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The Far Islands

As the Icy Northern Seas slowly turn into the Great Green Sea, a chain of Islands rise like Emeralds. Green and verdant, home to ancient Giant and Elven ruins and now to strange peoples, they are mysterious and somewhat alien to the people of the continent but hold the promise of wealth and adventure.


There are four primary Islands, and a slew of minor islands surrounding them, though in truth their number is uncounted. The Islands themselves vary in terrain from rocky and fjord-filled to the north to more gentle terrain of the worn south. All the islands are covered in thick forests, which many say are the product of ancient elven gardening.

Fauna & Flora

The Islands have varied Flora and Fauna such that it is hard to generalize. There are fewer large mammals then the continent; Bears, Wolves and Foxes being the principal predators, with Deer, Wild Pigs, Rabbits and assorted Rodents and Birds occupying other ecological niche's.   The Plants of the Islands are varied and strange; from the Iron-Oaks of Il, to the many-coloured flowers of the Islands to strange roots and herbs with medicinal and magical properties.
Alternative Name(s)
The Western Islands, The World's Edge Islands
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