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Scion of the Seas

The Scion of the Seals

"To think I offered you freedom, and you chose to become simply the pawn of another god."
A mysterious and malevolent sea being that is a sworn enemy and advesary of Manannan Mac Lir and other sea gods and entities. Currently interfering in Aedrinar, the Scion has been building an army of sea monsters including merrow, sahuagin, a juvinile kraken known as the 'leviathan', harpies, and deep scions. Sowing chaos throughout the eastern isles, The Scion is risking the triggering of war between the humans and elves of the region to improve his powers.   The scion is hunting for a mysterious sarcophagus in the wreck of High King Haarold I Seasnake. Their purpose and goals are unknown, but powerful entities from Aegir to Mannanan Mac Lir are determined to stop the scion's goals. The Scion has taken a special interest in Azura, the former Warlock and current avatar of the old god Mac Lir, once trying to sway the wizard to their side. They have also targetted Olivir and Doomed 2 Die by association.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Scion's past remains unknown but it is clear they have a long and hidden history with the Old God of the seas, Mannanan Mac Lir. Neither the scion nor the god have been clear on their history or why they are ancient enemies.

The White Will Arc

The Scion of the Seas first appeared to Doomed 2 Die when the party were returning from Jameleska to the Western Hold after investigating the origins of the White Will. The Scion put the crew of the boneless, including the companions Erika, Fr. Tomos Siegfried, and Ivar into a magical sleep. Shan managed to resist the enchantment and battled with the scion's forces whilst Azura spoke with the scion in their magical sleep.   Trying to lure Azura to their side, the wizard resisted and earned the enmity of the Scion and their forces. The crew would be careful traversing the coastline, but did not encounter the scion's attackers for the next two weeks.  

The Deep Arc

The Scion of the Seas has been busy sowing discontent in the Eastern Isles, with their armies of sea monsters they have been battling with Olivir and attacking merchant and noble ships in the region, causing all sides to blame each other and risking war between the elves and humans. When Doomed 2 Die first entered the region after leaving Furunheim.   The scion launched a similar attack to before, with Shan again resisting the magical enchantment. Azura was rescued from the Scion's dreamscape by Aegir's timely intervention. The scion adominished Azura for becoming Mac Lir's avatar, and his forces were determined to sink both The Boneless and The Lyre's Tongue. The party managed to defeat the attackers and continued on their voyage to Orsturkirk. Oli informed the party the Scion was sowing chaos in the region to fuel their powers, and they would need to help foster peace to weaken them.
Pitch Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A dark green slimey seaweed aggregation
Appearances: 2
  • Session 95: Scions
  • Session 130: The Vaniri Sea


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