The Black Spire

A massive black mountain, lonely in its location and home to the warlocks, blood hunters and any who follow a path of the fiend or some types of fey. The city itself is built within the mountain, with multiple layers and levels to the city itself. Most who come here are quickly surprised to find actual devils manning many of the shops and stalls of the city, as the warlocks and blood hunters have made pacts with these fiends, allowing them to live on the material plane within the city and sell their wares.


Although the city is made up mostly of denizens of the material plane, a large portion of the population is also made up of devils from the Nine Hells. roughly 60% of the population consists of typical material plane humanoids, such as tieflings, humans, elves and tabaxi, each in roughly similar numbers. The remaining 40% of the population consists of various devils of various ranks. Typically only a maximum of 2 arch-devils are allowed in the city at the same time, and this is usually so they can meet and hold audience with each other on neutral ground.


The primary ruling body of the city is the all warlock council called Black Star Coven. These warlocks, along with their guardian Blood Hunters, hold council over the city and have a direct line to many of the arch-devils of the Nine Hells. Whenever an arch-devil is present in the city, they are considered an additional member of the council and can join them in debates and rule making, but any actual laws are always overseen by Totivillus, the Scribe of Hell.
Totivillus is the only arch-devil that is allowed free reign within the city at all times, as well as the ability to leave the city without repercussions from the other arch-devils. He is also the only being capable of freeing someone from a binding contract with another devil, and due to this, many lesser beings attempt to bed, plead or bribe their way into his favor to remove themselves from a terrible contract.
Other arch-devils are allowed to visit the city, but must submit a notice in writing, in advance of their visit. Currently, Black Spire is used to mediate disputes between arch-devils as a sort of neutral ground, but seeing multiple arch-devils in the city at the same time is a very rare occurance.


Black Spire Barracks - Large barracks for the city guard. Specialized training available for martial classes here. Housing a mix of mortal and devil guardsmen, each employed through a contract of some kind. Many of the devil soldiers are in the employ of a specific arch-devil lord whom they serve when that lord pays the city a vist. Any additional guard brought by the arch-devil are also housed here.

Industry & Trade

Black Spire Marketplace - Primary storage location for all trade goods coming into and out of Black Spire. No actual trade happens here, but negotiations and contracts for trade agreements are typically ironed out inside of one of the many meeting rooms and offices in this location. A devil mediator is usually present as well, which many find distracting or even intimidating with negotiating with Black Spire. The marketplace is run by a gilded devil named Bizas. His slender appearance with golden armor and affluent jewelry tends to stand out among the mortals that work the marketplace itself.
Many magical trinkets, mainly of infernal design, are exported out of the city and into the world. Some even cary curses designed to entice mortals into a contract with a controlling devil, but their potential to provide power for others makes them a hot commodity, regardless of the risk.
The city is also an exporter of the rare Infernal Steel, Ignum and Obsidian. Both of the former commodities are exported in limited quantities, but due to their value, bring in a lot of gold to the city. Obsidian though is in large supply and is the primary export of the city.
Soul Coins - Aquired by various means, these coins are used in in the Nine Hells to bargain with devils. They hold significant value, roughly 500gp in equivilent exchange, but some devils covet these items even more so than their mortal gold value. Soul coins are 5 inches across and about an inch thick, and minted from infernal iron. Each coin weighs one-third of a pound, and is inscribed with Infernal writing and a spell that magically binds a single soul to the coin.
Due to the evil nature of these coins, creatures holding Soul Coins feel the soul bound within it. An evil creature may carry as many soul coins as they wish. However, a non-evil creature can only carry a number of soul coins equal to or less than its Constitution modifier without penalty. Breaking this restriction imposes disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws while the creature continues to hoard their coins.


Outside of the main city and mountain, is a small town that any visitors are welcome to stop by for a night and browse the few wares that are available, or bargain a trade agreement with the city at the Black Spire Marketplace. This small town is referred to as Hell by locals, and some have even erected a sign just outside of town made of charred wood and written in what appears to be blood "Welcome to Hell".
Once inside the massive obsidian gate, the city itself opens up into a massive chamber that was once a large magma chamber, long since cooled, though some hot spots do still exist near the eastern edge of the chamber. Flickering firelight is the most common form of illumination through town, though the magma pools also illuminate large areas of the east side. This means the entire city in cast in dim light at all times of day or night.
The roads within the city are paved with a deep red stone with bits of what look like bone mixed into the grout between blocks. This motar is made from the mostly ground up bones of defeated demons from the years of war between them and the devils that helped build the city.
Black Shards Quarry - Quarry and processing plant for the obsidian mines below Black Spire. Run by quarry manager Levvari, a female tiefling with short black hair and thin red horns. The quarry houses the only entrance to the obsidian mines below Black Spire.   The Infernal Forge - Large forge designed specifically to process Infernal Iron from the Nine Hells into Infernal Steel, which is usable by mortals. Infernal Iron is brought over from the Nine Hells in small shipments, and closely guarded as it makes it way to the forge. This is due to its unique properties that can be extremely hazordous to mortal creatures. The forge is run by the devil Nucur, a large, muscled red devil with black eyes and soft spot for mortals who know how to work a forge. Nucur is a devout follower of Dispater, the lord of Dis, and is bound to protect the Infernal Forge from all outsiders, including other devils who are not followers of Dispater.



  • Helldraughts - potion, bomb and poison shop run by a male dwarf named Ermmor Ironkind. Ermmor is a burley dwarf with an energetic personality. Multiple warrants are nailed to the walls showing Ermmor is wanted in multiple cities across Qinla'Un.
  • Devilish Deeds - standard contract shop with hundreds of basic contracts up for "sale" for anyone willing to sign them. Most provide needful things, such as a magical item of some kind in return for one or more dark "favors". Contracts are completely free for those willing to sign over their soul. Run by the devil Merzira, a green skinned devil with elderly features and wearing jewelry depicting the symbol of Mephistopheles, the Arch-Devil lord of Cania, the eighth layer of hell.
  • The Dark Touch - an enchantment shop run by the female black dragonborn Kaammal Oribis. She prefers to go by her nickname, Mal, and is a stern arcane practitioner adorned in lavish jewelry and the finest of woven clothing. She is also a follower of Mammon, the Archduke of Greed, and lord of Minauros, the third layer of the Nine Hells. Mal offers a variety of minor and major enchantments, and can even provide a legendary enchantment, provided the buyer sign a contract with her Archduke...
  • Blood and Ink - a tattoo shop run by the ink devil Dalgo. This small, purple skinned devil loves to talk and can magically produce tattoos for subjects with a flick of his wrist. Dalgo provides a variety of special and powerful magical tattoos for those willing to pay in gold, Soul Coins, or willing to sign their soul over to Totivillus, the Scribe of Hell and Dalgo's beloved patron.
  • Shiny Souls - jewelry and gems shop, run by a female halfling named Chenora Emberbeam. Chenora is quick minded and loves to strike a deal. She works with many devils in the city and is a devout follower of Mammon. Hey prices are a little high but she offers quality items.
  • Of Ink and Blood - Spell scrolls and tomes shop run by a male human named Greer Mezarsk. Greer is an older wizard, who specialized in forbidden arcane magics and his reputation in the outside world for this lead to his current life in Black Spire. Greer is a follower of Glasya, the lord of Mabolge, the sixth layer of Hell. He is also a well known practitioner of Blood Magic.
  • Bloody Burden - This shop sells cursed weapons and armor. The shop is run by the feminine devil Levre, a follower of Dispater. Levre offers many cursed magical items, along with items with a random curse applied to them for a discounted price. The worse the curse turns out the be, the more the discount. Discounts will range from 25% to 75% off, but are determined only after the curse is applied, making for a very difficult choice for the buyer. These curses cannot be removed by means outside of a wish, but the buyer may sacrifice a specific piece of themselves to Dispater to clear the item of its curse.


    • Power - The next time you are meant to achieve the next level in a class, you do not. This leaves you permanently behind the party by one level.
    • Love - A loved one or other creature friendly to you is suddenly afflicted with some irrevocable hardship. They somehow understand you are the cause of this hardship.
    • Fortitude - Your hit die type is reduced by one level in each class. Recalculate your maximum HP from level one with this new hit dye type(s). Any additional levels you take in a class have this penalty applied as well.
    • Luck - You can no longer gain Inspiration from any source (i.e. The DM or Bardic Inspiration). You can still be Blessed or Baned or endure other similar spell effects.
    • Harmony - The number of magical items you can attune to is reduced by 1 permanently.
    • Balance - You must sacrifice your soul, or the soul of an innocent. You gain a Soul Coin with the entrapped soul and your alignment shifts to evil. This may lead to an overall character shift as your God may no longer be right for you, certain magical items may work differently, etc.
  • Burning Leaves Herbology - herbs and plants shop run by the male gnome Wildon Pebblehold. Specializes in plants from swamp, arid and arctic regions, as most were collected within the Nine Hells. Wildon is a follower of Levistus, the Archduke of Stygia.

Guilds and Factions

The Black Star Coven

This coven was founded many years before Qinla'Un was settled by the people of Qilorria. Warlocks were once a part of the Arcane Council, until the warlocks plans on how to reach Qinla'Un conflicted with those of the wizards and sorcerers. They were eventually expelled from Sequine, and founded there own city. The coven eventually found a way to tear open a portal to Hell, and through it, force a path to the new world. These early warlocks created not only the Black Star Coven, but also created the very first blood hunters which they used as defense when travelling through Hell.   Eventually, the warlocks and blood hunters made agreements with the devils inhabiting the forced path, and together they created what Black Spire is today. The coucil itself is made up of four powerful warlocks, Totivillus, and any ohter arch-devil currently visiting the city. Although Totivillus serves his own lord Mammon, on the council he serves as a neutral party seeking to progress the influence of all devils on the material plane.   One contract that the coven was able to secure early in the cities life with the devils, which also cost the soul of their most powerful member, was a restriction on all arch-devils and how much influence they could exert on the material plane. Due to this, no arch-devil may leave the city without all others and the coven becoming magically aware of it. This would likely bring swift retribution to any devil who breaks this agreement. Totivillus is the only arch-devil this is exempt from this law as he must be free to enfornce any contracts made on any plane of existance with another devil.   The coven uses the The Cathedral of Maladomini as their base of operations.   The Cathedral of Maladomini is a massive structure, larger than the Cathedral of Hope in Havengar. Inside, massive sections are dedicated to the most powerful patrons of the warlocks, including gods, devils, fey and old ones.  

The Orders of the Blood Hunter Guild

The Order of Blood Hunters were created over 300 years ago by the warlocks as a defense when they pushed their way into the Nine Hells as a path to the new world. Feeling alone after being outcast by the wizards and sorcerers of Sequine, the warlocks decided to create warriors that could not only defend them, but also take an offensive against the demons they found that had invaded Phlegethos. This small war against the demons put the warlocks in the good graces of Fierna, the archdutchess of Phlegethos. Fierna made a deal with the warlocks, and with her power they were able to infuse even more arcane and blood magic into their creations. This surge of power led to the Order of Blood hunters splitting into four unique orders.   While the blood hunter train and consider the Fortress of Fierna their headquarters, the Orders make their home in The Halls of Phlegethos, a very large cathedral on the north end of the city cavern.   The Fortress of Fierna was build by the arch duchess Fierna herself as a gift to the blood hunter orders, and is considered impenetrable. This may be due to some kind of infernal magic used to create the fortress, but no one has ever tested this. As a precaution, only blood hunters are allowed to enter.   The Halls of Phlegethos is a much larger cathedral that houses each of the four Orders of the Blood Hunter. The cathedral is split into four sections, each part dormitory, part research facility for the different orders.
  1. Ghostslayers - located in the highest towers of the cathedral, many areas of which are impossible to access without access to the etheral plane. Ghosts who the blood hunters have freed, but are unwilling to pass on roam the towers, befriending those who will listen to their tales.
  2. Profane Souls - located within the massive library of the cathedral, members of this order live among the books and contracts written by devils, leading to a massive understanding of the contracts themselves. Many old contracts can be located here, saved over the years by the members of this order, and tended to by scribe devils.
  3. The Mutants - residing in the great catacombs beneath the cathedral, the members of this order have many mutagen labs hidden throughout and members are constantly experimenting with new forms of mutagencraft to enhance the other members of the order.
  4. The Lycans - residing in the north and south conservatories within the cathedral, these areas have been designed to specifically mimic the feel of the untamed wild forests of the world. A hazy, unnatural moon light cascades over each area, leaving all within dim light.

Points of interest

Places of Note

  • The Devil's Take - Small inn just outside of the mountain city in the smaller town of "Hell". Run by a female tiefling named Kalrissa. She is a tall and beautiful tiefling with long purple hair and deep blue skin. Rooms are typical prices, but stays are usually limited to one, maybe two nights depending on the manner of business being conducted in town. Extensions on stays require approval.
  • Wicked Rest - Large in just inside the gates of the city. Run by the male dwarf Torbek Firebranch. Torbek is a burley dwarf with red hair and a long braided beard. Torbek is a follower of Asmodeus, the unmatched ruler of the Nine Hells.
  • The Cathedral of Maladomini - The main cathedral in Black Spire for warlocks to connect with their patrons, and the location of the council chamber for the Black Star Coven. The cathedral is built specifically to assist warlocks in connecting with their patrons by arcane means.
  • The Halls of Phlegethos - Worship center and dormitory for blood hunters. While Aldam is the training ground, this cathedral is "home" for any and all blood hunters. The cathedral is split into four Order houses, each with their own area of the cathedral and each devoted to the four different orders of blood hunters.

  • The Fortress of Fierna - Training ground for blood hunters. Known to keep captive demons for training new blood hunters. Pays large bounties for living demons, especially new breeds unknown to the order.
  • Black Spire Arbiter's Guild - Although the same size as other guild locations, this location is almost entirely deserted. Run by the female orc Nargol, a quiet and introverted member of the guild who's days of adventuring are far behind her. Rarely do members of the guild travel to this location, so its services are quite lacking with "self service" taken to the extreme. Nargol has only one other worker that helps keep the guild hall in decent shape and avoid heavy wear and tear.
  • Baalzebul's Misfortune - A large tavern near the arena. Run by Avrotun, a slim red skinned devil with tall black horns and long black claws on each of her four arms. This tavern offers a variety of specialized brews and bread for those willing to accept the side effects...
    • Blood of Phlegethos - 410gp per bottle - this viscous red fluid has a very spicy taste, with a hint of red wine, mushrooms and possibly blood. A creature who consumes this drink may gain 35 temporary hit points until their next long rest, but also makes all Constitution saving throws at disadvange as well.
    • Chilled Essence of Stygia - 350gp per bottle - a freezing cold beverage, blue in color and tasting somewhat of blueberries and walnuts - After consuming this beverage, a creature may use an attack to throw a magical shard of ice up to 30 feet, dealing 3d6 cold damage on a hit. The creature also becomes vulnerable to fire damage. This effect lasts until thier next long rest.
    • Hellfire Tamales - 75gp per serving - a tiefling speciality, made from a potato dough and filled with the meats of beasts found within the nine hells, dried fire fruit and red olives. Considered one of the spiciest dishes in Qinla'Un! a creature who eats this dish gains resistance against curses and fire damage if they can finish the entire dish (DC 14 Constitution saving throw)
    • Powdered Demon Teeth Soda Bread - 120gp per loaf, 2 servings. A soda bread loaf with a deep red and black coloring and smelling of charcoal...tastes like it too... A creature who consumes one serving of this loaf considers a roll of 18-20 a critical hit when attacking for 1 hour.
  • Glasya's Disdain - a moderately sized and multi-level tavern northeast of the Pit. A popular location for warlocks, especially those attending the nearby academy. Run by an older male orc warlock named Wholug. This tavern specializes and hearty stews and meat dishes.
    • Hardy Cipactli Stew - 20gp per serving. A hardy stew with oddly colored vegtables and a very tough meat that looks similar to gator meat. Until your next long rest, you grow small mouths over parts of your body. When grappling another creature, it takes 1d6 piercing damage at the start of your turn, and it has disadvantage on any attempts to free itself from your grapple.
    • Boiled Plaresh - 10gp per serving. A boiled pile of worm like Plarnesh demons. Tastes of almonds and dirt with a hint of bile. Until your next long rest, you are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition. All creatures within 10 feet of you the first time you reach half health must succeed a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned as they are sprayed with your blood.
  • The Pit of Avernus - A massive coliseum near the center of the city, this structure has a large dungeon basement where prisoners and criminals are kept prior to being made to fight in the arena above. Winning a combat or test determined by the devil overseers will grant the prisoner their freedom. Shows are put on for visiting Arch-Devils and elaborate contracts are put in place with prisoners to entertain these VIP guests. Many demons are kept as beasts for use in these tests. The coliseum is run by the orobas devil Mahevu, a horse headed devil with black skin and sulfuric smoke eminating from his nostrils.
  • The Archives of Minauros - A massive library of contracts, and home of Totivillus, the Scribe of Hell and servant to Archduke Mammon, the lord of Minauros, the third layer of hell. This massive library is at the center of the city and is employed by a least two dozen ink devils. All are welcome in the library, but those of good alignment find it difficult to stay within the walls of the structure long as the millions of souls entwined in the endless contracts weigh heavy on the souls of the good.Many contracts, tomes and scrolls are also sealed by powerful magic, ensuring only those who are allowed to look at them do so. Offers extensive information on demons, dragons, and abberations.
  • The Fiends That Follow: Detective Agency - this fiendish detective agency is run by the devil Ilyith, and specializes in solving crimes involving demons and tracking down any demon activity on the material plane. Ilyith has many servants in her employ, some of whom are bound to her by contract, while others simply gather information for her.
  • Lost Patrons - Warlock Academy - an academy for up and coming warlocks, offering specialized training for any warlocks at a cost. Run by the female tiefling Martish, a devout follower of Dispater. She is tall with purple skin and black horns and carries forging tools with her everywhere. The rear of the Academy is a large forge as well.
  • Devil Delights - large bakery owned and operated by the wood hag Muriel Mudfingers. She offers basic training for cooking, or specialized training for a price...
    • Extra Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies - 10gp for 6 cookies, delicious cookies with the darkest black chocolate chips ever seen. After consuming one of these cookies, one time over the next 24 hours you may cast the Darkness spell. Your appearance becomes haggard over this time, with bags under your bloodshot eyes and pale skin, but otherwise has no other detriments.
    • Dark Wheat Bread - 15gp for one loaf, 5 servings. A dark and somewhat bitter tasting bread with small specks of red throughout. Consuming a serving of this bread confers a devils charm on you causing you to deal an extra 1d4 fire damage to all celestials, demons, or creatures of good alignment. Your attacks against these creatures also ignore resistant to weapon attacks made with nonmagical weapons and fire resistance.
    • Devil's Breath Cinnamon Buns - 15gp for 6 buns. Very strong tasting cinnamon buns with a red spicy sweet glaze. Consuming one of these buns allows you to use fire, cold, or poison breath one time within the same day. 20 ft. cone, 3d6 damage of the chosen type.


The vast majority of structures are made of a mixture of black wood cut from the nearby forests in the Wild Abyss, obsidian from the mine in the city, and ignam from the Nine Hells. The architecture style is gothic in overall design.

Natural Resources

Infernal Steel
A blood red metal that can be collected in the lower planes or in regions that have been touched by fiendish energies. Devils use this metal to craft their fiendish gear to fight their enemies, especially angels and other celestials.
Unit value: 750 gp
Armor: A non-magical armor made with infernal steel reduces the re damage you take by 3. It's also used to cra an armor of fire resistance (metallic armor only) or a demon armor.
Weapon: When you hit a celestial or any good-aligned creature with an infernal steel weapon, you can roll the damage again and use either result.
This black and semi-translucent stone have some bright red, glowing parts that resemble lava flowing inside of it. This stone can be found near volcanoes, magma pools and lava rivers.
Unit value: 500 gp
Weapon: A non-magical weapon made with ignum deals an additional 1d4 fire damage. It's also used to craft fire damage dealing magic weapons, such as the Flame tongue.
Other: Used to craft fire damage dealing magic items, such as the staff of fire.
This black to deep purple glass-like stone is known to be very sharp.
Unit value: 250 gp
Armor: While wearing a non-magical medium or heavy armor (non hide) made with obsidian, when an enemy grapples you, it takes 1d4 slashing damage.
Weapons: A non-magical weapon made with obsidian deals an additional 1d4 slashing damage. It's also used for crafting the sword of sharpness.


  • The Black Spire
Soul Coin
Founding Date
30 ANW
Location under
Region - The Wild Abyss


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