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Vanar Salinir

Vanar Salinir

A proud member of the Ice Elf great house of Salinir, Vanar is the fifth inline to the heirship and a brash, aggressive and short-sighted warrior. Known to Kilir Dragontooth, Vanar launched a rogue attack on the island of Orsturejya in retallation for the sinking of a Salinir ship during the Eastern Isle crisis of 1052, 3e and has been labelled a criminal by the Salinirs and Dragontooths.   Taken into the custody of Doomed 2 Die willingly after being shown the truth about the attacks and responsibility of the Scion of the Seas he has been exiled from Effelin and forced to serve House Dragontooth for the rest of his life, unless his debt is agreed as repaid by the leader of the Dragontooth faction.   He is currently in the company of Kilir Dragontooth and Doomed 2 Die, helping to ammend his wrongs and fight the Scion of the Seas throughout the Eastern Isles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vanar was born in Effelin in the year 719, 3e to Maedrin Salinir and Kiera Alyse. A spoilt child, Vanar is reasonabily high up the in the order of succession of Eldership of the Salinir household at 9th. Magic came easy to them due to their sorcererous nature, and they had all the wealth of their household at their disposal. They rarely left their home islands, except on occasional sailing trips aboard his own private Salinir longship.   Vanar would miss out on the 40 Year War due to his family's limited involvement, and was resentful for this fact. At some point in the last deacade they would also meet Kilir Dragontooth at a diplomatic feast in Orsturkirk.  

The Deep Arc

When attacks on human and elven ships around The Eastern Isles began, Vanar was outraged, blaming the humans for the attacks and for staging sinkings of their own vessels. Despite members of their house urging caution, Vanar took their ship and sailed for Orsturejya to raid it. Landing in the homestead of Redharbour, Vanar looted the town and killed many of its residents.   The would be ousted by the arrival of Doomed 2 Die and Kilir, who took them into custody after Vanar was shown the truth of what was happening by Azura. They sent their crew away, secretly instructing them to not return to Effelin where they would be arrested. An attempt on Vanar's life was orchestrated by House Ghastsea, but prevented by Kilir and the party.   Taken back to Effelin, they were exield by their grandparent, Elder Ranathos Salinir for the rest of their life unless the head of House Dragontooth decreed the debt repayed. Given till sunrise to leave Salinir territory, Vanar was stuck with the party. They would be taken into space alongside Kilir where they narrowly escaped The Wraiths.   In Freywen they helped ease tensions with the pro-salinir factions of the town and acted as a distraction during the party's mission to defeat the Vanguard of the Dragon Clan known as The Crown. Later in Orsturkirk, Vanar was sent by Kilir as an anvoy to invite his family to the peace conference in Crowsport.
Current Location
Date of Birth
19th Harvestyme, 719 3/i]a
Long, straight, SIlver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Appearances: 10
  • Session 134: Redharbour
  • Session 135: Sweaty Sailors, Exiled Sons
  • Session 136: Eagles and Moons
  • Session 137: Fate of Vanar
  • Session 139: The Search for Vorr
  • Session 140: Assimilate
  • Session 143: Blue Seas and Black Foxes
  • Session 144: The Crown of Freywen
  • Session 145: Questions of the Mist
  • Session 147: Tales from Orsturkirk


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