The Valentine Estate


The Valentine Estate has seen many renovations, alterations, and additions in it's lifetime. Built in 18,065, the building was originally meant to be an art gallery, though the project was never fully finished until 18,112, when it was converted into a boarding school. The building changed hands multiple times and it's purpose, briefly becoming a private school, a public library, a public center, and then was closed in 19,059. It was acquired by the Valentine family in 19,732 when surrounding properties were sold and converted into modern homes and parks during a restructuring of the district, set to be torn down and also converted, though the Valentine family did not allow this, citing the building's age and importance to local historians.   The building has since been the home of Maura Valentine and her husband, Victor Valentine I, and childhood home of their son, Victor Valentine II. The home is host to twice yearly archeology conferences with historians and archeologists across the eastern seaboard and monthly the family holds junior archeology talks from the home, sponsored in part by Nottingham's public school system, allowing students between the ages of 10 and 20 to join and supplement their education.
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