Session Fifteen 4/2/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasari (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Roland (Zack), Zavania (Alyssa), Redla (Melissa)   After concluding their affairs at the Shrine of Savras, the party delved into a thorough search of the area, uncovering both treasures and revelations that would shape their future endeavors.   Their exploration within the shrine itself yielded a significant discovery—a golden bell nestled within the bell tower. Through Darfin's daring climb and the party's ingenuity, they devised a plan to liberate the bell, a plan that led to an unexpected dilemma concerning the enchanted ogre, Oxcart. Under Zavania's spell, Oxcart had become an unexpected ally, his loyalty proving steadfast even as the enchantment's duration waned. Ultimately, the party decided to employ the Bronze Scale Casting Coin to transport the bell to Dragon's Rest, opting for a safer solution to avoid potential complications with the ogre.   Upon their return to Dragon's Rest and a brief interaction with Elder Runara who let the group know that their shipment of wood and stone had recently arrived, the party encountered a temporal anomaly during their teleportation back to the shrine, resulting in an unexpected passage of time. To their amazement, Oxcart remained loyal and even bestowed upon Zavania a horn for summoning assistance in dire straits.   Their exploration continued, culminating in the discovery of a statue dedicated to Savras, the god of divination and fate, which was easily identifiable by Redla. Noticing that the shrine had rolling stone wheels underneath Kasari and Redla would attempt to move the shrine but this triggered a profound vision, revealing crucial insights into the looming threat of a white dragon nestled within a keep deep in the Sword Mountains—an ominous foreshadowing of battles to come.   Amidst their search, the party also stumbled upon valuable artifacts—a Trident of Fish Command, Mithral Half Plate, and a Staff of Adder—each finding a rightful owner among them.   With the shrine now cleared of orcs, the party facilitated Zeleen and her wererats' departure from the Mountain's Toe Gold Mine, forging a pact with Zeleen in the process. Finkelstein's promise to visit Zeleen again resulted in an enigmatic brand upon his hand, hinting at unforeseen consequences if he is to not honor his promise.   Returning to the mine with Don Jon and Zeleen, the party secured a promise of regular gold ore shipments for Dragon's Rest, with their newfound alliance and Don Jon's gratitude.   With determination, the party set their sights on Alfonso "Big Al" Kalazorn's Butterskull Ranch, currently besieged by marauding orcs. Along their journey, they encountered a series of intriguing encounters that would leave lasting impressions.

Amidst their travels, the party stumbled upon a magnificent sight—a colossal gold dragon, Mushu, gracefully attempting to catch fish in a nearby river. Entranced by the dragon's elegance, Kasari, emboldened by his recent acquisition of the Trident of Fish Command, offered to assist Mushu in her quest for aquatic delights.   Harnessing the trident's power, Kasari summoned forth a bountiful school of fish, much to Mushu's delight. Overwhelmed by the abundance of her favorite delicacy, Mushu found herself overcome with euphoria, prompting a whimsical request—she implored the party to serenade her with a song celebrating the splendor of the sea.
Answering the call, Finkelstein, ever the bard, wove a mesmerizing melody that resonated with Mushu's soul. As the song reached its crescendo, an enchanting spectacle unfolded—a passionate union between dragon and bard. Mushu would wrap her large tail around Finkelstein and both would propel upwards into the sky.   Spellbound, the rest of the party could only watch in awe as Mushu and Finkelstein soared amidst the clouds, as they embraced eachother in elecant love making. With heartfelt gratitude, Mushu bid farewell, expressing her appreciation to Finkelstein for his artistry and Kasari for his gift of fish.   As Mushu departed, a sense of joy lingered in her wake, a reminder of the magic that thrived within the world and the bonds forged between unlikely companions on the journey of life.
Continuing their journey, the party stumbled upon a peculiar sight—a group of four horses and a cow adorned with the brand "BAK," grazing peacefully in the meadow. Sensing an opportunity for communication, Zavania cast Speak with Animals to converse with the creatures.   The horses relayed a tale of abandonment, explaining that they had been left unattended for several days, their masters absent as the cycle of day and night continued its relentless march. Concerned for their well-being, Zavania inquired about the newcomer, the cow named Petunia, who revealed herself as a recent arrival, having strayed from her home farm and now lost. Recognizing Petunia's predicament, Zavania vowed to aid her in finding her way back to her farm.   In a gesture of trust and gratitude, the horses, touched by Zavania's kindness, bestowed upon her, Kasari, Redla, and Darfin their favor, offering each of them a riding horse to aid in their travels.

Arriving at Butterskull Ranch, the party was met with a scene of chaos as orcs pillaged the once-peaceful homestead. Swiftly strategizing, the party pooled their skills and resources to formulate a plan of action.   Zavania, utilizing her druidic abilities, transformed into a mouse to stealthily survey the interior of the house. Her reconnaissance revealed that Alfonso was bound and held captive on the second floor, guarded by a group of orcs, including a formidable orc druid. With this crucial information in hand, Zavania reverted to her rat form and relayed her findings to the party.   In a bold gambit to rescue Alfonso, the party devised a two-pronged approach. While Zavania, in her rat form, prepared to utilize her casting coin to teleport Alfonso to safety in Dragon's Rest, the remaining members of the party orchestrated a distraction outside the ranch. Darfin ignited a hay pile, setting ablaze a diversionary spectacle, while the others created a cacophony of noise to draw the attention of the orc raiders.   Amidst the chaos, Zavania executed her plan flawlessly, whisking Alfonso away to the safety of Dragon's Rest in the blink of an eye. With their primary objective achieved, she swiftly rejoined her companions in the fray, ready to lend her aid in the battle against the remaining orcs.   What ensued was a harrowing conflict, the clash of steel and spell, as the party faced off against their adversaries in a desperate struggle for victory. Through skill, determination, and sheer tenacity, they emerged triumphant, their valor and teamwork prevailing against the odds.   As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, the party stood victorious, their mission accomplished and Butterskull Ranch liberated from the grasp of the orc invaders.

Rewards Granted

Trident of Fish Command - Kasari obtained this from the shrine   Mithral Half Plate - Finkelstein obtained this from the shrine   Staff of Adder - Zavania obtained this from the shrine.
Party gained +1 level during this session.
level 6
Kasari, Finkelstein, Zavania, & Darfin
level 5
Redla & Roland reached level 5.


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