Region - Akilum's Nest Geographic Location in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Region - Akilum's Nest

A large jungle just west of Ashala, the lizardfolk capital city. Heartland to the lizardfolk, this massive jungle stretches for hundreds of miles from the coastline of the eastern continent of Qinla'Un before connecting to the southern reaches of the Prismatic Grove to the east. To the south east, the jungle surrounds the earth below the Airy Peaks and used to also include the jungles that are now called the Wild Abyss.


A vast jungle spanning hundreds of miles. Trees tower over the landscape, easily hundreds of feet tall in some locations. Large vines stretch between the trees, and sunlight rarely reaches the floor of the jungle. In the tree canopy, large beasts of all kinds make their homes and rarely touch the surface. Multiple small rives run through the jungle, but have rarely been mapped or charted in any meaningful way, meaning travelers may come upon one at any time. Throughout the jungle, ruins of ancient cities lie reclaimed by the jungle. These cities were once part of the large civilations of the lizardfolk and tortles, since destroyed by the earth god Chaac long ago.
Toward the northern central region of the jungle, there lies large moss covered spires of rock surrounding a small lake. This lake is referred to as the Lake of the Lost in local lizardfolk language, and is thought to be cursed in some way. Many lizardfolk who ventured here were either never seen again, or their remains were found close by the lake. It is though some hidden creature makes its home here, so most are told to avoid it when possible.

Localized Phenomena

Rainfall is very common here, with powerful storms flowing in from the The Wandering Hills on a daily basis during some times of year. The weather in Akilum's Nest can be very unpredictable, and on rare occasions, lights are seen dancing between the trees in the distance, luring travelers deeper into the jungle. Rumors have swirled for hundreds of years that these lights will guide travelers to lost ruins and treasure, while other believe they will be led to their doom.
Weather Roll 1d%

Fauna & Flora

The jungles of Akiulum's Nest are well known for having a large variety of flora, including aggressive forms of plant life. Although finding sentient plantlife is unlikely, there are many forms of plants that will aggresively defend themselves or will actively seek out prey for its carnivorious desires. Some of the most common forms of plant based creatures found in AKilum's Nest include the following:
Carnivorous Sod's are somewhat common hiding among the underbrush, though most tend to congragate in clearings where the sun can easily reach the surface. These flat, turtle-like creatures have a wide maw filled with sharklike wooden teeth. When they sense nearby prey, they will tend to lie motionless and wait for their target to walk nearby or even on top of them before striking.
The extremely dangerous Arborcyte has also been seen within these jungles. Many years ago, when the Yuan-Ti enslaved any creatures it found in the jungles, a large community of druids attempted to defend the jungles from these serpent foes. Unfortunately, they were unable to protect thier homes and we wiped out by the Yuan-Ti. Lizardfolk tribes say that what remained of these druids became the Arborcyte that now roam the jungle. These creatures look like a mound of thorn-covered vines writhing in constant motion. At its core, an assembly of bleached bones with a hellish red light gleaming from their otherwise empty eye sockets. These creatures are to be avoided at all costs by any that may come upon them.

Natural Resources

Plants and Herbs

Akilum's Nest has an abundance of plant life, and thus any successful rolls to harvest plants or herbs while in this region yield double the normal number of units.

Non-Mineral Resources

Certain large trees are known to produce the fairly rare material of Leafweave. This material is as strong as leather, but somewhat easier to obtain. Leafweave is typically only obtained from the tallest trees in the canopy as they require an abundance of sunlight to grow to full tensile strength.
Very few lucky travelers have described stumbling across a cyan-colored tree or, even more rarely, a group of trees, that seem to have an innate connection to magic. These trees produce a strong wood referred to as Spiritual Wood by locals.

Mineral Resources

Rumored to be in abundance at the bottom of the lake that resides underneath the Airy Peaks, Aerocrystal is saught after by those who wish to carry the lightest of weapons. As Aerocrystal is considered sacred by the local lizardfolk, it is always recommended to ask for their permission before attempting to harvest this resource.


Akilum's Nest was once known by an older name in the lizardfolk language, but roughly 300 years ago, the princess Akilum banded the lizardfolk tribes together to protect their people and the nearby lands from the ever present Yuan-Ti invaders. After years of working to bring the tribes together, the city of Akilum's Rest was finally founded and the nearby jungle was renamed in her honor as well.
Akilum's Nest is considered a holy place by most lizardfolk tribes, and some tribes still live in the wilds of the jungle. Most are protective of their small communities, and very distrustful of outsiders unless they show signs of honor and care for the land around them.


  • Region - Akilum's Nest
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
Included Locations


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