Supervisor Uldin's Notes Document in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Supervisor Uldin's Notes

Summary of the contents  
  • Supervisor Uldin was assigned to the Blue Lab during his time at this satellite Lab R009C.
  • Doesn't know what Director Valen Gastok is doing in his private Orange lab.
  • Did not approve of Director Gastok and Buksnix "Bucket" being disruptive to others on the workfloor.
  • Does not approve of Buksnix being put in charge of safety protocols for the lab.
  • Noted the proposal for the tunnel under the lab leading to the undercity, and how quickly Director Airheart approved it.
  • Annoyed he wasn't included in the retrofitting of a construct for use in the tunnel.
  • Noted the frequent departures of Director Gastok with the construct in the tunnel.
  • Received a response to his complaint - Director Airheart is unconcerned.
  • 13th of Selesni 10080, Gastok moved his equipment out of the Orange lab and opened it to other researchers.
  • Noted the last time Uldin saw the construct was back on 10 of Zuun 10079.
  19th of Selesneni 10080 was when the incident occurred.


A personal journal left in the Lab R009C during the incident.
Journal, Personal

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