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Captain Aakoscru

Aakoscru is a legendary hero of the Star Ranger Core. Skilled in flight, tactics, and several blades Aakoscru has faced monsters from around the multiverse in his mission to protect worlds from invasion. Amongst the core there is no captain held in higher regard. After his mission to take down Fisk, Aarakoscru spent time recovering in Aaqa. During and after Kliiks death, Aarakoscru was on a highly clasified mission for the SRC.


Arakoscru's team is always shifting, but at during the events of The Missing arc it was composed of an Arakocra archer named Eagleyes, a mysterious Githzari wizard, and a wearbear.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aakoscru is a legendary hero of the Star Ranger Core and tackles the most dangerous and hazardous missions to capture multiversal level criminals who meddle with the planes. A long and distinguished career in the core would usually end up with promotion to higher ranks, and an Aarakocra of Aakoscru's age and reputation would likely be Master Ranger by now. Aakoscru has constantly turned down promotion from captain, prefering to spend his days actively combatting the threats to the multiverse than sit behind a desk.   Aakoscru leads an elite team composed of many races from different planes. He first came across Doomed 2 Die  outside Fiskvatn  when he helped to rescue them from a troll attack. Kliiks had heard of and admired the hero of his order, and gladly accepted his mission to capture fisk and hand him over to the core. Aakoscru had arrived one week prior, aware of Fisk's intention to unleash Ragnarok which would threaten the entire multiverse alongside the crime jarl's use of bound demons in his missions. The team had no luck getting past Fisk's defences and were met with fierce resistance from Fisk's guards and demon servants.   After arresting Fisk, Aakoscru returned to the Headquarters and imprisoned the criminal. He spent some shore leave in the city before being reassigned to an unknown location in the multiverse. With their current mission complete, Aarakoscru is once again back in the Star Ranger Core, and has promised to help the party defeat The Dragon Clan when they need him.  
Status Alive   First Appearance: Session 7, Welcome to Fiskvatn
Great City of Aaqa
Yellow and avian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
white and grey eagle feathers
Aligned Organization
Appearances: 7
  • Session 7: Welcome to Fiskvatn
  • Session 8: A Grim Weave
  • Session 9: Fall of Fisk (The First Defenestration of Fisk)
  • Session 15: Finding Home
  • Session 18: Secrets and Stories
  • Session 63: Brawls and Crowns
  • Session 77: Pirates of the Corpse Sea


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