Nottingham's State Museum of Humanoid History

Purpose / Function

The NSMHH is a large and extensive collection of humanoid artifacts dating to the human era, dedicated to the research, study, and understanding of all humanoid race's evolution, history, and culture. It has several wings


The museum has seen numerous renovations over the years, as the building has been standing for over 1,000 years. Most of these renovations have been to the building's primary structure, as the foundation, windows, and stairs have needed to be replaced several times due to damage and updates in building codes. The railings and inner staircases in particular have been changed several times, as the building was not built with non-humanoid races in mind, having been built by mages when first constructed. Several elevators were added across multiple floors, so that those that cannot use the stairs can still navigate the building. Many doorways and doors were replaced as well, making them large enough for even the biggest centaur and arachne.   324 years ago, the building came into ownership of Victor Valentine I, who oversaw massive renovations to the building to not only update it to building codes, but make it vampire friendly. He added pebbled stained glass windows to block UV rays, several awnings and roofed patios to the museum's yard, and change the museum's hours to have the lobby open at all hours, so vampires can take shelter.


The museum is one of the older structures in Nottingham, primarily constructed out of stone and brick. It has incredibly massive windows with wrought iron frames and bars over thick pebbled glass designed specially to protect vampires inside from the sun. Granite floors sweep across it's several wings, each dedicated to a separate subject of humanoid history along with a wing solely dedicated to traveling exhibits.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Nottingham Museum, NSMHH
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Articles under Nottingham's State Museum of Humanoid History


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