Tolderan Theocracy Organization in Rebia | World Anvil
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Tolderan Theocracy

Toldero is located just south of the equator, with temperatures ranging from -6° to 28°C. The most common biome is grasslands, with hot and cold deserts in the south, and temperate deciduous forest along the borders and the northern islands.


The Seschenal is an appointed priest of the Denary faith. Receiving guidance from oracles in contact with the pantheon. They have the executive say on what goes on in the Theocracy, with different regional leaders in the provinces enforcing the will of the gods.


Toldero is the oldest still-standing nation of the modern world, founded ≈5000 years ago. Toldero has kept its borders closed to outsiders up until around 1000 years ago when trade routes and diplomatic relations became necessary to maintain the survival of the nation.

Demography and Population

Eldayr and Yatenn are the most common cultures.

Foreign Relations

The Tolderan Theocracy have negotiated a truce with the Yatenn people, and collaborate relatively little with other nations.

Trade & Transport

Import Export
  • Toldero is one of the largest exporter of wood, paper and textiles.


Tolderan architecture is robust and rarely especially decorated. Made to look as if chiselled from one large piece of stone, the architecture in Toldero is seen by some as imposing and heartless, by others as grand and with a subtle beauty.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


Tolderan clothing is often made from one singular piece of cloth, wrapped in different styles.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


The Tolderan toga, a wrapped piece of textile, can be worn in many ways. If worn around the waist fastened by a belt, it can serve as a skirt that can be changed to wrap around the upper body for warmth. For those with Eldayr descent, it is essential to be able to modify one's clothing to ease flight. Those who prefer a more decorated look can have fringe or embroidered borders decorated with metal and small mirrors. Turbans and loose hoods are also common.


Military uniforms resemble day-to-day fashion, with belts and sashes to hold ranged weaponry. Headgear is either a curved metal helmet or turbans sporting the Tolderan colours.

We are and always will be

Tolderan Theocracy
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Founding Date
4000 BU
Alternative Names
Toldero, The Den, Denarian lands
Leader Title
Major Exports
  • Paper
  • Textile
  • Fur
  • Wood
Major Imports
  • Firearms
  • Ships
  • Medicine
  • Fruit
  • Spices
Legislative Body
The legislative body consists of a bicameral parliament. Nomos for common law and Themos for divine law.
Judicial Body
The judicial rule differs in the provinces, but the capital Botrek has a court with judges divided between matters of divine law, and matters of common law.
Executive Body
The Seschenal is an appointed priest that leads the executive branch with guidance from oracles in contact with the pantheon of the Denary faith. They have the executive say on what goes on in the Theocracy as a nation, although the different regional leaders in the provinces enforce the will of the gods and govern the province as they see fit.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Character flag image: by Public domain