Valen Gastok Character in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Valen Gastok

Director Valen Gastok (a.k.a. The Flying Architect)

Valen Gastok was the previous director of the Laboritory of Gravitational Inversion until his untimely death.   It is believed that Niv-Mizzet may have been thinking of elevating Gastok to an Advisor rank. The dragon had summoned the director for private consultations throughout 10079. Director Gertrudt Airheart neither confirmed nor denied her direct report was in line for a promotion.   Gastok died in a bizarre and horrific way, but one fitting an Izzet director. Eye witnesses claimed that the director doubled over in pain, started to melt, stumbled back toward Zonot Seven, fell into it, and then exploded in a fireball. Prior to that, he had been enjoying coffee and discussion with an Izzet colleague. Rumors persist that Gastok was part of a secret experiment, and some kind of delayed side effects must have killed him. But others suspect an enemy of some kind must have exacted revenge.   Azorius imperator's were unable to find any evidence of enemies beyond the usual Izzet rivalries. Gastok's body was never recovered (but it exploded in a sinkhole leading to the Undersea, so there is little hope of finding anything).

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Gastok was known for his work on stabilizing structures for use during flight. He was also an accomplished architect, having working on several projects for strengthening the Augustin Station and the attached lab to withstand some of the more bombastic methods of flight. He mentioned that he also worked with the Simic as a consultant for some of their laboratories in and around Zonot Seven.


Contacts & Relations

Good friend with Bucket and was the one who really promoted the goblin as a valuable researcher.   Rival with Uldin, didn't like Gastok's jocular nature.

Social Aptitude

Known for his booming laugh and tendency to joke and make horrible puns. Also known for giving anyone a chance to prove themselves in the lab.
Date of Death
18th of Griev 10080
Dark grey eyes
Sandy blonde with thick sideburns
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, but tanned during the summer
5' 10"

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