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Storonthrope is a frontier small town/large village on the banks of the Arthos where it meets the Black River and Grengolder Stream. A farming settlement famed for its lawlessness and frontier nature, the village has long been the front between gangs, goblinoids, Jameleska, and the giants. Fromerlly under the careful hands of Lord Eduard D’Arcane the Marquis of Arthoshire, his death at the hands of the Boulder Jarl during a month long occupation as part of The Snow Lord's war with Jameleska has left the frontier town in the hands of local hero, Reeve Mester.     The village is a trade hub, taking in resources from the surrounding farmsteads and hamlets and selling them to buyers from around the duchy. The village took heavy damage during the war, and is currently rebuilding and trying to rebrand itself away from its former lawless nature under the careful guiding hand Reeve Mester.


The town is a majority human settlement, with some settled goblinloids. The population are largely agnostic or Divinitist.


Formally a barony, the Storonthorpe area is now run as a stratocracy by Reeve Mester and his deputies. The Reeve was unanmiously chosen by the people as a roman styled dictator to help rebuild and restore the area after the damage left by the war.


Church of the Farmers: This large wooden church stants in the central marketplace and has a slate roof and bell tower, the stained glass windows formarlly showing numerous agricultural deities such as Freyr, St Lucia, St Casserby, and Yondalla are all damaged.   Cavalier's Smithee: This smithee is operated by a human named Murmdar, they are operating on imports from Astergor and supported the rebels during the occupation, pointing Doomed 2 Die towards their location.   Sleetgrain Markets: The main markets have pillories where captured rebels and those who are not giving the Boulder Baron a fair cut are left out for humiliation and forced ‘fruiting’ by the locals. Giant guards patrol the markets frequently and a collaborator halfling coward called Fringaro gets the bulk of products imported.   Horse and Hobogblin: This popular marketplace inn is ran by a midly obsese hobgoblin named Paragh Ul’kharnvir. His daughter, Maya Um’Paragh performs music here. Hidden behind the fireplace is a permanant gate to the Shadowfell. The inn faced heavy destruction during the occupation and is being rebuilt.   Trade Guildhouse: This hub of the trade guild is largely destroyed and operating under a single clerk officer awaiting releif from the Storonthorpe central office.   Goblin Museum of History: This old manor house is home to the Tragvlik the Orphaned, a goblin who was adopted by the old Vitt family who were childless. Tragvlik became learned and well read, and journeyed the duchy to find out the history of his people and gather artefacts. After his parents passed, he opened a museum dedicated to old Svartvelheim. He has numerous artefacts including old rusted weapons, busts, idols to gods, faded written decrees in Svartveleese, a reconstruction of Fasingos, a statue of Grylfaffigir the Undying, and a large depiction of the Pillars of Air.   Sheriff's Office: The Sheriff’s office is the base of operations of Reeve Mester and his deputies. Their supplies were ransacked by an ogre militia during the occupation and are slowly being rebuilt.   Undar's Frontier Outpost: General goods shop is ran by a half-elf named Undar. They sell common items   Cup of Cake Bakery: An elderly halfling woman named Megan Meeby runs this small and sweet bakery. Her pastries are famous across the duchy.   Wild Wheat Saloon: The Wild Wheat Saloon was the hub for smugglers and ne’er do wells, although most of these rogues have fled the town a few infamous figures remain   Chateau Soliel: A large neo-marcian styled chateau and manor house left ruined and ransacked by the Boulder Jarl   Riverwatch Gaol: A simple prison tower on the riverbank, Ardo and Lt Braer were briefly held prisoner here.   Nilgerfen Hall: The Nilgerfen are a clan of strange gnomes who herd reindeer and perfer to keep to themselves, interacting with the townspeople through agents only.   Galloping Mare Stable: A simple stabling home to numerous horses, carts, dogs, and sleds for sale. A neutral half-elf named Basinel runs the place.


Storonthorpe, or the weed of the valley as its also known, is a resilient frontier settlement in the heart of the Arthos and Fathos river plains. Surrounded by fertile grazing and farming ground, this small town lies between the influences of Jameleska, Jastingrag, and Astergor. Over the centuries, this remote and lawless town has been frequently destroyed by various factions from the Jameleskan military, the Snow Lord, giant raiders, and goblin clans, but like a winter weed it always grows back.   Storonthorpe was occupied by the Snow Lord’s armies under the command of The Boulder Jarl during his war with Jameleska. It was the first settlement to fall with an attack at dawn that took the scant defenders by surprise. The baron was captured and killed and the deputies, led by Reeve Mester, driven underground to become a resistance cell.   Doomed 2 Die helped to liberate the village with the help of the 22nd Scouts, killing the Boulder Jarl and gravely injuring the Snow Lord and Eyes of Varpak. The town is now under the control of Reeve Mester.
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Characters in Location
Appearances: 5
  • Session 56: The Resistance
  • Session 57: Rescue at the Fort
  • Session 58: Snow Lord Cometh
  • Session 59: Liberation of Storonthorpe
  • Session 60: Basilisk Library


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