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Jamel and Valeska

Jamel and Valeska are the legendary Ice Elf heroes and founders of the city that would become Jameleska. Near mythological, the two warriors first travelled to Jotun to earn their right of passage by fighting and killing a frost giant but ended up started a slow boiling revolt that would shake Jotun civilization for millennia to come.   Hailing from the kingdom of Asrinheim, their exact origins are lost to history. The Saga of the Everlsating One mentions Thullthdhir as the harbour they set off from, yet there is no known location by this name. The two arrived in the human settlement of Jotunbrygge, and learnt it was under the domination of three giants known as the Everlasting Ones. As they would later discover, this was in fact three giants that merged as part of their praise of Varpak, the creator of trolls and poisons. They defeated the beast, and liberated Jotunbrygge, using their divine will to forge new farmlands and causing the small village to grow into a town. The two would return after centuries of legendary adventures that are most likely myth, and formed the kingdom of Jotunbrygge, which would eventually become the city of Jameleska, named after its heroic founders.   Unbeknown to the two heroes, Jamel and Valeska had unintentionally absorbed the divine gift of Varpak when they slew the Everlasting one, taking the gods gift for themselves, and passing it through their bloodline. It would eventually distil into five essences by 1052, 3e, and was present in Lady Eris Snowflower, Reeve Mester of Storonthorpe, Prince Haakon of Jameleska, Heli Ristor, and Falia Rayes.   Jamel and Valeska are revered as mighty warriors and considered the spirits and guardians of Jameleska. Statues and art of them can be found throughout the city, and even some records of them in Asrinheim itself.


The exact reign of Jamel and Valeska is unknown, but it is beleived to have be around the 10th century of the second age.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lords of Jotunbrygge
Founded Settlements


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