Harvesting - Non-Minerals in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Harvesting - Non-Minerals

Non-Mineral crafting materials
In addition to minerals, some master blacksmiths managed to use special non-mineral materials for crafting new pieces of exotic gear that are very valued by adventurers.
To locate non-minerals in an area, the DC is determined by how abundant they are in the area, and how rare the material is. If a character doesn't know the location of a material, it can make an Intelligence (Nature) check and spend 30 minutes to try and find it in the area. Gathering the material takes time, roughly an hour per unit, and could include a basic (DC 10) Strength, Constitution or Intelligence check to remove without the proper tools. With proper tools, a gathering check is not needed. The number of units able to be collected is determined by the DM.
Exotic materials require specific methods or tools to extract, which are listed in their description. The DC to extract the material is determined like above for finding minerals and stones, though the number of units collected is based on how well you succeed the check and each check takes 1 hour. See the Exotic Units collected chart.


Wood Materials

Harvested from trees that were once consumed by intense magical fire. Possesses a vibrant orange-red color, is warm to the touch, and retains the elemental essence of the flames that once consumed it. The early settlers of Molten Cove Island found plenty of blazewood across the island and used it to bolster and protect the underside of their ships from the near boiling waters surrounding the island.
Armor: A shield made with blazewood reduces the fire damage you take by 1d4.
Weapon: A weapon made with blazewood deals an additional 1d4 fire damage.
An emerald colored wood that has been touched by fey magic. It has a gnarled and hardened texture, covered in sharp, twisted spines. It is believed that the Heart of Gaia city was built in its current location due the proximity of a gateway to the Feywild, as there is an abundance of Feywood growing nearby. Otherwise, patches can be found growing in the dense jungles of Akilum's Nest where fey creatures have congregated and made thier homes on the material plane.
Weapon: A weapon made with feywood deals an additional 1d4 piercing damage.
Wood that has been corrupted by malevolent necrotic energies turns into gloomwood. The Forest of Shadows is the most common location to find these growing or corrupted trees. The blood hunters of The Wild Abyss have also been know to use this wood to build their outposts in the region.
Weapon: A weapon made with gloomwood deals an additional 1d4 necrotic damage.
A pale grey wood resembling petrified wood, though it is extremely durable like its namesake metal. Known to be used by the druids in Heart of Gaia as a replacement for metal armaments.
Armor: The ironwood replaces the metal of any medium or heavy armor without losing their defensive properties.
Weapon: The ironwood replaces the metal of any weapon without losing their offensive properties.
This cyan-colored wood is sourced from ancient trees that grow deep in forests and jungles that have an innate connection to magic. Revered by the wizards and sorcerers of Sequine, and sold for a high price there. Also sought after by the warlocks of The Black Spire.
General: Spiritwood shields and weapons can function as an arcane focus for spells.
Armor: The spiritwood replaces the metal of medium armor, heavy armor, and shields without losing their defensive properties. While wearing a spiritwood armor, you gain a +3 bonus to concentration checks to maintain a spell.
Weapon: A weapon made with spiritwood is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Exotic Materials

Eternal Ice
This cold white-blue ice can resist high temperatures and can even be used to craft armaments if the process process or tools are used to harvest it.
Collection method: The Ray of Frost spell can be used to carve out blocks of eternal ice with a Spellcasting check. Alternatively, a weapon or tool made of cold iron can also be used with a proper Strength (Athletics), Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
Armor: An armor or shield made with eternal ice reduces the fire damage you take by 1d8. Creatures who grapple you or that you grapple also take 1d6 cold damage each round at the start of their turn.
Weapon: A weapon made with eternal ice deals an additional 1d4 cold damage that ignores resistances to cold damage. Creatures that suffer a critical hit from a weapon made from eternal ice must succeed a Constitution saving throw with DC equal to the total damage dealt or become restrained until the end of their next turn.
Green Amber
A luminous gem with a verdant glow. Prized by members of Ferron's Legacy for enhancing restorative magic and being particularly effective againt undead. Found in the heart of trees that have grown at the gravesite of a powerful divine creature. Many times healthy trees will be planted within graveyards kept by members of the Legacy to promote the growth of green amber that can be harvested.
Collection Method: A careful casting of sacred flame with a Spellcasting check will loosen the green amber, making it easy to extract. Alternatively, any tool or weapon made of aetherium can also be used with a Strength (Athletics) or Intelligence (Nature) check, but it will kill the tree that bore the amber during the extraction.
General: Green amber shields and weapons can function as an arcane focus for spells. Any healing or restorative spell you cast through a green amber arcane focus heals an additional 1d4 hit points.
Armor: While wearing armor made from green amber, you are resistant to any damage taken from an undead of CR 9 or less, and have advantage on any saving throw caused by spell or ability from an undead creature of CR 9 or less. You are also immune to being frightend by any undead source and cannot be grappled by an undead creature.
Weapon: A weapon or piece of ammunition made with green amber is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage against undead. When you hit an undead, you can roll the damage again and use either result. Any critical hit scored against an undead with this weapon or piece of ammunition deals maximum damage.
A masterful fusion of naturally processed leaves that takes on a texture similar to leather. Commonly produced by craftman in the Heart of Gaia, the exact recipe of which is difficult to determine. It is thought that a select grouping of plants, when grown near each other, harvested and then woven together produce this material.
Collection Method: While in a location where the proper plant life grows, a successful Intelligence (Nature) check will locate and collect the proper plants to make this material.
Armor: A non-metallic armor made with leafweave grants you a +1d4 bonus on any Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in forests and other areas with considerable plant life. In addition, any hostile plant creature is considered charmed by you until you or an ally commit a hostile act toward it.
Shadow Linen
A dark and regal purple fabric, derived from unique plants that have been touched by the Shadowfell, but not fully corrupted by it.
Collection Method: While in a location where the proper plant life grows, a successful Intelligence (Arcana) check will locate and collect the plants needed to make this material.
Armor: A non-metallic armor made with shadow linen reduces the psychic damage you take by 1d4.


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