Yoto Sakai

Age: 37. Sex: Male Clan: Sakai. XP: 650,000. Rank: A-3. Village: Yukigakure.   Chakra nature: Water, +3. Combat style: ???. Background: Branch Clan. Saving throws: Intelligence, Charisma. Proficiencies: *Chakra Control, Sensory, *Perception, Investigation, Insight, *Sleight of Hand, History. Ryo: ???.   Hit die: 22d12. Chakra capacity: 316. Chakra die: 24d6. AC: 28. Max HP: 308. Speed: 100ft. Proficiency bonus: +6.     Intiative: +21. Inspiration: ???. Factions: The four disciples.   Equipment: ???. Head: (A) Headband. +5 AC, resistance to piercing, +5 int. Body: (A) Glass Armor. +6 AC, resistance to fire and cold dmg. Left arm: ??? Right arm: (B) Tanto, melee. +15, 4d6+15, slashing dmg. DC 18, Pow vs Stunned. Accessory 1: (B) Necklace. User gains resistance to thunder dmg. Accessory 2: (B) Arm Wraps. User gains resistance to bludgeoning dmg. Accessory 3: (B) Running Shoes. User increases speed by 50ft.   Stats & Skills: 14, 17   Power: 13. +2.   Grapple: +2.   Willpower: +2.   Dexterity: 14. +2.   Sleight of hand: +14.   Stealth: +2.   Wisdom: 20. +5.   Animal handling: +5.   Chakra Control: +17.   Insight: +11.   Perception: +17.   Sensory: +11.   Survival: +5.   Intelligence: 21. +6.   Crafting: +6.   History: +10.   Investigation: +12.   Medicine: +6.   Religion: +6.   Tracking: +6.   Charisma: 19. +5.   Deception: +5.   Diplomacy: +5.   Intimidation: +5.   Persuasion: +5.   Seduction: +5.   Combat abilities: 54.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 12. Genjutsu: 22. Insect use: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 20. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Main Actions: 3. Minor Actions: 3. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 1.   Feats: 5.   Gain advantage on chakra clashes you start.   Ninjutsu can increase their range by one level.   You can imbue your chakra into weapons or items you possess.   You can teach others techniques you know, so long as they can use the proper chakra nature.   When hit with a ninjutsu you can negate up to two die of damage if you know the technique.   Gain advantage on insight checks on how techniques work.   Resistance to Mental damage.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.   Those that attempt to assist your target in breaking out of genjutsu and fail their save are also placed under the genjutsu.   If you succeed on a technique clash with a genjutsu deal critical damage.   You can double your genjutsu range.   Genjutsu applies confused condition to targets that fail their saves.   Your genjutsu checks gain +3.   Attacks against targets under genjutsu that hit deal max damage. Targets under genjutsu take an extra -2 on AC.   If caught in a genjutsu you can attempt to break out at disadvantage by performing another genjutsu on yourself.   Targets that have spent 3 or more rounds in a genjutsu can no longer break out on their own.   You can add an extra 50ft to your genjutsu range.   Gain advantage on breaking allies out of genjutsu.   You target up to 2 extra people with any single target genjutsu you cast.   When a target is caught in a genjutsu they take a -2 penalty to their AC.   If a target has been trapped in a genjutsu for 2 or more turns, they are given disadvantage on attempts to break out.   You can target one extra person within range with each targeted genjutsu you use.   Gain +2 to breaking out of genjutsu you know.   Genjutsu cast on an unaware opponent gains +2 to its save DC.   Gain proficiency in intelligence saves.   You can now create and place chakra tattoos on living creatures for any technique you have access to. These tattoos fade after usage.   Barriers and seals can now be imbued with other techniques to protect or amplify them.   Barriers gain an extra 25% total damage negation.   gain advantage on checking for traps and barriers.   Barriers made by you can further their range by 1 level.   Seals placed on willing targets double their duration.   Seals you place can be camouflaged into items.   *Gain advantage on all future chakra die rolls.   You can use scrolls as a minor action.   Alert: can use a reaction when surpised.   Barrier expert: Your barriers gain an extra 50 points of damage negation.   Genjutsu master: Gain a +2 to your genjutsu skill modifier. Genjutsu that affect an area can have their range doubled.   Trap Expert: You have advantage on Perception and Investigation checks made to detect the presence of secret doors and traps. You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid or resist traps.   Silent assassin: You make no noise when moving. When you successfully attack a target that is not facing you, under the influence of genjutsu, or unaware of your presence you may deal 3d6 extra damage from melee attacks.   Techniques known: 83.   E: 19. Hiding in Water Technique, Instant Water Technique, Protective Water Sphere, Water Pillar Thrust, Body Flicker Technique, Chakra Lock On, Chakra Suppression Technique, Disguise Jutsu, Barrier shield technique, Chakra draining seal, Chakra Seal, Detection Barrier, Hidden Location Barrier, Enclosing Technique, Strength enhancing seal, Clone Jutsu, Deceptive cooperation genjutsu, False surroundings, Genjutsu Haze.   D: 21. Binding Syrup Chains, Water Prison Jutsu, Water Stream Jutsu, Chakra Transfer Technique, Sexy Jutsu, Surface Walking Technique , Substitution Strike, Chakra absorption seal, Clone trap jutsu, Cloth binding seal, Chakra Nature Seal, Jutsu Absorption, Protection seal, Regeneration seal, Bell ring genjutsu, Body echo, Buried in Snow genjutsu, Enhancing Flatter, Genjutsu Break, Genjutsu Kiss, Rockslide genjutsu.   C: 19. Air Bubble Technique, Blinding Bubbles Technique, Sticky Trap Jutsu, Water Clone Jutsu, Character Bind Jutsu, Harem Jutsu, Scroll Communication Technique, Water Walking Technique, Barrier Release Technique, Chakra siphon seal, Chakra transfer seal, Great Capturing Barrier, Internal Chakra Seal, Jutsu reflection seal, Mental Barricade Technique, Ally reversal, False Surroundings double layer, Mirage genjutsu, Tongue Tied Genjutsu.   B: 16. Acid Permeation, Azure Dragon Palm, Bubble Dome Jutsu, Liquid Bullets, Cancelling sound, Eternal Drowning, Interrogation Genjutsu, Thousand Red Camellias, Silent Killing Technique, Face Stealing Technique, Super Harem Jutsu, Paralysis Jutsu, Hiding in Surface Technique, Transparency Jutsu, Mental Resistance Technique, Chakra Disguise Technique.   A: 8. Drowning Bubble Technique, Heavenly Weeping Technique, Water Mirror Technique, Chakra ghost technique, Genjutsu Reversal, Infinite darkness, Memory Switch Genjutsu, Phantom Judgement.   S:   Techniques available: 147.   Missions:   E: D: C: B: A: S:   Memories:


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