Shade armor Jutsu:   Shadow wall jutsu:   Shade dragon jutsu:   --------------------------------------------------- Sharingan   Sharingan glare:   Sharingan blinding technique:   Blood Moon Sacrifice: A target is placed under a genjutsu, in which they are made to see the caster murder someone who the target knows of. As they do so, a blood moon that reflects the sharingan rises in the distance. A rank   Copy counter:   Copy counter-strike:   Time Lapse: The user can activate this technique at half cost to set their place in time, they can reactivate it a second time as a reaction at to go back in time to the first activation, reversing any damage the user had sustained.   Gorgonic Gaze: The user petrifies any targets within eyesight.   Ninigi: The user creates a portal within eyesight that absorbs an incoming technique, this technique can be cast a second time to release the technique. Stored techniques should be listed seperately.   ???: The user selects two or more targets within eyesight, they can swap the posistions of any targets they selected.   Durga: The user places the targets in a genjutsu in which they are seperated from all others, the area may look however the user wishes but often resembles training grounds, battle fronts or colliseums, the two then compete in a battle. While this technique is active, the user can suffer no injuries, though the targets feel all the pain. This technique is perfect for stealthily eliminating targets or fighting within public areas, minimizing the risk of harming those nearby.   Phobos: The user puts a target in a hellish genjutsu where they are tormented by their greatest fears.   Gashadokoro: The user manifests a susanoo variant the takes the shape of a human skeleton that craves the flesh of others. While the susanno is active the user gains a boost to their AC and their size increases to giant. The starving skeleton heals the user for half of any damage they deal while their susanoo is active. Bone style, Mangekyo requirement, minor action.   -------------------------------------------------- Smoke style   Blinding Smoke:   Smokescreen Gas technique:   Haze Spray: Sends out a burst of sharp mist to cut the target in half.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Smoke shot: Creates a short, controlled blast of smoke that can blind the target in seconds.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Blistering Blaze: Sends out a burst of smoke that, upon contact with anything, creates an explosion of steam that will either harm or kill the target.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Choking Fumes: This is similar to the choking cloud, except the fumes are not just dense and choking, they are poisonous as well. When breathed in, the target's lungs will blister and burn, while the body slowly shuts down from the painful fumes.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Choking Ash: The ash in this jutsu burns at the targets skin at the start of every turn. If they fail an endurance save, they take damage at the start of their turn in every round of combat.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Ashes of The Millions: The ash in this jutsu burns away the target's organs when breathed in, so not only does it kill the target with the pain the ash brings, but also with the amount of blood loss from the target's dying organs. The ash from this jutsu is known to destroy the area's natural ecosystem, as it essentially poisons everything the ash touches.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Smoke tricks:   Caustic Smoke:   Smoke barrier:   Smokescreen Clone trap: The user unleashes a large smokescreen that covers a wide radius, the user and any allies in the area can sense any enemies in the area even if they cannot see them. All attacks enemies make are at disadvantage, all attacks allies make are made with advantage. User and allies gain +5 AC while in the area and any techniques enemies make for the duration triggers a chakra clash with the user, but allies are free to use abilities without disturbing the smoke.   Smoke step:   Smoke travel:   Smokey-tokey:   Hazardous Smoke:   Smoker's cough genjutsu:   Ashes of the fallen:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soul Style   Spirit Shield technique   Spirit wall jutsu:       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steam style   Blinding steam shot:   Fountain of Fury fist: After increasing their chakra temperature to the boiling point, the user releases boiling steams from his body and delivers a steam-enhanced punch that sends his opponent flying far away.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Steam storm: Creates a powerful gust of powerful, pressurized steam to knock over and possibly kill the target. Can be used for both stealth and offense.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Steam Fume: This is a short burst of intense, pressurized steam that disorients and distracts the target. Less than lethal for short-term use.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Steam Mist: This is a long, continuous stream of steam that obscures the vision of the target.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Erupting Thrust Cannon: The user jumps into the air, and while spinning, lands a kick, a punch, and a steam blast on his opponent, sending them crashing to the ground. Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Action   Furious Spiral Fist: The user delivers a series of strikes, and while aided by his steam, he spin kicks, kicks down, and lands several punches on his opponent as he spins, hitting them upwards.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Furious Spiral Kick: The user delivers a few punches, hits the opponent up, jumps up into the air, and does a spinning downward kick that's accelerated by his steam to the opponent.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Scald:   Steam Eruption:   Boiling Point:   Geyser Burst:   Strange Steam:   Misty Explosion:   Hydro Steam:   Hiriviendo: The user targets any water in the area and immediatly boils it before it can make contact with the user.   ------------------------------------------------------- Steel Style   Steel Shine:   Steel Shine Flash:   Metal alteration technique:   Metal strengthening technique:   Steel wing:   Iron jab:   Iron Kick:   Steel blast:   Iron beam blast:   Iron beam barrage:   Steel beam blast:   Steel beam barrage:   Adamantine beam blast:   Adamantine beam barrage:   Metal claw:   Gyro Ball:   Metal Burst:   Bullet punch:   Flash Cannon:   Iron Head:   Gear Grind:   Corkscrew Crash:   Iron Bash:   Double iron bash:   Behemoth Bash:   Behemoth Blade:   Gigaton Punch:     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Storm Style   Storm Flash:   Shocking sea:   Sea stun:   Soak: The user soaks the target in water to make them vulnerable to thunder damage for the next round.   Stun Rain: The user has rain filled with static electricity fall over a large area, stunning any within its radius.   Electrify: The user runs powerful electricty through an object they touch, the next target to touch the object, other than the user, will take thunder damage.   Rising Voltage:   Thunder Cage:   Thunderous Kick:   Wild Bolt Storm:   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tempest style   Blinding Storm winds:   Torrential rain: blinding rain+winds.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Water Spout:   Hydro Vortex:   Oceanic Opretta:   Chilled Water:   Aqua Cutter:   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenseigan   Blinding tenseigan gaze:   Infinite prison of light: A genjutsu caused by the tenseigan where the targets are eternally paralyzed by a bright light like a sun.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Tenseigan beam blast:   Tenseigan chakra cloak:   Tenseigan Pulse:   Ultimate Vaporization: The user focuses their chakra into a single burst that will vaporize any target it strikes.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Golden Wheel Rebirth Shot: The user focuses energy into their hand before releasing it in a long range blast capable of leveling mountains. Tenseigan.Rank: ???. Style: ???. Chakra cost: ???. Range: ???. Save: ???. Damage: ???. Focus: ???. Requirements: ???. Enhancement: ???. Action   Moon beam:   Morning sun:   Luster purge:   Meteor Mash:   Cosmic Power:   Psycho Cut:   Lunar Dance:   Lazer Lock On:   Prismatic Lazer:   EternaBeam:   Lunar blessing:   Tenseigan curse technique: ----------------------------------------------------- Weather manipulation   Cloud travel:   Cloud step:   Cloud mist:   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yin-yang style     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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