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There are few names that are quicker the make a wealthy Prima Terran hide their valuables than that of Pennatrice. A famed and long-lived Elvish jewel thief, Pennatrice has been active for at least three centuries throughout the provinces of the continent. Their true name and ethnicity unknown, their appearance regularly changing to fit into where they are, but staying consistently Elvish, Pennatice is amongst the most daring and famous rogues in the world.   Flirtatious, salacious, and greedy, Pennatrice the Jewel Thief prefers love to war, but prefers gold more. She prefers the company of like-minded people, but frequently ropes unwitting adventurers into her schemes.

Physical Description

Body Features

The master thief is also a master of disguise, having appeared as various sub-races of elves across the centuries. At present, she is appearing as an Ice Elf in Jameleska. During the 40 year war, she appeared as an orange skinned Southern Elf with red hair, and in 992 she appeared as a midland high elf with blonde hair and was much shorter than her current height.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pennatrice’s personal history is somewhat mysterious, with the elf never sharing much of their past outside some of their most famous exploits. Even their place of origin is in doubt, as they have appeared as multiple variations of elf across the three centuries of active heisting. Some rumours say she is in fact a changeling, others that she is an Eladrin of the faerie court, and this sort of questioning and legend building is a legacy Pennatrice loves to leave in her wake.   Pennatrice first met Doomed 2 Die in Jameleska, posing as an adventurer named Penny. Their disguise was given up upon entering the tomb, when they revealed their identity to Val. They had entered the tomb to find the Paladin’s Gem, but was stopped by the party when they realised taking the gem would unleash Orcus’s hordes into the crypts. Pennatrice and the group has a small scuffle, with Pennatrice being shot briefly but stabbing Val on her way out and taking Azura as a hostage. The two would make up and make out at the masquerade ball, after some alone time in the broom closet the master thief helped the party save Prince Haakon and defeat Ashana Veer and the Jameleskan Syndicate.   Pennatrice would later help Val and Roach during the Endstarre Casino night, splitting the profists of their heist on the vaults three ways. During the heist, Pennatrice showed appreciated for Roach's talent and a deept respect and admiration of Val.   Not much is known of Pennatrice's precise movements before this, claims of her involvement in various heists can be found throughout the cities and courts of Prima Terra. It is said during the war she posed as a Seldrinar captain and stole half the wealth of Seldros Prime over the 40 year period, including the Supremator’s own sceptre.   Pennatrice was most famously active in Bunnsburgh during 992 where she met the Heroes of the Commonwealth on the mission to fight Ucothah and got caught up in murder mystery, but made up with their target sapphire nonetheless.


Pennatrice is known to use their sexuality for fun and to aid them on missions. Pennatrice and Val shared a one-heist-stand during the masquerade ball.

Morality & Philosophy

Pennatrice’s morality is hard to discern. They only target the wealthy, but they do not care for the aftermath of their thefts. During the Paladin’s Gem quest, they did not seem bothered about the cult of Orcus, figuring “well someone will sort them out.” She also tends to avoid battle, preferring to non-lethally injure than kill, showing at least some kind of moral code.
Status Alive     First Appearance: Session 46, The Paladin's Gem
Current Location
Dark Brown
Golden roots to Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Appearances: 4
  • Session 46: The Paladin's Gem
  • Session 47: Tombraiders
  • Session 51: Ballroom Blitz
  • Session 66: Tales from Jameleska pt.2


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