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Falia Rayes

Falia Rayes

Explorer, adventurer, historian, archer. Falia Rayes has had many occupations and carries her talents through life, always looking for the next opportunity and chance to explore. With her magical oathbow and dancing sword, Falia can be an intimidating sight on any battlefield and her skills at survival make her hard to track and any of her foes easy to find. A delver of ruins, discoverer of artefacts, and cartographer, Falia comes from a proud line of cartographers and explorers.   Unknown to her until meeting Doomed 2 Die, Falia is also one of the five who contain the gift of Varpak alongside Lady Eris Snowflower, Prince Haakon, Reeve Mester, and formally Heli Ristor.   Falia officially joined Doomed 2 Die as a companion after Gallus invited them to come on their next adventure after a week of downtime in Jameleska. Falia's first official time with the party was spenting drinking at the Swaying Whale, having a dance off, and then calling everybody fit.   In combat, Falia stays at a distance and flurries her opponents with her keen shots from her magical longbow. Whilst ducking between cover. She can use her archer's eye ability to inflict extra damage on her targets, and is capable of making trick arrows.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Falia was born and bred in Jameleska to Maethir Rayes, the half-elf heir to the lost house of Rayes, and Amidrillia Rayes, an Eldrian born high elf who fled to the city as a child after upheavel in her home city. The third of fourth children, Falia is the only one of the Rayes siblings to not be a full-blooded elf, instead showing human traits and being 3/4 elf by definition.   As a child, Falia was the closest to her father and considered his 'favourite' until his death. Amongst her fondest earliest memories was being taken to Northern Asrinheim by her father and being trained in archery, a talent she kept up. Upon Maethir's death of natural causes, she was left his Oathbow and thus deemed the new 'heir' to the House of Rayes, breaking with Vaniri tradition. It was upon her father's death Falia also inherited the Curse of Varpak, becoming his new fifth aspect.   Throughout her 'teenage' and young adult years, Falia undertook various hobbies and careers. She has mentioned being a groupie for 'Abyssal acid punk' bands and dying her her black and purple, as well as having a short lived career as a castle cook to House Rose. She was fired from this position after accidently poisoining Lady Alana Rose with gooseberries, a fruit she is allergic to.   Falia maintained her training as a cartographer, working at the family shop and helping to produce maps of the local region. She also began self-training as a historian and archaeologist, forming a rivalry with professionally trained Darien Toot in the process. Her main interestes were around ancient civilizations.

War of the Walls Arc

The explorer first met Doomed 2 Die in Fasingos during her tense standoff with Hilgot over who would take possession of the Crown of Thorns. Falia had launched this expedition before the war began, and was stuck in the wilderness avoiding The Snow Lord's forces. She eventually got to the dig site and began her explorations and cataloguing of ancient Svartvelheim when she discovered Hilgot was planning to betray her and take the crown for himself. Doomed 2 Die helped to calm the situation, with Einar and Val proposing a truce.   Exploring the tomb, Falia made numerous observations to the party about he ruins, and pointed them in the direction of the Sphinx room if they were looking for loot. She aided them in the battle with Lich King Gryllfagor, staying as far away from the lich as possible and shooting arrows.   Afterwards, she escorted the group to the pillars of air and joined them in the Great City of Aaqa. She was eventually told of her descendance from Jamel and Valeska and how she had an aspect of Varpak, which she claimed was “fucking awesome!”   Falia was present in the Battle of Jastingrag and kept in the artillery to utilise her skills and keep her out of the reach of the Snow Lord. She performed well in her role alongside the deputies, and journeyed with the party back to Jameleska.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc

Falia would spend much of her time with Doomed 2 Die during their week of rest in Jameleska. She helped Einar find the hidden temple of Heimdall, and beleived she'd accidentally killed him again when he entered a spiritual state and astral projected to Ysgard. She helped Shan train Castor to win his tournament by finding an underground grove and hot spring for them to work in. She punched Peregrine for Azura after the posh mage tried to insult her, and went pit fighting with Gallus, rescuing the figther from the mouth of a froghemoth. She attended the feast of heroes and told Val and Roach about Lady Alana Rose's minor allergy to Gooseberries.   Falia also invited the party to visit her mother's home, as her family wanted to meet "Actual heroes" of the war. Despite her mother's best attempts to embrass and humilate her, Falia was inspired to stand up for herself thanks to Val and stormed out of the dinner meeting. Gallus would check in on her, and invited Falia along for their mission after joking about a half-repaired child's stuffed rabbit called "jumper".   Falia attended Ivar's organized party at the swaying whale, getting drunk with Gallus and Val, dancing with the former in a dance off against Shan and Morganton's pet troll, Vrock, who won using "Wulin style." Nearly blackout drunk, Falia admitted to Val and Gallus that she found everyone in the party "insanely fit and cool" before the two drunkinly flirted back with her.   The archer was amazed at getting to be on the Endeavour, and frantically explored the ship to figure out how everything works when the travelled into Gehenna. She escorted the party to the Briar and Brimstone, where on their first night she had to share a bed and room with Gallus.   She was brought along to the Mad Mage's Mansion. Falia entered the mansion with the party and Astra Kommenian, and was clearly very excited to be in the arcane demiplane and learning all the secrets of John Kommenian. Falia was visibly touched by the love John had for Astra, comparing it her own relationship with her late father.   On the party's way back from mansion, Falia was with Val when they first met Clay and began to clock on that Val may have been a changing. Val also fought with the Orthon afterwards.   Her next key mission was to journey to the Star Tunnel to find out why Gallus being drawn to it. Falia impressed with several key shots, and was again caught between Val and Gallus's flirtations. She got a moment of brevity when Azura defeated the whistler, remaking how the changeling and Ice Elf were not the only 'hot ones' in the group. Seeing Gallus's sadness after the star tunnell mission, the archer gifted them with a now repaired Jumper.   Falia was again taken on the next mission to Corriegrave, escorting disgraced former avatar Aungus. In the divine realm, Falia touched the well of memory and a flashback appeared of her training to fire a bow with her father in Asrinheim. Her and Val would then chat in the room, discussing life and attractions with the latter teasing her about Gallus.   At the dance, Falia was panicked as she didn't know who to go with. Ivar spoke to her in private, and said she should go alone or wait till someone asks her and not panic about it. Falia did just that, and was asked to go by Gallus, attending in a new suit and dancing with the elf, she was made to fail in one of the dance moves by Azura, who later apologised to her for it.   The following day, Falia was again taken on a mission to Corpsegate to find and recruit Clay. In their attempt to help the doppelganger heist a stolen coin, Falia and Gallus distracted the dread pirates by instigating a kiss, something the two felt awkward and uncomfortable out immeditaely after despite the professions of the yugoloth pirates that they, 'love love!"   Falia would also be given a code fragment from Auran to decphier, and realised it was a powerful form of magic imbedded with ancient sun elf language. Falia sat out the next mission, but was brought along with the party for the final heist on Lover's Bite. At the victory party, she kept to herself until approached by Gallus and the two finally discussed the mission in Corpsegate, ending with Gallus kissing Falia properly.  

The White Will Arc

Travelling again into the Astral Sea - Falia once again thanked the party for taking her along and allowing her to see so many new things and have adventures of her own. The archer would be ecstatic to visit their first alien world for shore leave whilst the Endeavour refeuelled and took in the sights and experiences of the mining outpost they visited.   With the party arriving at Mechanus, Falia and Ivar joined the adventurers in the clockwork city to battle their way through to Primus' cathedral. When they arrived, Falia and her vikingr friend were locked out - leaving the party to face primus alone. They eventually found their way back through the door and came across their companions shaken by their experience in the Alternate Reality. Gallus would confess all that happened in the other reality when back on the ship, with Falia supporting their partner through the trauma but not being able to resist a few jokes.   In Lastlight, Falia helped the party investigate the haunted house that Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee had promised them in exchange for riding it of ghosts. Through their linguistic knowledge, they realised the spirits were in fact speaking Goblin and soon the goblin gang using the abandoned mansion's attic as a drug farm were revealed. They would indulge in Dragon Weed alongside Gallus and Shan and passed out very happy and content. The following day they would have a date with Gallus as they broke into The Final Light and left a token of their relationship at the top of the grand lighthouse and statue.   Arriving in Knut's Landing Falia would continue to regularly share inn rooms with Gallus. They enjoyed the feast of King Knut but had their acitivies cut short as she travelled with the party and Fr. Tomos Siegfried to rescue the trapped children within Southwatch-by-the-Sea.   Returning to town, when The White Will attacked the end of the feast Falia would run to the temple with Gallus and Einar to face the dragon head on. The three would nearly die in the encounter but were rescued by the return of Ivar. As the party regrouped, she stayed behind in the markets, climbing a nearby guard tower to use their oathbow to fend off mephits coming for the wounded survivor's sheltering there. Her friends would nearly kill the dragon, but as it was escaping it noticed her atop the tower and deliberately collapsed it. The Fall would kill the archer as she was crushed beneath the rubble. Pulled out by Gallus, she was revivied by Fr Tomos but remembered the feeling of entering the etheral plane for moment and seeing her friends try to bring her back.   Still injured and exhausted from the near-death experience, Falia was left on a cart with the wounded and Fr Tomos as the party led a convoy of refugees to the Seal Clan winter camp. She spent time recovering there and when Gallus returned, her fighter partner made sure she was comfortable. The next day, Falia was strong enough to travel back to Jameleska. Upon arriving, she visted her mother alongside Gallus and Val. The dinner went well, and her mother showed a more comfortable level of support for her and her sister, Cassie, seemed fascinated by the adventures she was having.   Falia helped the party figure out the location of Rorisgrad and the likelihood of the White Will originating from there. She helped the party go to the Svartvelheim ruin alongside Fr Tomos and helped battle the carrion crawlers of the worm caverns. She did show annoyance in the ruins as the party lacked any sensitivity or preservartion for the artefacts.   Going through the elemental portal to the frostfell discovered by Azura, Falia helped translate for the party and was enamoured by Gallus refering to her as 'my chosen,' and later agreed it was a cute and fitting label for the two.   During the Scion's ambush whilst sailing back to the Western Hold, Falia was unaffected by their magics due to her containing a part of Varpak, allowing her to stay awake and battle off the monsters. They helped to kill several harpies and push back the monsters surrounding the other party members.   In a rare adventure where the entire party and all their companions would travel to Bard's Folly to find the second half of the Stone of Queen Astrid, Falia's main test was in the Way of Destiny where they saw glimpses of their future. In the aftermath, they accomponied Erika and Fr Tomos back to Westwatch where they would be captured by Elfrey. The Godswitch's magics had no effect on Falia as she was immune to charming.   She would be rescued by Doomed 2 Die with the help of House Winter-Shield and fondly hugged her 'chosen' in reponse. She explained her Elfrey had been particuarly frustrated with her for being able to resist her magic. She would not accompony on their next mission either as they headed to Pilgrim's Rest and was left at a tavern along the way known as Heroes Stop. Here she witnessed Val kiss Ivar and would later comment how Ivar was as red as a tomato for the rest of the night.   Hearing the sound of the Death Cry following Sven the Godslayer's death at the hands of Erika during the Trial by Combat, Falia was at first worried one of the party had died. She was reassured by the group upon their return that everyone was okay and filled in on events. She also told Gallus what happened between Val and Ivar and the two plotted to have them share a room with only one bed - this plan would fail however.   With the location of the Cave of the Golden Wyrm uncovered, Falia helped speak to the Archaelogists' Guild and was shocked to see her old rival Darien Toot in the apprenticeship of Hoffa, Westwatch's chapter head. She joined the party in the cavern alongside Fr Tomos and battled with the Hoard Mimics before Gallus managed to negotaite a truce. They also helped to identify the Axe of the Derro Lords and negotaite the contract between the guild and the party.   Full of trepidition, Falia headed to the lair of the will. Before battle, they were seen looking at the damage on their armour from their last fight. Falia struggled to make any direct hits against the Will during their initial fight and would be affected by the dragon's frightning aura. They shook off their fear, and managed succesive strong hits. Val would create a strong opening and told Falia to finish the dragon - her arrow struck true and the dragon was felled, avenging herself.   In the aftermath of the battle, Ivar and others began the trend of calling Falia the Dragonslayer.  

Heir of Furunheim Arc

Falia took a backseat during the events in Furunheim to save Arystyr Furyborn and his sister, Aera Furyborn.   The archer would be relied upon for her survival skills in finding the Conclave of the Wold, but once the group arrived in Krakenpost she was often left behind with the other companions. Falia would be present at the attempted assassination of Aera at her home, and helped to defeat and capture the assassin Never.   In Krakenpost, she was also informed her sister Cassie Rayes had run away from home and joined an adventuring party by Shan. She was keen to speak to her 'yell some sense into her' but did not have the time as the party moved on.   In Ferenvire Falia would meet Igraine Aramour, Gallus' mother. Nervous at first, Igraine was enamoured by the archer's awkard demenaour and impressed at her lineage. She would joke to Gallus about 'only picking great houses' when it came to romantic interests.   During the attack at Elder Tiristar Furyborn's funeral, Falia refused to leave Gallus' side and battled with them against the plant blights and corrupted feywild ogres. She witnessed Zedithir reveal himself and save them all.   Falia would be left to command the archers during the siege of Marthiel. She admitted after the battle her command started awkwardly when someone addressed her as 'Dragonslayer' and it took her a while to realise they were referring to her. Her command of the unit was commended afterwards by Arystyr and Haarold Iceaxe.   After their celebrations were complete, Falia would learn from Val that Cassie had gone missing in Krakenpost. Panicked and angry, she led the charge into the ruins of the temple of the forgotten gods. In her haste she was unable to immediately recognise the ruins were not primal elf in construction, and only revealed her knowledge when Azura began hypothesising aloud. Falia would save Cassie, and remained behind with the survivors whilst Doomed 2 Die confronted the Order of Labelas.   When Doomed 2 Die did not return from the library, Falia, Ivar, and Roach would break into the library to free them. They defeated the High Librarian and welcomed the party upon their return in the Endeavour.  

The Deep Arc

Falia stuck with the party as they sailed to the Eastern Isles, and again battled with the Scion of the Seas as he attacked the ship. In Orsturkirk the archer became enamared by the Eagle Library, but largely stayed out of the groups ongoing goals in the region.   Upon travelling to Crowsport, Falia met with the artifier Xan and the two became quick friends due to their shared interest in history and inventions. Falia would travel in The Endeavour to The Commonwealth to find legendary inventor Vorr. Falia would stay behind on the starship when it was boarded by The Wraiths and was transported to the veil alongside the party.   After their misadventures in the astral sea and saying farewell to Auran, Falia returned to the material plan and travelled to Freywen where the party defeated a vanguard of the Dragon Clan known as The Crown. To bring peace, the party installed Falia as the interrim ruler with the support of the Freywen guards, their leader a staunch House Rayes loyalist.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Falia was rescued from Fasingos by the 22nd Scouts. Using the Crown of Thrones, she managed to turn the phylactory into a weapon and detonated it to stop the Snow Lord in Rosethrope. The expolosion would lead to her death. The alternate universe form of Gallus was present for her body to be dug up.   Luna informed Gallus that the bomb was triggered as a desperate last action to stop the frost giant as Falia was the last remaining aspect of Varpak not devoured by the Jotun lord. In the battle, Flygir, Lt. Braer, and Ardo Hune had already been killed. The explosion would also claim the life of Balcorus. After her body was recovered, her mother was visibly seen crying.

Morality & Philosophy

Although Doomed 2 Die have not spent much time with the explorer, her morality could be demonstrated by her stand off with Hilgot. She believed the Crown to be dangerous and needed to go to somewhere it could be protected from misuse whilst still being available to see for those it was important to. She has a deep respect for other cultures and seems to speak multiple languages including elvish and goblin. Falia seems kind and chaotic, but ultimately good.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Exploration
  • Positive encouragement
  • Sparing NPCs
  • Finding knowledge


  • Serious crimes in her presence
  • Racists


Family Ties

Falia is technically 3/4 elf, and although appearing human and having some of the same biology, she has around half the lifespan of a full elf and is likely to live 300 years. Her father, Maethir Rayes, was a half-elf from northern Asrinheim of noble descent, and passed away around 40 years ago. Her mother, Amidrillia, is a full elf originally from Southaxe and is very distant and dismissive towards Falia.   She also has three siblings, an older brother named Damin, a younger sister named Cassie, and a younger brother named Sarn. She has a mixed relationship with her siblings, and seemed to be closest with Cassie and dismissive of Sarn.
Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 63, Brawls and Crowns
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Medium, blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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