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The Piper

Elder Mothrar Gildaron (a.k.a. The Piper, The Demon's Head, The Undying)

"He wants you to suffer, Kensei, so I shall oblige."
  The Piper, the code name of infamous Ice Elf elder and warmongerer Mothrar Gildaron, lieutenant of Teng Silverjaw, and Dragon Clan member is a formidable spellcaster who first appeared to Doomed 2 Die atop Mount Valhalla when Eva called for reinfocements to capture the head of Mimir.   His motives unknown, The Piper has extensive information on 'the enemy' and knows personal deatails of each member of the adventuring party and their companion's lives. Upon their battle, the Piper and his team managed to down Azura, Val, and Shan whilst significantly harming Gallus. After the battle, The Piper promised retribution on the loved ones of the party, specifically Gallus.  
The Kriegerholm Red Daggers revaled Mothrar is an ancient foe and long time member of the Dragon Clan who has been alive since the Ice Elf War of the Great Houses in the 2500s and was once ruler of Iminiyas. Mothrar has gone by many names in the 1400 years since his loss of power, including The Demon's Head and the Undying. Mothrar also seems to have access to magic that stops him from being completely slain when killed and uses Simularcrums as decoys.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mothrar Gildaron was born sometime between 1900-2350, 2e, in Iminiyas to the powerful House Gildaron, one of the 13 great houses of Asrinheim. Mothrar became elder of the city prior to the war of the great houses in the 2500s of the second age. He earned a reuptation as cruel warlord and general, destroying the home of House Rayes, Sel Thiran, and waging war against all the other hosues so he could rule as 'king' of all Asrinheim.   At some point prior to 2600, Mothrar travelled to the Vale of the Elves and supposidly when the ruins of Vanar, the ancient homeland of Frigga, and discovered lost powerful magics that allowed him to cheat death. The nature of this magic is uknown, but Azura theorised it would be of a level 8 or 9 spell and require powerful and expensive components to compensate for the restoration of life.   Mothrar was defeated by House Aldarlyir of Thevensyne and a popular uprising where he was 'cast into the sea' and believed dead. He would reemerge a century later as "The Demon's Head," an agent of the Dragon Clan. As the Demon's Head, Mothrar would fight many heroes and fight against agents of the Red Daggers.   At some point between 300, 3e and 700 3e, Mothrar was batled by legendary psionic warrior and distant descendent Zedithir Gildaron as well as two red daggers, including his direct decesendant Asaj Gildaron. His last appearance as the Demon's Head was in 990 when he was killed by the younger version of the current Kriegerholm Red Dagger's mentor.   He resurfaced again in 1052 as 'The Piper' and one of Teng Silverjaws lieutenants. Gildaron was responsible for rescuing Eva and her agents from Doomed 2 Die atop Mount Valhalla and claiming the Eye of Vecna. His appearance nearly killed Val, Azura, and Shan and severly wounded Gallus.  

Targetting Doomed 2 Die

In the aftermath of their battle, Mothrar followed through on his promise to torment Doomed 2 Die for standing in his way atop Mount Valhalla. Looking into his enemies, he decided to target each of their pericieved weaknesses.   First, he attacked Olivir in the Vaniri Sea and nearly killed the warlock boyfriend of Azura. He said he could come back and finish the job anytime.   Secondly, he travelled to Val's hometown of Tyris Ren and employed a serial killer to target changelings. Giving a speech to the first one, he took the clay body and sent it to Val in a House Summerfrost urn. Upon touching it, Val was able to see the murdered changeling's final moments as well as Gildaron's speech promising his killer would murder a changeling every 3 days, leaving Val's twin Trixie till last.   This third target was the fighter Gallus and their family. Using the Dragon Clan's connections in Northern Asrinheim, he had the Armour family branded as traitors and arrested, with only Igraine Aramour and Gallus left. This caused a small rift between the mother and child, but the two vowed to free their family.   The Piper is yet to target Einar and Shan specifically.


The Piper appears to be highly educated through his vocabulary and powerful magic. He was able to cast multiple spells per round and capable of casting 7th level magic through Time Stop. The full extent of his abilities is unknown.
First Appearance:
Session 102: Fathers
Cloudy White
Duck Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Stone White
Aligned Organization
Appearances: 4
  • Session 102: Fathers
  • Session 109: Conclave of the Wold (Voice Only)
  • Session 117: Vanguard of the Dragon Clan
  • Session 118: The Night Circus (Voice Only)


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