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Heli Ristor †

Corporal Heli Ristor

Hot-headed, aggressive, and hating giants, Heli Ristor was a distant descendent of Jamel and Valeska, containing the Rage of Varpak. This granted the scout the ability to transform into a formidable Titan Form, which gave him incredibly strength and the power of a raging barbarian.   Heli was corporal in the 22nd scouts, assigned the legendary Captain Flygir Eroskyn, and joined by his childhood best friend Ardo Hune. Heli was orphaned at a young age when his family were killed by giant raiders, fuelling the young mans anti-jotun views. When the war began, Heli was keen to move beyond the walls and take the fight to the Snow Lord. His apparent giant racism was noticed by members of Doomed 2 Die, namely Val who found his rage disconcerting.   Heli would unfortunately meet his end in theBattle of Jastingrag, when he tackled The Snow Lord alone to try and save the vanguard from his thunder staff. Although Doomed 2 Die tried to save him, the Snow Killed and consumed him, passing the strength of Varpak into the Snow Lord. Heli’s death was mourned by his squad mates, but he was ultimately avenged when the Snow Lord was destroyed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Heli first met Doomed 2 Die when Wall Vorrenborg fell. In the heat of battle, he was gravely wounded and revealed his Titan Form. After pushing the giants back, he passed out again and turned back into his human form. He was rescued by Ardo and taken to a medical camp in Wintergate. Heli was then court martialled, but pardoned by the War Council thanks to the intervention of Flygir and Doomed 2 Die.  

War of the Walls Arc

  With his name cleared, Heli was keen to join Doomed 2 Die on their mission. On their way into Eagle Falls, they were ambushed by giants searching for him to take back to the Snow Lord. Heli was spared the initial attack, fighting with Doomed 2 Die, Ardo, and Ivar to take down the ambush party, but was nearly captured in the process, being rescued by Val and Einar.   He was told to not throw himself in danger, but demanded he get his vengeance, disconcerting Val. He was left behind whilst the party went into Eagle Falls, his wounds tended to by Ardo. After this battle, he journeyed with Flygir cross country, meeting the party at the rebel camp in Storonthorpe. He was captured by the Snow Lord when the Eyes of Varpak revealed the rebel camp’s location, and was due to be consumed at the feast that night. Thankfully, he was rescued by Doomed 2 Die in a daring mission which saw the Snow Lord forced to retreat and the Boulder Jarl killed.   Flygir then accompanied the scouts on a mission to clear out a wyvern whilst the party journeyed to the Basilisk Library for Einar’s mission. He met up with them again in Astergor, regretting the missed opportunity to fight giants. He got his wish at Theygor, using his titan form to fight the hill giant forces of the Tundra Baron.   Flygir was left at camp again in Fasingos, and was chosen to join the vanguard with the scouts, Ivar, and The Blizzard Maiden. Once the walls were breached by Roach and the Boys, the Snow Lord went to strike the scouts down with his thunder staff, Heli took on his titan form and battled the Snow lord into the main markets of Jastingrag, destroying the staff but getting stuck in battle with the Snow Lord. Doomed 2 Die tried to save him, but he was not rescued in time and was consumed by the Snow Lord.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Heli was killed and devoured by the Snow Lord in their first confronatation in Vorrenborg.
Status: Deceased   First Appearance: Session 48, Wall Vorrenborg Falls
Date of Death
15th Endstarre
Circumstances of Death
Consumed by the Snow Lord
Place of Death
Long, wavy, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appearances: 13
  • Session 48: Wall Vorrenborg Falls
  • Session 49: The Titans
  • Session 50: Weeping Halls
  • Session 51: Ballroom Blitz
  • Session 52: Titansgrove
  • Session 54: Boom and the Jotun are Gone
  • Session 56: The Resistance
  • Session 57: Rescue at the Fort
  • Session 58: Snow Lord Cometh
  • Session 59: Liberation of Storonthorpe
  • Session 62: Revolutions
  • Session 63: Brawls and Crowns
  • Session 64: Battle of Jastingrag
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Mentioned Only) (Alternate Reality)


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