
Yugaray is a secret organization comprised of some of the most powerful individuals. It is known that each members is incredibly powerful though it has proven difficult to prove their identities. Below are the known members though no ultimate objective has been found yet.   #1: Unknown.   #2: Unknown.   #3: Zagatsu Monaki, puppet master.   #4: Unknown.   #5: Daitan Kiruku.   #6: Ichiro Hyuga.   #7: Juro Kadeshi, leader of the cult of Jashin.   #8: Unknown.   #9: Kazuki Hidoru.   #10: Unknown.   #11: Minako Sazuki, scorpion user.   #12: 5th mizukage, Naka Mirito.


All members of Yugaray are incredibly powerful and private individuals, they meet in hidden locations far from the view of any outsiders and typically communicate via unknown means, its seems incredibly rare that more than 2 members are seen together making it difficult to find out where possible other members may be or who they may be. Its known that each member carries an item with a number on it, its unknown if these numbers are a power order or how they are ranked.


Members of Yugaray are those who believe the world is unfit to guide itself, and thus these higher members are to grow their own resources and capabilities to guide the world in the proper direction. No objective has been found but the group seems to have limitless resources and incredible power.

Public Agenda

As most are unaware this group even exists there is no public agenda, though its clear they intend to impact the world greatly.


The hidden mist village, large power in the hidden grass, various strongholds in many lands.


Each member is an S class criminal, most possess a high level of political power or a mass of underlings, though some work alone or with smaller groups as well.
Secret, Military
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Notable Members


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