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Kliiks Whistlewings

Kliiks was a young Aarakocra ranger and affliated member of the Star Ranger Core. A master of the bow, keen tracker, and banisher of extraplanular creatures, Kliiks was an honourable and hero woshipping young man. Sweet, loyal, and endlessly optimistic, some would argue their youthful naivety was a weakness, but to those around him it inspired the best in them. Kliiks is survived by their two parents, and sister Khass. During their adventures, Kliiks formed a strong familial bond with Shan Flamesbane. Kliiks would die heroically trying to save the town of Oskunstrond from Red Hawk when he caught one of Red Hawk's fireballs before he could cast it, detonating them both.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kliiks was the youngest child of a Star Ranger Core hero. Kliiks grew up in the elemental plane of air admiring the stories of legendary heroes. Upon moving to the Ranger Outpost in Asrinheim, Kliiks left home to look for an adventure of his own. Arriving in the city of Lastlight, they befriended a local guard named Finn and were brought in to join Torgier's party under the employ of Naerfi Oath-Knee's.  

The Missing Arc:

Kliiks was recruited alongside Shan to work under Naerfi Oath-Knee to find out what had happened to fourteen kidnapped residents of the city. Journeying into the hidden shanghai tunnels beneath the city, they met the wizard Azura, who scared Kliiks at first. Kliiks helped to fend off numerous cultist attacks with their aerial accuracy and flight. In the battle with Fjandmar, they were amongst the last to be downed and tried their best to heal their new companions during the whole battle. When the group journeyed into the underground river, Kliiks flew overhead whilst his companions rowed.   In the battle of the southern seal, Kliiks easily escaped the collapsing mine. They welcomed Killyn the ice elf into their party, and was eager to help Gobledegook Jr. Jr. Jr. and the elemental nightmares. On the group's way to Fiskvatn, Kliiks met the hero Aakoscru of the Star Ranger Core, and Kliiks eagerly offered to assist them in arresting Fisk. In battling Fisk, Kliiks was more accepting, but still suspcious, of Fjandmar's aid.  

The Dragon Clan Arc

During their travels, Kliiks formed a strong bond with Shan, seeing him as a grandfatherly figure. In Oskunstrond, Kliiks was key in the fight against the fire elementals who had taken over the main mines of the town. During the party in Oskunstrond, Kliiks tried alcohol for the first time and did not like it. In the Monastery of Balder, Kliiks took the path of temptation with Shan and resisted all their doubts.   After the temple, Kliiks was happy to be returned to the plane of air and aided their friends in navigating the area's dangers and hazards. They nervously accepted the mission to hunt Red Hawk and were worried about their parents, who Red Hawk had attacked. He was happy to be reunited with their people again, and despite a firm telling off from his mother, Kliiks re-made their strong bonds with their family. They also commited to going to save their sister from Red Hawk's ship.   During the battle with Red Hawk, Kliiks saw Torgier go down, but before they could heal or help them Torgier battled on and blew up the ship, allowing the party to escape with all the prisoners. This was the first major death the young hero had seen, and it shook them deeply. They were suspicious but grateful when they met Einar. In the Great City of Aaqa, Kliiks went bow shopping for their family.   Upon their return to Oskunstrond, Kliiks helped identify the dragon clan agents in the city. When Teng Silverjaw attacked with Red Hawk, Kliiks headed to fight Red Hawk with Azura whilst the rest of their group went to fight Teng. The battle nearly killed Azura, and in order to save as many people as possible, Kliiks dived forward and caught a fireball head on, detonating both himself and Red Hawk in the process.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Kliiks never journeyed to Lastlight but instead devoted themselves to the Star Ranger Core. In this universe, they found The Endeavour and Auran, using the ship to battle Red Hawk near their home by the Eastern Seal. Kliiks died in the battle alongside Auran, crashing the Endeavour into Red Hawk's ship. Their death was witnessed by Shan and Teng.
Status: Deceased   First Appearance: Session 1, New Beginnings
Current Status
Dust in the Wind
Date of Death
29th Applefall
Circumstances of Death
Sacrificed self to take out Red Hawk
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White Feathers
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You seem like you're having a no boys allowed sleepover..." Kliiks to Azura and Killyn when dividing the rooms at the inn   "Shan is already on the boat and punching him." Kliiks telling Torgier Shan was about to win their bet   "Ah yes, you're just as socially inept as Torgier." Kliiks to Einar
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appearances: 21
  • Session 1: New Beginnings
  • Session 2: Torgy Boy!
  • Session 3: This Ship Ain't Sinking
  • Session 4: The Southern Seal
  • Session 5: Gobbledegook
  • Session 6: Ghosts and Consequences
  • Session 7: Welcome to Fiskvatn
  • Session 8: A Grim Weave
  • Session 9: Fall of Fisk (The First Defenestration of Torgier)
  • Session 10: Good Deeds Bat Deeds
  • Session 11: The Past, a Present, and the Future
  • Session 12: Across the Ashen Sea
  • Session 13: Fire!
  • Session 14: Faith
  • Session 15: Finding Home
  • Session 16: Red Hawk
  • Session 17: The Bear Library
  • Session 18: Secrets and Stories
  • Session 19: Traitor at the Gates
  • Session 20: Rabble in Oskunstrond
  • Session 21: Divided We Fall
  • Session 62.5: The Redemption of Shan Flamesbane (Dream)


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