Grànormii Festival ([gra:nɔːmi:])

The Grànormii Festival takes place during the evening of the the 299th day of the Ana. While a time of celebration, it also marks an important transition from year-to-year which had a greater meaning than the mere passage of time or unfounded aspirations of the start of another Ana.  

Meaning of Grànormii

Grànormii is Foyiitùn and can, uncharacteristically, be faithfully translated in literal terms. It means "Great Lights". For this reason, most people in Qal'ath, especially in Bezélan under the reign of Carnael II, refer to it as the "Great Lights Festival".  

When Does It Take Place?

On the last day of the last month of the year. This is typically Day 27 of the month of Fyrva.  

Where the Festival Takes Place

While Foyii in name, Grànormii is a Qalathian tradition. Outlying villages and small towns often host their own Great Lights Festivals, but it is the capital of Bezélan that takes centre stage.   There it welcomes visitors and invitations are sent even to Bezélan Minor to join the celebrations in the city proper.   The Pavilion, in the second "ring" of the Capital has street food vendors along with various entertainers who maintain the jovial atmosphere. Thus it is this ring that officially marked Grànormii, though the Royal Address is made in the The Mingling.
Chronicler's Note:
I write with a wry smile on my face that Trader's Square host their own very loud, flamboyant and, most importantly, profitable Great Lights. Given tolls and fees went to the Royal Treasury, Carnael has made every endeavour to provide for the so-called "Trader's Feast" - or "Beacon", I believe they call it. Thus, the event at Trader's Square, while not having the full range of celebrations is, in fact, an "official gathering".   Though one does have to be careful not to refer to it as Grànormii there. The Foyii don't trade in coin, much to the confusion and consternation of the traders!

What Marked the Transition?

This comes in two stages, the "official" start of the celebrations and the actual turn of the Ana.  

The Official Start

Royal Address
At almost 19 Ur, the ruler of the time steps out onto a temporarily-constructed platform and addresses those gathered below. The central area, which may have been used for concerts or acts is cleared and the Crystal Circle place themselves on it.   Once the ruler gives them the cue they had finished their speech, the mages weave their magicks in colours and shoot the joining streams of light into the sky, where they explode into sparkles of multi-coloured dancing "stars".
Elemental Spectacle
For a short time after that, the Circle weaves shapes according to each one's Element to entertain the crowd.   As the moon shines down, as it always does, the stars shine brightly as they always do, the Great Lights, both natural and Elemental blaze over the Capital, painting the polished white stone with a multiplicity of coloured lights.
No-one is under any illusions that the party does not start long before this time.   Nevertheless, it is seen as vital to have an official opening to begin the countdown to the first month of the new year - Nùorma - Fresh Light.
  There are some other traditions that may or may not be observed. King Carnael has, for example, introduced:  

Beginning the New Year

While timekeeping in the Realm is lax for much of the time, when it comes to avoiding round and even numbers, there is no equal. All towers of the Capital are equipped with a Moondial, either as a separate device, or a second ring of a traditional Sundial. Thus everything is synchronized to end the current Ana at 22 Ur 59 Min.  
Royal Address
In a replay of the opening ceremony, the ruler once again gives an address, a purposefully short one, so as not to accidentally trip into Nuormà, or worse, delay it.
Gathering the Stars
The Crystal Circle takes centre stage and, after the cue, weave their colours once more, each collecting their own coloured "stars". This often takes the form of a creature dear to each mage, or a symbolic representation of their Element. At precisely 22 Ur 59 Min, 59s, all the colours disappear and the King's trumpeters sound a fanfare, with Royal Guards chanting and bashing their shields, while those gathered below cheer.
Official Dismissal
Finally, the ruler pretends to "dismiss" the crowds, before retiring to the Palace.   The first day of the Ana is a holiday for most, even those from Minor and servants, so parties continue deep into the night.

Why It Was More Than a Party

Grànormii was originally instated as a joint Woodsmen-Qalathii tradition, hence its Foyiitùn name. It was a symbol of hope - not the kind of wishful fantasies - but of the strong bonds of friendship, forged together and striving purposefully in unity towards a better, fairer future.   Since the failing of the official Qalathii-Foyii pact, leading to the Foyiitùn Language Ban Edict, it has taken on different meanings.  
  • The King: it marksanother year surviving as ruler of the Realm and paves the way for any legal changes he (as all Qal'ath's rulers have been males to date) wish to impose.  
  • Bezélan's Population: This is the one time of the year when rich and poor are not forcibly kept apart. Carnael II never understood that many wealthier people hated the segregation almost as much as those in Bezélan Minor. For two days, separated by one night, The Mingling truly fulfilled its name. Stories were exchanged, some deals were made, and secretive gifts were exchanged - usually from rich to poor. For those who lived in Minor, many saw Great Lights as one step closer to a change of ruler, hoping for a more compassionate one in the future.  
  • Foyii: the Woodsmen do not celebrate Grànormii as a whole, centralised event. Instead, individuals and families may or may not choose to celebrate. Many regret the severing of the Qalathii-Foyii bond and watch the Great Lights of the Crystal Circle from atop their watch-trees and towers.
Chronicler's Addendum:
I will end this with an "unofficial note" and secure it with a fused Tac-Clip.   For the Crystal Circle, during Carnael II's reign, Grànormii became an emotional strain. The King enjoyed the theatrics, but had been side-lining the Circle in the day-to-day workings of the Realm.   Thus, their participation reminded them of unities now broken. Nonetheless, as they shot their Elemental magicks into the sky, their colours formed a rain-, or moonbow. It was a reminder to them, that the Elements were unified - and must remain so. Unity within disunity is possible. And usually, for a time at least, the Circle's own teamwork was stronger for being part of Grànormii and they parted from each celebration grateful for that.   "Herjé Grànormii, Ajaini"
Happy Great Lights, my Friend.
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