
Weapons and equipment   E-rank   Axes   Battle axe - 1d12 slashing. one handed. 50 ryo Great axe - 2d6 slashing, 5ft reach, two handed, Great weapon 75 ryo War axe - 1d8 slashing. One handed 25 ryo. Tomahawk - 1d6 slashing, 5/30ft. One handed, throwing. 20 ryo   Polearms   Bardiche - 2d6 slashing, 5ft reach. 2 handed poleaxe. 50 ryo. Bo - 1d10 bludgeoning one handed polearm. 20 ryo. Naginata - 1d12 slashing, Two handed. 10 ft reach. 50 ryo. Section staff - 2d6 bludgeoning, 5ft reach. Two handed. 35 ryo.   Swords   Bastard sword - 1d8 slashing. One handed. 25 ryo Katana - 1d8 slashing. One handed. 25 ryo Cutlass - 1d6 slashing. One handed. 30 ryo Hook swords - 1d6 piercing. One handed. 20 ryo. Long sword - 1d8 piercing. One handed 40 ryo. Rapier - 1d8 piercing. one handed 35 ryo. Claymore - 1d12 slashing, 5ft reach. Two handed Great weapon.   Fist weapons   Claws - 1d8 slashing. One handed. 25 ryo. Gauntlets - 1d6 bludgeoning. One handed. 20 ryo. Knuckles - 1d4 bludgeoning. One handed. 10 ryo. Spiked knuckles - 1d4 piercing. One handed. 15 ryo. Chakra blades - 1d6 piercing. One handed. 30 ryo. Arm mounted drills - 1d8 piercing. One handed. 45 ryo.   Clubs   Kanabo - 1d12 bludgeoning. One handed. 50 ryo. Club - 1d4 bludgeoning. One handed. 10 ryo Mace - 1d8 bludgeoning. One handed 30 ryo. War club - 1d6 bludgeoning. One handed. 15 ryo.   Crossbows   Crossbow - 1d10 piercing, 20/180ft. Two handed. 35 ryo. Hand crossbow - 1d8 piercing, 10/120ft. One handed. 25 ryo. Kunai launcher - 1d6 piercing, 10/60ft. one handed. 45 ryo. Heavy crossbow - 2d8 piercing, 20/200ft. Two handed. 75 ryo. Shuriken launcher - 2d4 piercing, 5/45ft. One handed. 50 ryo.   Knives   Dagger - 1d4 piercing. One handed. 10 ryo. Tanto - 1d6 slashing. One handed/knives. 15 ryo. Sai - 1d4 piercing. One handed. 10 ryo. Shortsword - 1d6 piercing. One handed. 25 ryo. Kunai - 1d6 piercing, 10/50ft. One handed. 10 ryo.   Throwing weapons   Darts - 1d4 piercing. 10/40ft. One handed. 5 ryo. Tomahawk - 1d6 slashing, 5/30ft. One handed. 20 ryo Senbon - 1d4 piercing 10/50 ft. One handed. 5 ryo. Kunai - 1d6 piercing, 10/50ft. One handed. 10 ryo. Shuriken - 1d4 piercing, 10/60ft. 10 ryo.   Exotic weapons   Flail - 1d8 bludgeoning. One handed. 50 ryo. Morning star - 1d10 piercing. One handed. 50 ryo. Trishula 1d8 piercing. One handed. 50 ryo. Scythe - 1d10 slashing, 5 ft reach. One handed. 50 ryo. Sickle - 1d6 slashing. One handed. 15 ryo. Spear - 1d6 piercing, 5ft reach. One handed. 25 ryo. Whip - 1d6 slashing, 5 ft reach. One handed. 25 ryo. War scythe - 2d6 slashing damage, 5ft reach, two handed. 50 ryo.   Fans   Great fans - 2d6 bludgeoning. two handed. 50 ryo. Hand fans - 1d4 slashing. One handed. 15 ryo. War fans - 1d6 slashing, 10/40ft. One handed. 25 ryo. Battle fans - 1d8 bludgeoning. One handed. 40 ryo.   Martial weapons   Jutte - 1d6 bludgeoning. One handed.15 ryo. Johyo - 1d4 piercing. 10 ft reach. One handed. 25 ryo. Kusarigama - 1d6 slashing+1d6 bludgeoning, 5ft reach. Two handed. 25 ryo. Nunchuck - 2d6 bludgeoning. Two handed. 25 ryo. Tonfa - 2d4 bludgeoning. Two handed. 15 ryo.   Bows   Longbow - 1d10 piercing, 30/120ft. Two handed 30 ryo. Short bow -1d6 piercing, 20/80ft. Two handed. 15 ryo. War bow- 1d8 piercing, 10/100ft. Two handed. 20 ryo.   Hammers   Maul - 2d6 bludgeoning. 5ft reach. Two handed. 50 ryo. Warhammer - 1d10 bludgeoning. one handed. 40 ryo. Mallet - 1d6 bludgeoning. One handed. 25 ryo.   Great weapons   Sheng Bao - 2d8 bludgeoning, 5ft reach (Two heavy balls on either end of a rope or chain) Two handed. 75 ryo. Claymore - 1d12 slashing, 5ft reach. Two handed Great weapon. 60 ryo. Great axe - 2d6 slashing, 5ft reach, two handed, Great weapon 75 ryo Great bow - 2d6 piercing, 20/140ft, two handed. 45 ryo. War scythe - 2d6 slashing damage, 5ft reach, two handed. 50 ryo. _______________________________   Ninja tools Ninja tools are different from other equipment, they aren’t weapons, but rather tools to help you in your endeavors or supplies to make missions easier. As such many of these have effects that can disrupt enemies or help give an edge in a battle. These will be broken into different types. Battle, Medical, stealth, tags and scrolls.   Battle   Binding cloth: A cloth made for restricting the movements of enemies, it can also be soaked with water to try to block incoming fire style techniques. It can be combined with seals to enhance the restrictive abilities it normally possesses. 20 ryo. Base DC is 6.   Bolas - 1d4 bludgeoning, a hit target must make a strength or dex save to stay standing, a failed save means the target falls prone and has their speed reduced to 0. Base DC 8. One handed/exotic. Trap. 15 ryo.   Bomb ball - 2d6 fire damage. Explosive, 20 ryo.   Caltrops - 1d4 piercing damage over a 20ft cube for every 100 caltrops. Every time a target moves in the affected area they take damage. Trap. 15 ryo per 100 spikes.   Net - a net can be used to capture a foe, they must pass a DC12 athletics saving throw or count as grappled, a foe grappled by a net can be restrained as a bonus action if within 5ft of a player. 10 ryo. Support.   Chakra receivers - Special rods made to absorb chakra, these rods can receive chakra from large distances and make for useful battle items. Improvised weapon/ one handed. 40 ryo.   Paper bomb - Explosive tags that deal 2d6 fire damage a piece within a 10 ft cube. 15 ryo. Explosive   Poison - Poison can be created or extracted from other living things, its strength can vary depending on its use but can be used on weapons, sealed in tags or used in canisters for poison spray. Varies on price but common poison starts at 15 ryo a vial for a one time bonus of 2d6 poison damage on your next successful strike.   Tags   Poison tags - Tags imbued with a poison that can be used to infect a target or area. Poison’s used in this tag determine its save DC. 15 ryo. Tags.   Chakra suppression seals - Can be used to suppress a target or area of any chakra. Base DC 8. 25 ryo. Tags.   Sealing tags - Tags that are imbued or used to enhance Fuinjutsu techniques. The technique stored determines its DC. 15 ryo. Tags   Barrier tags - Tags sold in packs of 2, these tags contain barrier techniques and will construct a barrier between the 2 or more tags that were used. 25 ryo.   Medical   Food pills - Counts as consuming a full meal and heals 2d10+proficiency bonus Temp HP. 15 ryo. Support.   Med kits - A pack filled with medical equipment, can be used to give advantage on any medical or healing check. Heals 4d10+proficiency bonus hp. 25 ryo. Support.   Chakra pills - can be used to restore 3d10 chakra. Support. 25 ryo.   Stealth   Lockpick - A tool to unlock any locked door, cabinet or chest. 25 ryo.   Scrolls   Scrolls - Scrolls can be used for storing items or techniques for future use. Scrolls can be used as an action if they are stored on your person but chakra is still required for releasing each technique. Empty scrolls are 10 ryo a piece. Scrolls.   Items   Bingo book - A book given by different villages, groups or bounty hunters with a list of ninja and any relevant information about them that are to be targeted and dispatched by the receiver of this book. Most jonin and anbu have one and they are sold at different locations within each nation, those are typically compiled of rogue ninja and criminals. 50 ryo.


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