Weather egg

Weather Egg: The user creates a ball of energy that can take nearly any form, when the technique is performed the user can roll a 1d8 to determine the different weather outcomes, 1.Heat, 2. cool, 3. thunder, 4. hail, 5. tornado, 6. drought, 7. sand storm, 8. hurricane. This egg is then launched at a foe to deal large damage over a wide radius. Rank: B. Style: Ninjutsu. Chakra cost: 75. Range: 100ft cone. Save: 12, dex for half damage. Damage: 10d12 damage, type varies on egg selection. 1: Fire. 2: cold. 3: thunder. 4: bludgeoning. 5: Slashing. 6: Necrotic. 7: Piercing. 8: Force. Focus: No. Requirements: Weather manipulation. Enhancement: +2 damage die. Action


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