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Sylvi's Farm

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Average: Satisfactorily cared for, requiring the normal amount of work for the reward. Respectable but not exceptional.

Contains: Nihilus Family squatting in (Akula's Hut)

Rocky Escarpment: A large rocky escarpment on the land reduces its usable space, lowering its income by 15 L per year. An enterprising owner may attempt to turn it into a quarry or mine.

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Abundant: Fertile and well-tended, this hide is abundant with life and can grow most things. Few pests or scavengers. (+10%)

Contains: None, and building is in bad condition.

Rocky Escarpment: A large rocky escarpment on the land reduces its usable space, lowering its income by 15 L per year. An enterprising owner may attempt to turn it into a quarry or mine.

Most caves have something living within. Cave inhabitants rarely stay within their cave, coming out at harass locals that dare build farmsteads near their homes.

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Lush: Excellent soil, great weather, plenty of sunlight, almost self-sufficient. Few scavengers or pests. Food grown in this hide tastes better than it does from elsewhere, and seeds may even be sought by coin or barter. (+25%)

Contains: None, and building is in bad condition.

Forested: A large portion of the land is forested, which could be cleared at a cost of 5 W, taking a season of logging. This would convert it into arable lands and potentially some value for the timber (gamemaster discretion). If not converted, the hide produces half normal income each year. There is a 50% chance that something lives in the forest that would take exception to the clearing. The Forest Inhabitants, (Spirits).

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Abundant: Fertile and well-tended, this hide is abundant with life and can grow most things. Few pests or scavengers. (+10%)

Contains: Gang of 9 bandits, criminals, or fugitives.

Fertile Plains: These lands are especially fertile, producing +5 L of yield per year if used as farmland.

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Average: Satisfactorily cared for, requiring the normal amount of work for the reward. Respectable but not exceptional.

Contains: None, and building is in bad condition.

Creek: A creek runs through the land, providing abundant fresh water for irrigation. The land produces +15 L per year.

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Sparse: While things grow here, little flourishes. There is almost enough water and sunlight, but the soil is either not particularly good or is overworked and needs effort and time to restore. (-20%)

Contains: Seemingly abandoned .

Lake: A large lake gives access to plenty of fresh water and schools of fish. The land produces +10 L per year. In addition to the farmer required to maintain the land, several fisher families will settle if allowed, adding +10 L income per year.

Anual Income
195L (9W 75L)

Parent Location
Included Locations

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