Green Dot Coffee

A local coffeehouse franchise to Nottingham


Green Dot Coffee's locations utilize the local architecture found in Nottingham with few alterations outside of standard food and beverage requirements and accessibility for its patrons, making each location unique. Many are converted from other shops that have gone out of business, giving a unique experience in each one as some were converted clothing retailers, fast food restaurants, or book stores, often keeping much of the old utilities and furniture.   The founding cafe of the franchise, just outside the Nottingham Square Memorial Garden, was once a large bookstore and kept much of the stock for their patrons. Large bookshelves litter the cafe with a 'take one, leave one' policy, allowing their patrons to freely borrow books at will.


Green Dot Coffee was founded as a locally owned and operated cafe in 19,845 with a mission statement to serve Nottingham's community first. The cafe is home to many local community meetings centering around bettering the city such as recycling, sustainability practices, and local outreach. The cafe is well known for its yearly food drive in Sola, where the cafe will serve as a collection center for food, drink, and basic necessities for the homeless and for every food or drink item they sell, they will donate the full profit to a local homeless shelter. This is often the busiest time of the year for the franchise that sees record sales year after year and far from their only project.   Due to their sustainability practices and local outreach, the cafe became quite popular quickly with the city, opening multiple franchise locations throughout Nottingham's various suburbs.
Cafe / Tearoom
Parent Location


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