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Reeve Mester

Reeve Mester

Lawmaker to rebel to inspiration, Reeve Mester is the sheriff of Storonthorpe and former leader of the Storonthrope rebels during The Snow Lord's occupation. In charge of a volunteer band of deputies, the Reeve navigated the wild west of Storonthorpe, handling outlaws, smugglers, and raiders with grace, decorum, and strength.   The Reeve was born in Storonthorpe and trained to be a deputy from a young age, his talent and skill for leadership rose him up the ranks, and after his predecessor died to a trigger happy crossbow shooting Skallen raider, Mester was granted the title of reeve by the Baron of Storonthorpe. Mester was skilled with blade and word, knowing how to defuse a situation before people died but never being afraid to bring cold steel to a fight when needed.   During the 4-week war, the Reeve barely survived the surprise attack by the Snow Lord, and took some of his deputies underground where they formed a resistance cell alongside a travelling goblin shaman and the former court mage, Jiarn. Mester’s constant attacks on the boulder jarl provided hope to an oppressed people, and attracted the attention of Doomed 2 Die when they arrived to help liberate the frontier town.   Unknown to him until the arrival of Doomed 2 Die, Mester was a descendent of Jamel and Valeska and contained one of the five gifts of Varpak, namely his gift of leadership. This would make him a target for the Snow Lord during the final week of the war.  

The Resistance

  During the occupation Reeve Mester organized his surviving deputies and some volunteer civilians into a resistance cell that sought to strike hit and run attacks in and around Storonthorpe and help as many civilians as they could. The Reeve was admired by the small number under his command and idolized as a hero by the community.   Deputy Cass: The Reeve’s closest ally and friend, Cass was a gunslinger from the Dragonbone Valley who wandered into Storonthorpe a decade a go and stuck around. The two moved up the ranks together.   Taggart†: Another deputy of Mester’s, Taggart was a brutish and short man but a loyal officer who served the sheriff well.   Jiarn†: Jiarn was rescued by the reeve during the initial attack. This young wizard was a recent graduate of Rosengrantz college and was serving as court mage to the local baron.   Rendalwald†: A goblin shaman caught up in the war, mester happily accepted the help of the sorcerer.  

Failed Ambush

  The Reeve and his rebels had been growing bolder as the war continued. With the arrival of Doomed 2 Die and the 22nd scouts to assist, he decided to launch a daring ambush in the market place and give away the stolen food resources to the citizenry.   The ambush went off without a hitch, the few giant guards forced away through marriage and the people grabbing as much food as they could, but before the crew could escape the Snow Lord arrived with a contingent of elite troops and the Eyes of Varpak †.   The rebels were wiped out as the Giants attacked from all angles. Jiarn was crushed by the Snow Lord, with Cass knocked unconscious and Rendalwald killed when the building they were hiding on collapsed. The Boulder Jarl also arrived to close them in, with the Reeve clearly their target. Taggart sacrificed himself to hold of the Boulder Jarl, whilst Balcorus of Doomed 2 Die sacrified himself fighting the Snow Lord. Only Deputy Cass survived thanks to the intervention of Einar.   The Reeve was escorted into the Shadofwell with his allies, and was informed of why the Snow Lord was after him. They had planned to smuggle the Reeve away before hearing word their companions had also been captured bar Ivar, and the Snow Lord would consume Heli Ristor at a large feast that night. The Reeve aided in an orchestrated attack on the feast, but was also nearly captured by the giants again. In its aftermath, the Reeve wandered up to an injured Boulder Jarl, and summarily executed him with a cold warning, “You should have stayed out of our town.”  

Battle of Jastingrag

See also: Battle of Jastingrag Storonthorpe now free, the Reeve set about fortifying and rebuilding the town, trying to undo as much damage as he could. The Reeve answered Doomed 2 Die’s call to action to take Jastingrag, entrusting his rebuilt army of deputies to Cass and sending them to meet with the adventurers and Jameleskan Military.  

Alternate Timeline

In the alternate timeline created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Reeve Mester and the rest of the deputies were killed in Storonthorpe after the 22nd scouts failed to save them.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Reeve Mester is an indpedent, frontier-spirited individual who distrusts officials and institutions from Jameleska. When first meeting Doomed 2 Die, Mester voiced his anger at the city for having left Storonthorpe abandoned for a month, and only sending troops when the food was running out. His attitude soften when the 22nd scouts fought valiantly to help him and his rebels.
Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 56, The Resistance
Current Location
Date of Birth
23rd High Year
Dark Grey
Undercut, black and Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bright Green
Ruled Locations
Appearances: 5
  • Session 56: The Resistance
  • Session 57: Rescue at the Fort
  • Session 58: The Snow Lord Cometh
  • Session 59: Liberation of Storonthorpe
  • Session 64: Battle of Jastingrag (Voice Only)
  • Session 66: Tales from Jameleska pt.2


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